<el-button type="success" plain @click="handleImport" > <Icon icon="ep:upload" class="mr-5px" /> 导入 </el-button>
<!-- 用户导入对话框 --> <BeliefImportForm ref="importFormRef" @success="getList" />
import BeliefImportForm from './BeliefImportForm.vue'
/** 用户导入 */ const importFormRef = ref() const handleImport = () => { importFormRef.value.open() }
<template> <Dialog v-model="dialogVisible" title="住户导入" width="400"> <el-upload ref="uploadRef" v-model:file-list="fileList" :action="importUrl + '?updateSupport=' + updateSupport" :auto-upload="false" :disabled="formLoading" :headers="uploadHeaders" :limit="1" :on-error="submitFormError" :on-exceed="handleExceed" :on-success="submitFormSuccess" accept=".xlsx, .xls" drag > <Icon icon="ep:upload" /> <div class="el-upload__text">将文件拖到此处,或<em>点击上传</em></div> <template #tip> <div class="el-upload__tip text-center"> <div class="el-upload__tip"> <el-checkbox v-model="updateSupport" /> 是否更新已经存在的用户数据 </div> <span>仅允许导入 xls、xlsx 格式文件。</span> <el-link :underline="false" style="font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline" type="primary" @click="importTemplate" > 下载模板 </el-link> </div> </template> </el-upload> <template #footer> <el-button :disabled="formLoading" type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button> <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取 消</el-button> </template> </Dialog> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import * as BeliefApi from '@/api/basicInfo/belief' import { getAccessToken, getTenantId } from '@/utils/auth' import download from '@/utils/download' defineOptions({ name: 'Belief' }) const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 弹窗的是否展示 const formLoading = ref(false) // 表单的加载中 const uploadRef = ref() const importUrl = import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL + import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL + '/basicInfo/belief/import' const uploadHeaders = ref() // 上传 Header 头 const fileList = ref([]) // 文件列表 const updateSupport = ref(0) // 是否更新已经存在的用户数据 /** 打开弹窗 */ const open = () => { dialogVisible.value = true fileList.value = [] resetForm() } defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗 /** 提交表单 */ const submitForm = async () => { if (fileList.value.length == 0) { message.error('请上传文件') return } // 提交请求 uploadHeaders.value = { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAccessToken(), 'tenant-id': getTenantId() } formLoading.value = true uploadRef.value!.submit() } /** 文件上传成功 */ const emits = defineEmits(['success']) const submitFormSuccess = (response: any) => { if (response.code !== 0) { message.error(response.msg) formLoading.value = false return } // 拼接提示语 const data = response.data let text = '上传成功数量:' + data.createUsernames.length + ';' for (let username of data.createUsernames) { text += '< ' + username + ' >' } text += '更新成功数量:' + data.updateUsernames.length + ';' for (const username of data.updateUsernames) { text += '< ' + username + ' >' } text += '更新失败数量:' + Object.keys(data.failureUsernames).length + ';' for (const username in data.failureUsernames) { text += '< ' + username + ': ' + data.failureUsernames[username] + ' >' } message.alert(text) // 发送操作成功的事件 emits('success') } /** 上传错误提示 */ const submitFormError = (): void => { message.error('上传失败,请您重新上传!') formLoading.value = false } /** 重置表单 */ const resetForm = () => { // 重置上传状态和文件 formLoading.value = false uploadRef.value?.clearFiles() } /** 文件数超出提示 */ const handleExceed = (): void => { message.error('最多只能上传一个文件!') } /** 下载模板操作 */ const importTemplate = async () => { const res = await BeliefApi.importUserTemplate() download.excel(res, '用户导入模版.xls') } </script>
package com.todod.backend.module.basicInfo.dal.dataobject.belief; import lombok.*; import java.util.*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.*; import com.todod.backend.framework.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO; /** * 宗教信仰 DO * * @author 平台管理员 */ @TableName("religious_belief") @KeySequence("religious_belief_seq") // 用于 Oracle、PostgreSQL、Kingbase、DB2、H2 数据库的主键自增。如果是 MySQL 等数据库,可不写。 @Data @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true) @ToString(callSuper = true) @Builder @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class BeliefDO extends BaseDO { /** * 主键id */ @TableId private Long id; /** * 所属小区 */ private String religionCommunity; /** * 居住房屋 */ private String religionHouse; /** * 姓名 */ private String religionName; /** * 身份证号 */ private String religionIdCard; /** * 联系电话 */ private String religionPhone; /** * 性别 * * 枚举 {@link TODO system_user_sex 对应的类} */ private Integer religionSex; /** * 民族 * * 枚举 {@link TODO nation 对应的类} */ private Integer religionNation; /** * 国籍 */ private Integer religionNationality; /** * 信仰 * * 枚举 {@link TODO religion_belief 对应的类} */ private Integer religionBelief; /** * 宗教团体 */ private String religionTeam; /** * 学历 */ private Integer religionEducationalBack; /** * 备注 */ private String religionRemark; /** * 删除标志位 */ private String delFlag; /** * 导入批次号 */ private String batchNo; }
