Could not find method debug()

简介: Could not find method debug()

Could not find method debug()


Could not find method debug() for arguments [build_8ra893kw2s53lwt2nb3ue4acj$_run_closure1$_closure4$_closure7@5f343524] on BuildType$AgpDecorated_Decorated{name=release, debuggable=false, testCoverageEnabled=false, jniDebuggable=false, pseudoLocalesEnabled=false, renderscriptDebuggable=false, renderscriptOptimLevel=3, minifyEnabled=true, zipAlignEnabled=true, signingConfig=null, embedMicro


debug回车 分开写即可。

Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in
说明:   php环境测试会报错下面错误:Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in    解决方案:   首先检查自己的php版本,支付宝sdk和demo测试需要php5.5以上版本。
956 12
Error getting generated key or setting result to parameter object.必须执行该语句才能获得结果。
Error getting generated key or setting result to parameter object.必须执行该语句才能获得结果。
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