iPhone Web App及优缺点【书摘】

简介: 最近看了一本图书“Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript”,对Web App的开发有了深入的了解 特摘录一些片段,以作为实现选型的依据。
最近看了一本图书“Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript”,对Web App的开发有了深入的了解




What Is a Web App?

To me, a web app is basically a website that is specifically optimized for the iPhone. The site can be anything from a standard small-business brochure site to a mortgage calculator to a daily calorie trackerthe content is irrelevant. The defining characteristics of a web app are that the user interface is built with web-standard technologies, it is available at a URL (public, private, or behind a login), and it is optimized for the specifics of the iPhone. A web app is not installed on the phone, is not available in the iTunes App Store, and is not written with Objective-C.

What Is a Native App?

In contrast, native apps are installed on the iPhone, have access to the hardware (speakers, accelerometer, camera, etc.), and are written with Objective-C. The defining characteristic of a native app, however, is that its available in the iTunes App Storea feature that has captured the imagination of hordes of software entrepreneurs worldwide, myself included.


Pros and Cons

Different applications have different requirements. Some apps are a better fit with web technologies than others. Knowing the pros and cons of each approach will help you make the right decision about which path is appropriate for your situation.

Here are the pros of native app development:

Millions of registered credit card owners are one click away.

Xcode, Interface Builder, and the Cocoa Touch framework constitute a pretty sweet development environment.

You can access all the cool hardware features of the device.

Here are the cons of native app development:

You have to pay to become an Apple developer.

You are at the mercy of the Apple approval process.

You have to develop using Objective-C.

You have to develop on a Mac.

You cant release bug fixes in a timely fashion.

The development cycle is slow, and the testing cycle is constrained by the App Stores limitations.

Here are the pros of web app development:

Web developers can use their current authoring tools.

You can use your current web design and development skills.

You are not limited to developing on the Mac OS.

Your app will run on any device that has a web browser.

You can fix bugs in real time.

The development cycle is fast.

Here are the cons of web app development:

You cannot access the all cool hardware features of the phone.

You have to roll your own payment system if you want to charge for the app.

It can be difficult to achieve sophisticated UI effects.

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