@PostMapping("/import") @Operation(summary = "导入宗教信仰 Excel") @Parameters({ @Parameter(name = "file", description = "Excel 文件", required = true), @Parameter(name = "updateSupport", description = "是否支持更新,默认为 false", example = "true") }) // @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermission('basicInfo:belief:import')") public CommonResult<BeliefImportRespVO> importExcel(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = "updateSupport", required = false, defaultValue = "false") Boolean updateSupport) throws Exception { List<BeliefImportExcelVO> list = ExcelUtils.read(file, BeliefImportExcelVO.class); return success(beliefService.importBeliefList(list, updateSupport)); } @GetMapping("/get-import-template") @Operation(summary = "获得导入用户模板") public void importTemplate(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // 手动创建导出 demo List<BeliefImportExcelVO> list = Arrays.asList( BeliefImportExcelVO.builder().id(1L).religionCommunity("爱情缤纷里").religionHouse("A-1-304") .religionName("小宋").religionSex(1).religionNation(1).religionNationality(1).religionIdCard("456546546354") .religionPhone("546456456546").religionTeam("中国").religionEducationalBack(2).religionRemark("太好了").build(), BeliefImportExcelVO.builder().id(2L).religionCommunity("爱情缤纷里").religionHouse("A-1-202").religionName("小李") .religionSex(1).religionNation(1).religionNationality(1).religionIdCard("46546546464") .religionPhone("545456156").religionTeam("中国").religionEducationalBack(1).religionRemark("太好了") .build() ); // 输出 ExcelUtils.write(response, "宗教信仰信息导入模板.xls", "住户列表", BeliefImportExcelVO.class, list); }
package com.todod.backend.module.basicInfo.controller.admin.belief.vo; import com.alibaba.excel.annotation.ExcelProperty; import com.todod.backend.framework.excel.core.annotations.DictFormat; import com.todod.backend.framework.excel.core.convert.DictConvert; import com.todod.backend.module.system.enums.DictTypeConstants; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.experimental.Accessors; /** * 用户 Excel 导入 VO */ @Data @Builder @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain = false) // 设置 chain = false,避免用户导入有问题 public class BeliefImportExcelVO { @ExcelProperty("id") private Long id; @ExcelProperty("所属小区") private String religionCommunity; @ExcelProperty("居住房屋") private String religionHouse; @ExcelProperty("姓名") private String religionName; @ExcelProperty("身份证号") private String religionIdCard; @ExcelProperty("联系电话") private String religionPhone; @ExcelProperty(value = "性别") @DictFormat(DictTypeConstants.USER_SEX) private Integer religionSex; @ExcelProperty(value = "民族") @DictFormat(DictTypeConstants.RELIGION_NATION) private Integer religionNation; @ExcelProperty(value = "国籍") @DictFormat(DictTypeConstants.RELIGION_NATIONALITY) private Integer religionNationality; @ExcelProperty(value = "信仰") @DictFormat(DictTypeConstants.RELIGION_BELIEF) private Integer religionBelief; @ExcelProperty("宗教团体") private String religionTeam; @ExcelProperty(value = "学历") @DictFormat(DictTypeConstants.EDUCATIONALBACK) private Integer religionEducationalBack; @ExcelProperty("备注") private String religionRemark; }
// ========== BASICINFO 模块 ========== String RELIGION_NATION = "nation"; // 民族 String RELIGION_NATIONALITY = "nationality"; // 国籍 String RELIGION_BELIEF = "religion_belief"; // 信仰 String EDUCATIONALBACK = "educationalBack";
package com.todod.backend.module.basicInfo.controller.admin.belief.vo; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Schema(description = "管理后台 - 用户导入 Response VO") @Data @Builder public class BeliefImportRespVO { @Schema(description = "创建成功的用户名数组", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED) private List<String> createUsernames; @Schema(description = "更新成功的用户名数组", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED) private List<String> updateUsernames; @Schema(description = "导入失败的用户集合,key 为用户名,value 为失败原因", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED) private Map<String, String> failureUsernames; }
