To navigate to the implementation(s) of an abstract method, position the caret at its usage or its name in the declaration and press Ctrl+Alt+B.
Use Ctrl+J to complete any valid Live Template abbreviation if you don't remember it. For example, type it and press Ctrl+J to see what happens.
When using basic code completion (Ctrl+Alt+Slash), type any characters that exist anywhere in an identifier.
Ctrl + N(Ctrl + Shift + N)
Ctrl + Alt + T
用if、while、try catch来围绕选中的代码行
Ctrl + Alt + I
提供了一个对Ctrl + Alt + L功能的补充。
在Class名上按Alt+Enter-->Create Test,可创建测试用例用的class。或Ctrl+Shift+T
Ctrl+Alt+B Go to implementation(s):查看接口的实现类