// ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== /** - create internal class - initialize internal variable - until the end of input YUV file, call encoding function in TEncTop class - delete allocated buffers - destroy internal class . */ Void TAppEncTop::encode() { fstream bitstreamFile(m_pchBitstreamFile, fstream::binary | fstream::out); if (!bitstreamFile) { fprintf(stderr, "\nfailed to open bitstream file `%s' for writing\n", m_pchBitstreamFile); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvOrg = new TComPicYuv; //使用new在运行阶段分配未命名的内存来存储值 TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRec = NULL; // initialize internal class & member variables xInitLibCfg(); xCreateLib(); xInitLib(m_isField); // main encoder loop Int iNumEncoded = 0; Bool bEos = false; list<AccessUnit> outputAccessUnits; ///< list of access units to write out. is populated by the encoding process // allocate original YUV buffer(分配原始YUV缓冲区) if( m_isField ) { pcPicYuvOrg->create( m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeightOrg, m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUHeight, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); } else { pcPicYuvOrg->create( m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight, m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUHeight, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); } while ( !bEos ) { // get buffers xGetBuffer(pcPicYuvRec); // read input YUV file m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.read( pcPicYuvOrg, m_aiPad ); // increase number of received frames m_iFrameRcvd++; bEos = (m_isField && (m_iFrameRcvd == (m_framesToBeEncoded >> 1) )) || ( !m_isField && (m_iFrameRcvd == m_framesToBeEncoded) ); Bool flush = 0; // if end of file (which is only detected on a read failure) flush the encoder of any queued pictures if (m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.isEof()) { flush = true; bEos = true; m_iFrameRcvd--; m_cTEncTop.setFramesToBeEncoded(m_iFrameRcvd); } // call encoding function for one frame if ( m_isField ) { m_cTEncTop.encode( bEos, flush ? 0 : pcPicYuvOrg, m_cListPicYuvRec, outputAccessUnits, iNumEncoded, m_isTopFieldFirst); } else { m_cTEncTop.encode( bEos, flush ? 0 : pcPicYuvOrg, m_cListPicYuvRec, outputAccessUnits, iNumEncoded ); } // write bistream to file if necessary if ( iNumEncoded > 0 ) { xWriteOutput(bitstreamFile, iNumEncoded, outputAccessUnits); outputAccessUnits.clear(); } } m_cTEncTop.printSummary(m_isField); // delete original YUV buffer pcPicYuvOrg->destroy(); delete pcPicYuvOrg; //使用delete释放内存(只能用delete来释放使用new分配的内存) pcPicYuvOrg = NULL; // delete used buffers in encoder class m_cTEncTop.deletePicBuffer(); // delete buffers & classes xDeleteBuffer(); xDestroyLib(); printRateSummary(); return; }