笨办法学 Java(三)(1)

简介: 笨办法学 Java(三)(1)

练习 37:从函数返回一个值



1 public class HeronsFormula
 2 {
 3     public static void main( String[] args )
 4     {
 5         double a;
 7         a = triangleArea(3, 3, 3);
 8         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of " + a );
10         a = triangleArea(3, 4, 5);
11         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of " + a );
13         a = triangleArea(7, 8, 9);
14         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of " + a );
16         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of " + 
triangleArea(5, 12, 13) );
17         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of " + 
triangleArea(10, 9, 11) );
18         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of " + 
triangleArea(8, 15, 17) );
19     }
21     public static double triangleArea( int a, int b, int c )
22     {
23         // the code in this function computes the area of a triangle whose sides have 
lengths a, b, and c
24         double s, A;
26         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
27         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
29         return A;
30         // ^ after computing the area, "return" it
31     }
32 }


A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of 2.0 A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of 6.0
A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of 26.832815729997478 A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of 30.0
A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of 42.42640687119285 A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of 60.0

你可以看到函数triangleArea有三个参数。它们都是整数,它们的名字分别是 a、b 和 c。正如你已经知道的,这意味着我们不能在不提供三个整数值作为参数的情况下调用函数

除此之外,triangleArea函数返回一个值。请注意,在第 21 行,它没有在public statictriangleArea之间说void。它说double。这意味着“这个函数返回一个值,它返回的值的类型是double。”

如果在这个位置上有关键字void,这意味着“这个函数不返回任何值。” 如果我们想让triangleArea返回不同类型的值:

public static int     triangleArea( int a, int b, int c ) // this would return an
public static String  triangleArea( int a, int b, int c ) // this would return a 
public static boolean triangleArea( int a, int b, int c ) // this would return 
either true or false
public static void    triangleArea( int a, int b, int c ) // this cannot return 
any value of any type



“学生,请出去停车场,把我的车窗摇上。” “好的,先生,”你说。



rollUpWindows(); // if you don't need parameters
rollUpWindows("Toyota", "Corolla", 2008, "blue"); // if you do need parameters




String plate;
plate = retrieveLicensePlate(); // if you don't need parameters
plate = retrieveLicensePlate("Toyota", "Corolla", 2008, "blue"); // if you do need them


retrieveLicensePlate("Toyota", "Corolla", 2008, "blue"); // returns a value which is lost
triangleArea(3, 3, 3); // returns the area but we refuse to store it into a variable


无论如何,在第 10 行我们调用triangleArea函数。我们传入345作为三个参数。3被存储为 a 的值(在第 21 行)。4被存储为 b,5被放入

c. 使用这些参数值运行第 23 到 28 行的所有代码。最后,变量 A 中存储了一个值。

在第 29 行,我们返回变量A中的值。这个值返回到第 10 行,存储到变量a中。


1 public class HeronsFormulaNoFunction
 2 {
 3     public static void main( String[] args )
 4     {
 5         int a, b, c;
 6         double s, A;
 8         a = 3;
 9         b = 3;
10         c = 3;
11         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
12         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
13         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of " + 
A );
15         a = 3;
16         b = 4;
17         c = 5;
18         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
19         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
20         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of " + 
A );
22         a = 7;
23         b = 8;
24         c = 9;
25         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
26         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
27         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of " + 
A );
29         a = 5;
30         b = 12;
31         c = 13;
32         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
33         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
34         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of " + A
36         a = 10;
37         b = 9;
38         c = 11;
39         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
40         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
41         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of " + A
43         a = 8;
44         b = 15;
45         c = 17;
46         s = (a+b+c) / 2;
47         A = Math.sqrt( s*(s­a)*(s­b)*(s­c) );
48         System.out.println("A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of " + A
49     }
50 }
  1. (变量 A 本身并没有被返回,只有它的值。事实上,要记住变量的“作用域”仅限于它所定义的代码块内吗?(你在练习 21 中学到了这一点。)变量 a 只在函数 main 内部的作用域内,变量 s、A 和参数变量 a、b 和 c 只在函数 triangleArea 内部的作用域内。)


A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of 2.0 A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of 6.0
A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of 26.832815729997478 A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of 30.0
A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of 42.42640687119285 A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of 60.0


  1. 哪一个更长,有函数的还是没有函数的?
  2. 这两个文件的公式中有一个错误。当(a+b+c)是奇数时,除以2会丢失.5。将其修正为(a+b+c)/2.0。在没有使用函数的版本中修复会更难吗?
  3. 再添加一个测试:找到一个边长为 9、9 和 9 的三角形的面积。添加起来难吗?如果在不使用函数的版本中添加测试会更难吗?


