using System.Web.Mail to send email

简介: there are many demos for send a email with c sharp language .however,you will find that most of them will be failed because of SMTPServer.

there are many demos for send a email with c sharp language .however,you will find that most of them will be failed because of SMTPServer.Especially,authorization is required.


public   void  SendEMail()
            MailMessage mail 
= new MailMessage();
= MailPriority.High;
= "";
= "";
= "Send EMail System Demo";
= "Just for test.";
= Encoding.UTF8;

// authorization
"", mail.From);
"", mail.From);

= "";




存储 Java 数据库 Message stream modified (41)
`亲测可用,之前搜索了很多博客,啥样的都有,就是不介绍报错以及配置用处,根本不懂照抄那些配置是干啥的,稀里糊涂的按照博客搭完也跑不起来,因此记录这个。` `项目背景`:公司项目当前采用http协议+shiro+mysql的登录认证方式,而现在想支持ldap协议认证登录然后能够访问自己公司的项目网站。 `举例说明`:假设我们公司有自己的门户网站,现在我们收购了一家公司,他们数据库采用ldap存储用户数据,那么为了他们账户能登陆我们公司项目所以需要集成,而不是再把他们的账户重新在mysql再创建一遍,万一人家有1W个账户呢,不累死了且也不现实啊。
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