After 486 blog posts

简介:    My first blog posts was in 2013-05-14,and now it is 2017-5-8,how time flys!    In this about four year, I wrote 486 articles.

   My first blog posts was in 2013-05-14,and now it is 2017-5-8,how time flys!


   In this about four year, I wrote 486 articles.Most articles is about programming language,some popular frameworks,how to design sth,some chatter about life...Looking back to them ,I find I'm really interesting and I love myself.

   At first when I just begin to write blogs,I wrote lots of how-to-do articiles,it helps some beginners.When some green hands send me a private message to thank me for writing a helpful article,I fell so much pleasure. From this ,I get some satistaction.After that,some people say ,U can't always write that kind of how-to-do articles,U should have some ideas or thinking about one thing.So I begin to think sth.Instead of teaching sth,I begin to prefer to tell people why .What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational(Like Hegel tells that).Through I tell people why,I found that I begin to pay attention to the relation of things.All things are realted,and they have influence on each other.By find the relation,you can understand things more crearly and have a feeling about it's furture. Instead of knowing how things work,paying attention to why things work like this,I feel I see some things more clearly.

Realising that ,I begin to learn things fast.In this period ,I feel more free,like a bird just can fly in the sky. After this,I learned more things and did some totally differnt projects.In this period ,I understand that "all programming language are the same". YES, It does. Once sun raise,there are all lights.

And Now, I found many roads .what to do next.That's a question I always ask myself,What to do NEXT. Make plans and do it ,that's the usual stuff.

What I want to say is ,begin to record yourself ,observe yourself,think yourself,and find yourself.That's After 486 blog posts.

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