English Contest -- My English History

简介: <p>Yes,My English History.My English story is from reading technology papers about computer science.Just read,not speak out.</p> <p>BTW,Is somebody still reading papers after left university?tech

Yes,My English History.My English story is from reading technology papers about computer science.Just read,not speak out.

BTW,Is somebody still reading papers after left university?technology papers,science papers,...,etc

2 years back before I joined in NSN,i had been working in a research company in a university for 6 years.My habit is formed there,that is reading technology papers about latest developments on my interesting area. Reading papers give me a big picture about computer science and technology,and broaden my views, and help to open a door to NSN.

after I joined in NSN, I got that Quite a long time miss speaking English make my oral English very very poor. As a Newcomer of foreigncompany,two problems  trouble me very  very much.The first problem is :when I have ameeting wtih or talk with foreign colleague,I do not understand what they say, especiallyfor India colleagues .The second problem is :when I have a meeting with or talk with foreign colleague ,They do not understand what I say.I wished I could dealmy work smoothly.I also wished I could speak “fabulous ”,”awesome” English.Just like Jack or Brain and all toastmasters.But it seemed impossible!!!

The shy and inferiority [ɪn,fɪərɪ'ɒrɪtɪ]  slowly became a motivation for me.A door is opened after I gave a 15 minutes prepare presentation on the weekly line meeting, the feedback of our team is good . But they do not know long I prepared and how long I practiced  for that presentation! But it seems the dam ofpatience['peɪʃ(ə)ns] broke!,the ice of English broke!

From then on, I spent one hour daily learning English words from a application on the smart phone ,the application name is "BaiCiZhan".I have shared this software many times and my places,lots of people say that Iam making  Advertisement for this software. But In Fact,I am making  Advertisement for “Learning English” . and one point I want to highlight,the main use case of Smart phone is “Learning English”,I bought my first smart phone last year dedicated for “Learning English” . The smart phone  open a new door for me to make progress and  I am proud of I have been keep on learning English words near 300 days.

But I'm most proud of my Line Team.My Line Team is a great team.We Company each other to have a wonderful journey of English Presentationfor more than one year, more than 60 weeks! We do it together! We have poet, Nine sons of dragon,basketball player,football player,Sherlock Holmes,deep thinker,Obsessive-compulsive disorder analyst ,Car expert,wine taster,traveler,etc…, This activity not only open on door to me,but also open a world to me ! toeach other!  This activity also plantedthe seed of English in the heart of our team member! Some day it will bloom!

The original purpose of our English Presentation activitiesis do some preparation to join Toast Master Club. We encourage our team members come to TMC and I almost participate all the meeting last year, I like to be the joke master! May be you want to ask me What I get from the TMC?  I want to share a point from Jack, if a foreigner  do not understand your speech,It's not your English is poor,may be the foreigner ‘s English is poor ! And  accent is charm of your personality.  This point really open a door to my English Learning!

The English presentation also open a door to friendship.We also invite foreigners come to our meeting to give presentation,we all appreciate exchanging  the ideas and different cultures. the most important is we become friends. something surprise coming without aware! I received gifts from India, I also received gift from Europe  two days before Last Christmas!

The past year of English presentation is a unforgettable period of my life .What we get is not ”A small gift from far away,” I think of that what I get is kind of grow up,friendship,respect,share,happiness,and a door to be better,a door to the world!

I could see a change building up in me. I could see a changebuilding up in team,in NewComer,in TMC,in everybody!

But I still learn and improve my English. I believe learning is a lifelong activity,My story does not end,TMC ‘s  story does not end,everybody ‘s story does not end!

The story is ongoing! 

Thank you! That’s all!

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