Gulp Error: Cannot find module 'jshint/src/cli'

简介: I'm following sitepoint's An introduction to Gulp.js, but I'm stuck on step four, when I try to run gulp jshint I get "Error: Cannot find module 'jshi...

I'm following sitepoint's An introduction to Gulp.js, but I'm stuck on step four, when I try to run gulp jshint I get "Error: Cannot find module 'jshint/src/cli'"

I've no idea what's causing this, which is why I'm asking here. Below are a couple of screen grabs to help with the issue.

You need to install jshint as well, that will sort out the issue.

> npm install --save-dev jshint gulp-jshint

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webpack 使用打包报错 ERROR in node_modules\@types\node\ts4.8\assert.d.ts
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error in ./node_modules/@intlify/core-base/dist/core-base.cjs
124 2
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Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js)
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Cannot find module ‘xxx\node_modules\yorkie\bin\install.js‘
Cannot find module ‘xxx\node_modules\yorkie\bin\install.js‘
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