A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of 3.897114317029974 A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of 6.0
A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of 26.832815729997478 A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of 30.0
A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of 42.42640687119285 A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of 60.0
A triangle with sides 9,9,9 has an area of 35.074028853269766


练习 38:形状的面积


1 import java.util.Scanner;
 3 public class ShapeArea
 4 {
 5     public static void main( String[] args )
 6     {
 7         Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
 9         int choice;
10         double area = 0;
12         System.out.println("Shape Area Calculator version 0.1 (c) 2013 
Mitchell Sample Output, Inc.");
14         do
15         {
16             System.out.println("\n­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­=­\n");
17             System.out.println("1) Triangle");
18             System.out.println("2) Circle");
19             System.out.println("3) Rectangle");
20             System.out.println("4) Quit");
21             System.out.print("> ");
22             choice = keyboard.nextInt();
24             if ( choice == 1 )
25             {
26                 System.out.print("\nBase: ");
27                 int b = keyboard.nextInt();
28                 System.out.print("Height: ");
29                 int h = keyboard.nextInt();
30                 area = computeTriangleArea(b, h);
31                 System.out.println("The area is " + area);
32             }
33             else if ( choice == 2 )
34             {
35                 System.out.print("\nRadius: ");
36                 int r = keyboard.nextInt();
37                 area = computeCircleArea(r);
38                 System.out.println("The area is " + area);
39             }
40             else if ( choice == 3 )
41             {
42                 System.out.print("\nLength: ");
43                 int length = keyboard.nextInt();
44                 System.out.print("Width: ");
45                 int width = keyboard.nextInt();
46                 System.out.println("The area is " + 
computeRectangleArea(length, width) );
47             }
48             else if ( choice != 4 )
49             {
50                 System.out.println("ERROR.");
51             }
53         } while ( choice != 4 );
55     }
57     public static double computeTriangleArea( int base, int height )
58     {
59         double A;
60         A = 0.5 * base * height;
61         return A;
62     }
64     public static double computeCircleArea( int radius )
65     {
66         double A;
67         A = Math.PI * radius * radius;
68         return A;
69     }
71     public static int computeRectangleArea( int length, int width )
72     {
73         return (length * width);
74     }
75 }


Shape Area Calculator version 0.1 (c) 2013 Mitchell Sample Output, Inc.
1) Triangle
2) Circle
3) Rectangle
4) Quit
> 1
Base: 3
Height: 5
The area is 7.5
1) Triangle
2) Circle
3) Rectangle
4) Quit
> 2
Radius: 3
The area is 28.274333882308138
1) Triangle
2) Circle
3) Rectangle
4) Quit
> 4

在第 57 行,我们定义了一个计算三角形面积的函数(这次只使用底边和高)。它需要两个参数,并将返回一个double值。在第 59 行,我们声明了一个名为 A 的变量。这个变量是函数“局部”的。尽管在第 66 行声明了一个名为 A 的变量,但它们并不是同一个变量。(就像有两个名叫“迈克尔”的朋友。只是因为他们有相同的名字并不意味着他们是同一个人。)

变量b(在第 27 行定义)的值作为函数调用中参数base的初始值传入。b被存储到base中,因为b是首先出现的,而不是因为baseb开头。


在第 61 行,A 的值返回到main,最终被存储在名为 area 的变量中。在矩形面积函数的定义开始于第 71 行时,我做了三件奇怪的事情。

首先,形式参数与实际参数具有相同的名称。(记住,参数是函数定义中声明的变量,位于第 71 行,参数是函数调用中括号中的变量。)这是一个巧合,但并不意味着什么。这就像一个名叫“史蒂文”的演员扮演一个名叫“史蒂文”的角色。main版本的 length 的值被存储到computeRectangleArea的 length 变量中,因为它们都在括号中首先列出,没有其他原因。


第三,矩形面积值在第 46 行返回到main,但我没有费心将返回值存储到变量中:我直接在屏幕上打印出来。(我在HeronsFormula中也这样做了,但我没有特别指出。)这是完全可以的,实际上非常常见。我们经常调用函数,几乎总是使用函数的返回值,但我们并不总是需要将返回值存储到自己的变量中。

最后,在我们转到另一个话题之前,我应该提到,在 Java 中,函数只能返回一个值。在其他一些编程语言中,函数可以返回多个值。但在 Java 中,函数可以返回一个值或没有值(如果函数是void),但绝不会超过一个。


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