oeel.Element.addTimeProperties(sinceEpoch, timeVariable, timeZone, image, feature, collection)
addTimeProperties. Simply add some time metric (day, month, year ...) derived from system:time_start
booleandefine each property locally or the absolute cumulated since epoch (01.01.1970)timeVariable*
string|object Default:start.The name of the variable to use. ‘start’, ‘end’, or ‘both’ are using the system time any other name can be used too.timeZone*
string Default:UTC.The time zone.image
ee.ImageThe image on which to add the time properties.feature
ee.FeatureThe feature on which to add the time properties.collection
ee.CollectionThe collection on which to add the time properties
plot. Create a empty plot object to get Plotly plots
ee.Filter.inList(leftField, rightValue, rightField, leftValue)
Filter on metadata contained in a list.
Returns the constructed filter.
leftField (String, optional):
A selector for the left operand. Should not be specified if leftValue is specified.
rightValue (List<Object>|Object, optional):
The value of the right operand. Should not be specified if rightField is specified.
rightField (String, optional):
A selector for the right operand. Should not be specified if rightValue is specified.
leftValue (List<Object>|Object, optional):
The value of the left operand. Should not be specified if leftField is specified.
Returns: Filter
ee.Array(values, pixelType)
Returns an array with the given coordinates.
values (Object):
An existing array to cast, or a number/list of numbers/nested list of numbers of any depth to create an array from. For nested lists, all inner arrays at the same depth must have the same length, and numbers may only be present at the deepest level.
pixelType (PixelType, default: null):
The type of each number in the values argument. If the pixel type is not provided, it will be inferred from the numbers in 'values'. If there aren't any numbers in 'values', this type must be provided.
Returns: Array
Reshapes an array to a new list of dimension lengths.
this:array (Array):
Array to reshape.
shape (Array):
New shape to which arrays are converted. If one component of the shape is the special value -1, the size of that dimension is computed so that the total size remains constant. In particular, a shape of [-1] flattens into 1-D. At most one component of shape can be -1.
Returns: Array
ee.List.repeat(value, count)
Returns a new list containing value repeated count times.
value (Object)
count (Integer)
Returns: List
ee.Dictionary.fromLists(keys, values)
Construct a dictionary from two parallel lists of keys and values.
keys (List)
values (List)
Returns: Dictionary
var geometry = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon( [[[-60.270601562500005, -1.4604924790211367], [-60.270601562500005, -9.264255286247176], [-50.338960937500005, -9.264255286247176], [-50.338960937500005, -1.4604924790211367]]], null, false); Map.setOptions('SATELLITE') var oeel=require('users/OEEL/lib:loadAll') var color= ['000000', '05450a', '086a10', '54a708', '78d203', '009900', 'c6b044', 'dcd159', 'dade48', 'fbff13', 'b6ff05', '27ff87', 'c24f44', 'a5a5a5', 'ff6d4c', '69fff8', 'f9ffa4', '1c0dff' ]; var igbpLandCover = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD12Q1').select("LC_Type1").map(oeel.Element.addTimeProperties()); var igbpLandCoverVis = { min: 0.0, max: 17.0, palette:color, }; function getPlot(igbpLandCover,step, geometry){ igbpLandCover=ee.ImageCollection(igbpLandCover).filter(ee.Filter.inList("oeel:start_year", ee.List.sequence(2000,2021,step))); var size=igbpLandCover.size(); var scale=500; var NoC=17; var reducer=ee.Reducer.fixed2DHistogram({ xMin:1, xMax:NoC+1, xSteps:NoC, yMin:1, yMax:NoC+1, ySteps:NoC, }); function hist2DtoList(data,index,numberClass){ return ee.Array.cat([ ee.Array(data.get('histogram')), ee.Array(data.get('xBuckets')).add(index.multiply(numberClass)).reshape([1,-1]).repeat(0,ee.Array(data.get('yBuckets')).toList().size()), ee.Array(data.get('yBuckets')).add(index.add(1).multiply(numberClass)).repeat(1,ee.Array(data.get('xBuckets')).toList().size()), ], 2).reshape([-1,3]); } var data=ee.List.sequence(0,size.subtract(2),1).map(function(index){ index=ee.Number(index); return hist2DtoList(ee.Dictionary(igbpLandCover.toBands().select([index,index.add(1)]).reduceRegion(reducer,geometry,scale)), index,NoC+1); }); data=ee.Array.cat(data,0).transpose(); data=ee.Array.cat([data,data.slice(0,0,1).sqrt()],0); data=data.toList(); var colors=ee.List.repeat(color,size).flatten(); var labels=ee.List.repeat(igbpLandCover.aggregate_array("oeel:start_year"),NoC+1).unzip().flatten(); var col=igbpLandCover.toList(size); // genration of custom plot return { type: "sankey", orientation: "h", node: { pad: 10, thickness: 25, line: { color: "black", width: 0.1 }, label: labels, color: colors }, link:ee.Dictionary.fromLists(["label","source", "target","value"], data) }; } var plot=oeel.plotly.plot(); // add custom plot plot.addCustom(getPlot(igbpLandCover,1,geometry)) plot.layout.autosize=true; Map.centerObject(geometry, 6); //empty layer, to be used in onclick var sourceMap=Map.addLayer(ee.Image(), igbpLandCoverVis, 'IGBP Land Cover source'); var destMap=Map.addLayer(ee.Image(), igbpLandCoverVis, 'IGBP Land Cover dest'); var maskMap=Map.addLayer(ee.Image(), {opacity:0.8}, 'mask'); // on click on the plot plot.on('click',function(event){ var srcImage=igbpLandCover.filter(ee.Filter.eq('oeel:start_year',event.points[0].source.label)).first(); var dstImage=igbpLandCover.filter(ee.Filter.eq('oeel:start_year',event.points[0].target.label)).first(); var srcMak=srcImage.eq(color.indexOf(event.points[0].source.color)); var destMak=dstImage.eq(color.indexOf(event.points[0].target.color)); var mask=srcMak.and(destMak) sourceMap.setEeObject(srcImage.updateMask(srcMak)) destMap.setEeObject(dstImage.updateMask(destMak)) maskMap.setEeObject(ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image.constant(0).eq(0),mask.eq(0)]).select([0],['mask']).mosaic().selfMask().not()) }) ui.root.insert(0,plot.widget({stretch:'horizontal',margin:0})) ui.root.setLayout(ui.Panel.Layout.flow('vertical')) var step=1; // add a slider Map.add(ui.Slider({ min:1, max:5, value:1, step:1, onChange:function(val){ step=val; plot.data=[getPlot(igbpLandCover,step,Map.drawingTools().toFeatureCollection('id').geometry(1000))]; plot.update() }, direction:'vertical', style:{position:'middle-right'}, })) // get geoemtry change Map.drawingTools().onEdit(ui.util.throttle(function(){ plot.data=[getPlot(igbpLandCover,step,Map.drawingTools().toFeatureCollection('id').geometry(1000))]; plot.update() },1000)) // print all OEEL function used print('list of functions used',oeel.refs());