OpenGL ES 纹理映射问答中的领悟

简介: OpenGL ES 纹理映射问答中的领悟 太阳火神的美丽人生 ( 本文遵循“署名-非商业用途-保持一致”创作公用协议 转载请保留此句:太阳火神的美丽人生 -  本博客专注于 敏捷开发及移动和物联设备研究:iOS、Android、Html5、Arduino、pcDuino,否则,出自本博客的文章拒绝转载或再转载,谢谢合作。

OpenGL ES 纹理映射问答中的领悟

太阳火神的美丽人生 (


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How can I repeat a selection of a texture atlas?

For example, my sprite (selection) is within the texture coordinates:

GLfloat textureCoords[]=
    .1f,  .1f,
    .3f,  .1f,
    .1f,  .3f,
    .3f,  .3f

Then I want to repeat that sprite N times to a triangle strip (or quad) defined by:

GLfloat vertices[]=
   -100.f, -100.f,
    100.f, -100.f,
   -100.f,  100.f,
    100.f,  100.f

I know it has something to do with GL_REPEAT and textureCoords going passed the range [0,1]. This however, doesn't work: (trying to repeat N = 10)

GLfloat textureCoords[]=
    10.1f,  10.1f,
    10.3f,  10.1f,
    10.1f,  10.3f,
    10.3f,  10.3f

We're seeing our full texture atlas repeated...

How would I do this the right way?

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5 Answers

up vote 11 down vote accepted

It can't be done the way it's described in the question. OpenGL's texture coordinate modes only apply for the entire texture.

Normally, to repeat a texture, you'd draw a polygon that is "larger" than your texture implies. For instance, if you had a square texture that you wanted to repeat a number of times (say six) over a bigger area, you'd draw a rectangle that's six times as wide as it is tall. Then you'd set the texture coordinates to (0,0)-(6,1), and the texture mode to "repeat". When interpolating across the polygon, the texture coordinate that goes beyond 1 will, due to repeat being enabled, "wrap around" in the texture, causing the texture to be mapped six times across the rectangle.

None of the texture wrap modes support the kind of operation as described in the question, i.e. they all map to the full [0,1] range, not some arbitrary subset. when you're texturing using just a part of the texture, there's no way to specify that larger texture coordinate in a way that makes OpenGL repeat it inside only the sub-rectangle.

You basically have two choices: Either create a new texture that only has the sprite you need from the existing texture or write a GLSL vertex program to map the texture coordinates appropriately.

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Thanks to "unwind", "Jimmy J" and "TrayMan" for your contributions. I voted your answers up and compiled this answer from yours which now describes very well what's going on. –   Kriem  Mar 19 '09 at 15:30
>"or write a GLSL vertex program to map the texture coordinates appropriately." There must be fragmentprogram instead. –   Sarge Borsch  Feb 2 '13 at 14:21 
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I'm not sure you can do that. I think OpenGL's texture coordinate modes only apply for the entire texture. When using an atlas, you're using "sub-textures", so that your texture coordinates never come close to 0 and 1, the normal limits where wrapping and clamping occurs.

There might be extensions to deal with this, I haven't checked.

EDIT: Normally, to repeat a texture, you'd draw a polygon that is "larger" than your texture implies. For instance, if you had a square texture that you wanted to repeat a number of times (say six) over a bigger area, you'd draw a rectangle that's six times as wide as it is tall. Then you'd set the texture coordinates to (0,0)-(6,1), and the texture mode to "repeat". When interpolating across the polygon, the texture coordinate that goes beyond 1 will, due to repeat being enabled, "wrap around" in the texture, causing the texture to be mapped six times across the rectangle.

This is a bit crude to explain without images.

Anyway, when you're texturing using just a part of the texture, there's no way to specify that larger texture coordinate in a way that makes OpenGL repeat it inside only the sub-rectangle.

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Hmm, GL_CLAMP for example affects the sub-textures you're describing, leading me to the idea texture coordinate mode do apply to parts of a texture atlas. Or am I in the wrong here? (Of course, seeing that I can't repeat the way I'd like, implies I indeed am in the wrong:)) –   Kriem  Mar 19 '09 at 13:45
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None of the texture wrap modes support the kind of operation you are looking for, i.e. they all map to the full [0,1] range, not some arbitrary subset. You basically have two choices: Either create a new texture that only has the sprite you need from the existing texture or write a GLSL pixel program to map the texture coordinates appropriately.

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While this may be an old topic; here's how I ended up doing it:

A workaround would be to create multiple meshes, glued together containing the subset of the Texture UV's.

E.g.: I have a laser texture contained within a larger texture atlas, at U[0.05 - 0.1] & V[0.05-0.1].

I would then construct N meshes, each having U[0.05-0.1] & V[0.05-0.1] coordinates. (N = length / texture.height; height being the dimension of the texture I would like to repeat. Or easier: the amount of times I want to repeat the texture.)

This solution would be more cost effective than having to reload texture after texture. Especially if you batch all render calls (as you should).

(OpenGL ES 1.0,1.1,2.0 - Mobile Hardware 2011)

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