Alibaba Cloud Redis Accelerates Access to the Discuz Forum

云数据库 Tair(兼容Redis),内存型 2GB
Redis 开源版,标准版 2GB
简介: Are you suffering from slow website access? Are you worried about overloading your servers by having too many visitors?


Are you suffering from slow website access? Are you worried about overloading your servers by having too many visitors? Worry not. Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for Redis can provide the necessary solutions to your problems. Despite its computing power, Alibaba Cloud ECS has only 1 GB of memory. ECS is a high-performance server that is ideal for computing, but not necessarily ideal for database applications.

ApsaraDB for Redis supports both subscription and pay-as-you-go billing methods. If you are planning on using the database for a longer time, subscription is the way to go. You can get ApsaraDB for Redis from as low as $99 a month (China regions), or try it for free with our $300 New User Credit. Visit the official page of ApsaraDB for Redis for more information.

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB Redis

As an open source key-value type database cache and storage system, Redis provides extensive data structures to support diversified business chain scenarios, such as hashes, lists, sets, and ordered sets. ApsaraDB for Redis provides database services compatible with the Redis protocol, and supports single server mode and cluster mode. It offers a full range of database solutions including disaster tolerance, failover, online expansion, and performance optimization.


For new users, you can get $250 Free Credit to enjoy ApsaraDB for Redis services.

To test Redis, you can run the following code:

1. telnet 6379 #Redis console connection
2. Trying
3. Connected to
4. Escape character is '^]'.
5. auth password #Enter the password of the Redis console
6. +OK
7. quit
8. +OK
9. Connection closed by foreign host.

Installing PHP Extension

You can install the PHP extension for interfacing with Redis.

Install phpredis

1. wget #Download
2. tar -zxvf nginx-2.2.4.tar.gz #Unzip the package
3. cd phpredis-2.2.4 #Enter the installation directory
4. /usr/local/php/bin/phpize #Use phpize to generate the configure files
5. ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config #Configure
6. make #Compile
7. make install #Install

The following installation path appears after the installation is completed /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/

Configure php support

1. vi /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini #Edit the configuration file, and add the following contents into the last row (enter G: the cursor moves to the last row)
2. extension=""

Configure Session Management

Modify the session storage method, the default PHP uses a file to store the session information, which is saved in the tmp folder in Linux. Restart the PHP service, and the resulting PHP session information will be stored on Alibaba Cloud Redis. Users can resize Redis at any time based on fluctuations in business volume.

1. session.save_handler = redis
2. session.save_path = "tcp://host:6379?auth=PASSWORD"#Change to the host and password of the console

Save and quit.

1. :wq! #Save and quit

View the location of

Please note that you should confirm the location of the file yourself, as different operating systems and installation methods may place it in different locations
Edit the php file:

<?php phpinfo();?>


Restart php-fpm

Discuz Cache Configuration

Finally, we will see how we can speed up access to Discuz with ApsaraDB for Redish. Enabling the memory optimization function will greatly improve the performance of the program and the load capacity of the server. The memory optimization function needs support from the server system and the PHP extension module.

Memory optimization interfaces supported by Discuz are Memcache, eAccelerator, Alternative PHP Cache(APC), Xcache, Redis, YAC, and APCu. The optimization system will choose the best interface based on the current server environment.

Open the config_global.php file under the config directory

1. // -------------------  CONFIG MEMORY  --------------- //
2. $_config['memory']['prefix'] = 'RxwzUf_';
3. $_config['memory']['redis']['server'] = 'Enter the address connecting to the Redis console (host)';
4. $_config['memory']['redis']['port'] = 6379;
5. $_config['memory']['redis']['pconnect'] = 1;
6. $_config['memory']['redis']['timeout'] = '0';
7. $_config['memory']['redis']['requirepass'] = 'Enter the password of the Redis console';
8. $_config['memory']['redis']['serializer'] = 1;

Log on to the backend, and go to Global - Performance Optimization - Memory Optimization, and you will see the following interface (my interface is in Chinese):


Check the backend after it has been running for a while:



Advantages of Alibaba Cloud Redis

• Redis Master/Slave supports hot standby by default.
• Redis Master/Slave is a versatile configuration that supports lua, transaction, as well as Redis 3.0 GEO computing.
• Redis features excellent performance, boasting up to 10WQPS.
• Redis Master/Slave supports data persistence, one AOF Fsync per second, as well as backup and recovery features.
• Redis Master/Slave only has 256 MB memory but performs extremely well. The cost to performance ratio is very low for applications that require small amounts of memory.
• Redis Master/Slave supports dynamic resizing. Users can dynamically upgrade Redis to support business growth.
• Visualized historical monitoring data and alert configuration.
• Customized background backup cycle, keeps data for 7 days.

Disadvantages of Alibaba Cloud Redis

• Using Redis can be a little costly. This, however, is common among all cloud service providers.
• Initially, I had some issues configuring the IP whitelist (not sure if I have missed something), and all servers with network access can connect to it. However, you can follow the steps here for proper configuration:

云数据库 Redis 版使用教程
云数据库Redis版是兼容Redis协议标准的、提供持久化的内存数据库服务,基于高可靠双机热备架构及可无缝扩展的集群架构,满足高读写性能场景及容量需弹性变配的业务需求。 产品详情: &nbsp; &nbsp; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 阿里云数据库体验:数据库上云实战 开发者云会免费提供一台带自建MySQL的源数据库&nbsp;ECS 实例和一台目标数据库&nbsp;RDS实例。跟着指引,您可以一步步实现将ECS自建数据库迁移到目标数据库RDS。 点击下方链接,领取免费ECS&amp;RDS资源,30分钟完成数据库上云实战!
弹性计算 NoSQL Linux
在Alibaba Cloud Linux系统上安装Redis数据库流程
在Alibaba Cloud Linux系统上安装Redis数据库流程,阿里云持久内存服务器ECS可用于搭建Redis内存型数据库,云服务器吧以阿里云服务器ECS持久内存型、Alibaba Cloud Linux镜像操作系统安装Redis 6.0.5或Redis 3.2.12详细操作流程如下:
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Alibaba Cloud Linux 2针对Redis应用进行了专项调优,相比社区版操作系统,Redis应用整体性能提升20%以上。Alibaba Cloud Linux 2内置Redis 6.0.5和Redis 3.2.12的yum源,执行sudo yum install命令即可部署Redis 6.0.5和Redis 3.2.12。
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弹性计算 NoSQL Linux
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阿里云服务器持久内存Alibaba Cloud Linux安装Redis数据库流程,阿里云持久内存服务器ECS可用于搭建Redis内存型数据库,云服务器吧以阿里云服务器ECS持久内存型、Alibaba Cloud Linux镜像操作系统安装Redis 6.0.5或Redis 3.2.12详细操作流程如下:
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弹性计算 NoSQL Linux
阿里云持久内存服务器安装Redis by Alibaba Cloud Linux
阿里云持久内存型云服务器ECS有re7p、r7p、re6p等,云服务器吧以持久内存型re6p实例ecs.re6p-redis.2xlarge为例,操作系统镜像为Alibaba Cloud Linux 2.1903 LTS 64位,安装Redis 6.0.5或Redis 3.2.12教程如下:
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阿里云服务器Alibaba Cloud Linux操作系统安装Redis流程及命令,Alibaba Cloud Linux 2针对Redis应用进行了专项调优,相比社区版操作系统,Redis应用整体性能提升20%以上。Alibaba Cloud Linux 2内置Redis 6.0.5和Redis 3.2.12的yum源,执行sudo yum install命令即可部署Redis 6.0.5和Redis 3.2.12。
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