/** * 批量导入用户 * * @param importUsers 导入用户列表 * @param isUpdateSupport 是否支持更新 * @return 导入结果 */ BeliefImportRespVO importBeliefList(List<BeliefImportExcelVO> importUsers, boolean isUpdateSupport);
package com.todod.backend.module.basicInfo.dal.mysql.belief; import java.util.*; import com.todod.backend.framework.common.pojo.PageResult; import com.todod.backend.framework.mybatis.core.query.LambdaQueryWrapperX; import com.todod.backend.framework.mybatis.core.mapper.BaseMapperX; import com.todod.backend.module.basicInfo.dal.dataobject.belief.BeliefDO; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper; import com.todod.backend.module.basicInfo.controller.admin.belief.vo.*; /** * 宗教信仰 Mapper * * @author 平台管理员 */ @Mapper public interface BeliefMapper extends BaseMapperX<BeliefDO> { default PageResult<BeliefDO> selectPage(BeliefPageReqVO reqVO) { return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<BeliefDO>() .eqIfPresent(BeliefDO::getReligionCommunity, reqVO.getReligionCommunity()) .likeIfPresent(BeliefDO::getReligionName, reqVO.getReligionName()) .orderByDesc(BeliefDO::getId)); } default BeliefDO selectByUsername(String religionName) { return selectOne(BeliefDO::getReligionName, religionName); } default BeliefDO selectByIdCard(String religionIdCard) { return selectOne(BeliefDO::getReligionIdCard, religionIdCard); } }
@Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) // 添加事务,异常则回滚所有导入 public BeliefImportRespVO importBeliefList(List<BeliefImportExcelVO> importUsers, boolean isUpdateSupport) { if (CollUtil.isEmpty(importUsers)) { throw exception(USER_IMPORT_LIST_IS_EMPTY); } BeliefImportRespVO respVO = BeliefImportRespVO.builder().createUsernames(new ArrayList<>()) .updateUsernames(new ArrayList<>()).failureUsernames(new LinkedHashMap<>()).build(); importUsers.forEach(importUser -> { // 校验,判断是否有不符合的原因 try { validateUserForCreateOrUpdate( null,importUser.getReligionName(), importUser.getReligionIdCard()); } catch (ServiceException ex) { respVO.getFailureUsernames().put(importUser.getReligionName(), ex.getMessage()); return; } // 判断如果不存在,在进行插入 BeliefDO existUser = beliefMapper.selectByUsername(importUser.getReligionName()); if (existUser == null) { beliefMapper.insert(BeanUtils.toBean(importUser, BeliefDO.class)); respVO.getCreateUsernames().add(importUser.getReligionName()); return; } // 如果存在,判断是否允许更新 if (!isUpdateSupport) { respVO.getFailureUsernames().put(importUser.getReligionName(), USER_USERNAME_EXISTS.getMsg()); return; } BeliefDO updateUser = BeanUtils.toBean(importUser, BeliefDO.class); updateUser.setId(existUser.getId()); beliefMapper.updateById(updateUser); respVO.getUpdateUsernames().add(importUser.getReligionName()); }); return respVO; } private BeliefDO validateUserForCreateOrUpdate(Long id,String religionName,String religionIdCard) { // 关闭数据权限,避免因为没有数据权限,查询不到数据,进而导致唯一校验不正确 return DataPermissionUtils.executeIgnore(() -> { // 校验用户存在 BeliefDO beliefDO = validateUserExists(id); // 校验姓名唯一 validateUsernameUnique(id, religionName); // // 校验身份证号唯一 // validateIdCardUnique(id, religionIdCard); return beliefDO; }); } @VisibleForTesting void validateUsernameUnique(Long id, String religionName) { if (StrUtil.isBlank(religionName)) { return; } BeliefDO beliefDO = beliefMapper.selectByUsername(religionName); if (beliefDO == null) { return; } // 如果 id 为空,说明不用比较是否为相同 id 的用户 if (id == null) { throw exception(USER_USERNAME_EXISTS); } if (!beliefDO.getId().equals(id)) { throw exception(USER_USERNAME_EXISTS); } } // @VisibleForTesting // void validateIdCardUnique(Long id, String religionIdCard) { // if (StrUtil.isBlank(religionIdCard)) { // return; // } // BeliefDO beliefDO = beliefMapper.selectByIdCard(religionIdCard); // if (beliefDO == null) { // return; // } // // 如果 id 为空,说明不用比较是否为相同 id 的用户 // if (id == null) { // throw exception(USER_MOBILE_EXISTS); // } // if (!beliefDO.getId().equals(id)) { // throw exception(USER_MOBILE_EXISTS); // } // } @VisibleForTesting BeliefDO validateUserExists(Long id) { if (id == null) { return null; } BeliefDO beliefDO = beliefMapper.selectById(id); if (beliefDO == null) { throw exception(USER_NOT_EXISTS); } return beliefDO; }