It depends on how complex your code lenses are to compute.
If the code lenses are very simple and can always be created in a fixed amount of time, you only need to implement provideCodeLens.
If creating the code lenses may involve intensive computation or any sort of non-deterministic behavior – such as network – then provideCodeLens should only return skeleton Code Lenses with ranges. You would then complete the CodeLens’ command in resolveCodeLens, which will only be called when the CodeLens actually needs to be displayed.
Overall, splitting your CodeLens implementation between provideCodeLenses and resolveCodeLens is the safest choice.
A code lens represents a command that should be shown along with source text, like the number of references, a way to run tests, etc.
A code lens is unresolved when no command is associated to it. For performance reasons the creation of a code lens and resolving should be done to two stages:“CodeLensProvider.provideCodeLenses” and “CodeLensProvider.resolveCodeLens”
command ↔ Command
The command this code lens represents.
isResolved ↔ bool true when there is a command associated. @readonly range ↔ Range The range in which this code lens is valid. Should only span a single line.
A code lens provider adds commands to source text. The commands will be shown as dedicated horizontal lines in between the source text.
// The module 'vscode' contains the VS Code extensibility API import * as vscode from 'vscode'; export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { console.log('Congratulations, your extension "my-extension2" is now active!'); var disposable1 = vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.sayHello', () => { console.log("searchData"); }); // var s1 = vscode.languages.registerCodeLensProvider({scheme: 'file', language: 'csharp'}, { // provideCodeLenses: (doc, ct) => { // console.log('provideCodeLenses1'); // var codeLenses: vscode.CodeLens[] = []; // codeLenses.push( { // range: doc.lineAt(0).range, // // command: '', // isResolved: true // }); // return codeLenses; // }, // resolveCodeLens: (codeLens: vscode.CodeLens, token: vscode.CancellationToken) => { // return codeLens; // } // }); var s1 = vscode.languages.registerCodeLensProvider({scheme: 'file', language: 'csharp'}, { provideCodeLenses(document, token) { const result: vscode.CodeLens[] = []; let idx = -1; let count = 0; while ((idx = document.getText().indexOf('abc', idx + 1)) >= 0) { count ++ ; } while ((idx = document.getText().indexOf('abc', idx + 1)) >= 0) { const pos = document.positionAt(idx); const range = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(pos); const titleInfo = (count === 1 ? `${count} reference` : `${count} references`); result.push(new vscode.CodeLens(range, { title: titleInfo, command: 'extension.sayHello', arguments: ["123", "456", "789"]})); } return result; }, resolveCodeLens: (codeLens: vscode.CodeLens, token: vscode.CancellationToken) => { return codeLens; }, }); var s2 = vscode.languages.registerCodeLensProvider({ pattern: '**/*.abc' }, { provideCodeLenses(document, token) { const result: vscode.CodeLens[] = []; let idx = -1; let count = 0; while ((idx = document.getText().indexOf('abc', idx + 1)) >= 0) { count ++ ; } while ((idx = document.getText().indexOf('abc', idx + 1)) >= 0) { const pos = document.positionAt(idx); const range = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(pos); const titleInfo = (count === 1 ? `${count} reference` : `${count} references`); result.push(new vscode.CodeLens(range, { title: titleInfo, command: 'extension.sayHello', arguments: ["abc abc abc"] })); } return result; }, resolveCodeLens: (codeLens: vscode.CodeLens, token: vscode.CancellationToken) => { codeLens.command.command = 'extension.sayHello'; codeLens.command.arguments = ["aaa bbb ccc"]; return codeLens; } }); context.subscriptions.push(s1); context.subscriptions.push(s2); context.subscriptions.push(disposable1); }