LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory when building glibc. Please change the envir

简介: 执行# ./glibc-2.14/configure 出现以下错误:checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable... contains current directoryconfigure: error: *** LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...

执行# ./glibc-2.14/configure 出现以下错误:

checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable... contains current directory
configure: error: 
*** LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory when
*** building glibc. Please change the environment variable
*** and run configure again.



[root@localhost opt]# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[root@localhost opt]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
[root@localhost opt]# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

[root@localhost opt]# ./glibc-2.14/configure 
Ubuntu Unix Linux
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The file is in the program because: Imported via xxx Root file specified for compilation Vetur(1261)
193 0
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