solidity external internal virtual学习笔记

简介: solidity external internal virtual学习笔记
1. public internal private external
2. view pure
3. memory calldata
4. address bytes[1-32] uint[8-16-32-256]
5. [x] [] 数组
6. 那个地址使用这个合约中的方法,在这个合约中msg.sender就是那个地址

  用户地址调用合约A,在合约A中获取msg.sender 就是用户地址

合约A中方法调用了合约B,B中方法获取msg.sender 就是合约A的地址

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8;

* public  internal  private external
* view pure
* address bytes[1-32]
* uint[8-16-32-256]
* 全局变量就是storage需要上链,上链需要gas,上链就是修改storage数据然后发布到链上
* 数组、结构或映射类型 memory calldata 内存中 calldata变量不可变(immutable),一般用于参数 
* xxx[] 可变数组
* xxx[8] 不可变数组
*如果 library 中有任何一个 external、public 或者非 view、pure 函数,则要引用这个 library ,必须先部署这个 library ,否则不用

interface Api{
    function func1() external view returns(uint);

contract StudySolidity{
    uint8 public a = 5;
    uint8 internal b = 5;
    uint private c = 5;

    address token = 0x630959E5aE57D1165c29B5aDC2F77C2bB8B730a0;
    bytes20 token2 = bytes20(0x630959E5aE57D1165c29B5aDC2F77C2bB8B730a0);

    //报错,255不能隐式转换成bytes5 因为byte1 = 
    //bytes5 private d = 0xff;
    bytes1 private d = 0xff;
    function useApi(Api api) public view returns(uint){
        return api.func1();
    function func2() internal pure returns(bytes10){
        return 'internal' ;
    function funExternal() external pure returns(bytes10){
        return 'external';

    function funOverride() public pure virtual returns(bytes10){
        return 'override';

    function func3() public pure returns(bytes10){
        //"funExternal" is not (or not yet) visible at this point
        //return funExternal();
        return  'public';

contract StudyB {
    function funA(StudySolidity _addr) public  pure  returns(bytes10){       
       // return _addr.func2();
        return _addr.func3();

contract StudyA is StudySolidity {
     string private cc = "aaa";
    event HandleResult(string,string,string,string);
    function funA() public  pure  returns(bytes10,bytes10){       
        return (func3(),func2());

    function getA()  public  view  returns(uint8){
        return b;
        //return a;

    function testCallData(uint[] calldata a,uint b)  pure public returns(uint[] calldata){
        // Calldata arrays are read-only
        //a[0] = 5;
        b = 10;
        return a;

     function funOverride() override public pure returns(bytes10){
        return 'override';

     function testSM(string memory a)   public {
      // storage=memory
        cc = a;
       string memory dd = a;
       string storage ee = cc;
       string memory ff = cc;
      emit HandleResult(cc,dd,ee,ff);

    event anTest(uint indexed addr) anonymous;
    function getBalance() view public returns (uint){
      return address(this).balance;
    receive () payable external{
        emit anTest(msg.value);

    fallback () payable external{


    function tranferTo(address recipient, uint _value) payable  public{
        (bool isOk,) ={value:_value}("");

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