[导入]What is the equivalent to regsvr32 in .NET?


Where you once used Regsvr32 on unmanaged COM libraries, you will now use Regasm on managed .NET libraries.

Regsvr32 is the command-line tool that registers .dll files as command components in the registry“

“Regasm.exe, the  Assembly Registration tool  that comes with the .NET SDK,  reads the metadata within an assembly and adds the necessary entries to the registry, which allows COM clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently. Once a class is registered, any COM client can use it as though the class were a COM class. The class is registered only once, when the assembly is installed. Instances of classes within the assembly cannot be created from COM until they are actually registered.“

If you want to register an assembly programmatically, see the RegistrationServices class and ComRegisterFunctionAttribute


.net NPOI Excel导入:时间格式2022/5/26导入变成26-5月-2022
​ 1、问题由来 在做一个导入的需求时,测试导入模板,无论导入模板里的日期设置成何种日期格式到代码中都会提示有不正确的格式化数据,加断点调试发现,导入的日期如:Excel表格中是2022/5/26,断点看到的却是26-5月-2022。 2、解决方案 网上查询了几种解决方案,有导入的数据列格式判断转换,日期格式强转等等,都没什么效果,最后解决的方法如下: // NPOI导入日期格式处理 string mytime = dateStr.Trim(); // dateStr为Excel导入的日期值 IFormatProvider culture = new CultureInfo("zh-CN"
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