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class="divName">饱了吗餐厅</div> <div class="divSend"> <span><img src="./images/time.png"/> 距离1.5km</span> <span><img src="./images/money.png"/> 配送费6元</span> <span><img src="./images/location.png"/> 预计时长12min</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="divDesc"> 简介: 饱了吗餐厅是对抗饿了么的独立的品牌,定位“大众化的美食外送餐饮”,和美了么内卷竞争。 </div> </div> <!-- 菜品和评论选择区--> <div class="divSelect"> <div v-for="item in menuList" :key="item.id"> <div :index="item.id" v-if="item.children && item.children.length>0"> <template slot="title"> <span>{{item.name}}</span> </template> <div v-for="sub in item.children" :index="sub.id" :key="sub.id" @click="menuHandle(sub,false)" > <span slot="title" :class="sub.name">{{sub.name}}</span> </div> </div> <div v-else :index="item.id" @click="menuHandle(item,false)"> <span slot="title">{{item.name}}</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 内容展现区--> <div class="divBody"> <!--展示菜单--> <div class="dish" v-if="show" style="display: flex;"> <div class="divType"> <ul> <li v-for="(item,index) in categoryList" 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v-else> <img src="./images/add.png" @click.prevent.stop="addCart(item)"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--展示评论--> <div class="comment" v-if="!show"> <div> <div class="divItem" v-for="(item,index) in commentList" :key="index"> <div class="divInfo"> <div class="divName">{{item.name}}</div> <div class="divTime">{{item.createTime}}</div> </div> <div class="divComment"> <div v-if="item.description" class="divDesc">{{item.description}}</div> </div> <el-image v-if="item.image" :src="imgPathConvert(item.image)" > </el-image> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 菜品选择区--> <!-- <div class="app-main" v-loading="loading">--> <!-- <div class="divTmp" v-show="loading"></div>--> <!-- <iframe--> <!-- id="cIframe"--> <!-- class="c_iframe"--> <!-- name="cIframe"--> <!-- :src="iframeUrl"--> <!-- width="100%"--> <!-- height="auto"--> <!-- frameborder="0"--> <!-- v-show="!loading"--> <!-- ></iframe>--> <!-- </div>--> </div> <div class="divLayer"> <div class="divLayerLeft"></div> <div 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:class="{spanActive:flavor.dishFlavor === item}" >{{item}}</span> </div> </div> <div class="divBottom"> <div><span class="spanMoney">¥</span>{{dialogFlavor.price/100}}</div> <div @click="dialogFlavorAddCart">加入购物车</div> </div> <div class="divFlavorClose" @click="dialogFlavor.show = false"> <img src="./images/close.png"/> </div> </van-dialog> <van-popup v-model="cartDialogShow" position="bottom" :style="{ height: '50%' }" class="dialogCart"> <div class="divCartTitle"> <div class="title">购物车</div> <div class="clear" @click="clearCart"> <i class="el-icon-delete"></i> 清空 </div> </div> <div class="divCartContent"> <div v-for="item in cartData" :key="item.id" class="divCartItem"> <el-image :src="imgPathConvert(item.image)"> <div slot="error" class="image-slot"> <img src="./images/noImg.png"/> </div> </el-image> <div class="divDesc"> <div class="name">{{item.name}}</div> <div class="price"> <span class="spanMoney">¥</span>{{item.amount}} </div> </div> <div class="divNum"> <div class="divSubtract"> <img src="./images/subtract.png" @click="cartNumberSubtract(item)"/> </div> <div class="divDishNum">{{item.number}}</div> <div class="divAdd"> <img src="./images/add.png" @click="cartNumAdd(item)"/> </div> </div> <div class="divSplit"></div> </div> </div> </van-popup> <van-dialog v-model="detailsDialog.show" :show-confirm-button="false" class="detailsDialog" ref="detailsDialog" v-if="detailsDialog.show" > <div class="divContainer"> <el-image :src="imgPathConvert(detailsDialog.item.image)"> <div slot="error" class="image-slot"> <img src="./images/noImg.png"/> </div> </el-image> <div class="title">{{detailsDialog.item.name}}</div> <div class="content">{{detailsDialog.item.description}}</div> </div> <div class="divNum"> <div class="left"> <span>¥</span><span>{{detailsDialog.item.price/100}}</span> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="divSubtract" v-if="detailsDialog.item.number > 0"> <img src="./images/subtract.png" @click="subtractCart(detailsDialog.item)"/> </div> <div class="divDishNum">{{detailsDialog.item.number}}</div> <div class="divTypes" v-if="detailsDialog.item.flavors && detailsDialog.item.flavors.length > 0 && !detailsDialog.item.number " @click="chooseFlavorClick(detailsDialog.item)">选择规格 </div> <div class="divAdd" v-else> <img src="./images/add.png" @click="addCart(detailsDialog.item)"/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="detailsDialogClose" @click="detailsDialog.show = false"> <img src="./images/close.png"/> </div> </van-dialog> <van-dialog v-model="setMealDialog.show" :show-confirm-button="false" class="setMealDetailsDialog" ref="setMealDetailsDialogd" v-if="setMealDialog.show" > <div class="divContainer"> <div class="title">{{setMealDialog.item.name}}</div> <div class="item" v-for="(item,index) in setMealDialog.item.list" :key="index"> <el-image :src="imgPathConvert(item.image)"> <div slot="error" class="image-slot"> <img src="./images/noImg.png"/> </div> </el-image> <div class="divSubTitle">{{item.name + '(' + item.copies + '份)' }} <div class="divPrice"> <span>¥</span><span>{{item.price/100}}</span> </div> </div> <div class="content">{{item.description}}</div> </div> </div> <div class="divNum"> <div class="left"> <span>¥</span><span>{{setMealDialog.item.price/100}}</span> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="divSubtract" v-if="setMealDialog.item.number > 0"> <img src="./images/subtract.png" @click="subtractCart(setMealDialog.item)"/> </div> <div class="divDishNum">{{setMealDialog.item.number}}</div> <div class="divAdd" v-if="setMealDialog.item.number"> <img src="./images/add.png" @click="addCart(setMealDialog.item)"/> </div> <div class="addCart" @click="addCart(setMealDialog.item)" v-if="!setMealDialog.item.number">加入购物车</div> </div> </div> <div class="detailsDialogClose" @click="setMealDialog.show = false"> <img src="./images/close.png"/> </div> </van-dialog> </div> <!-- 开发环境版本,包含了有帮助的命令行警告 --> <script src="../backend/plugins/vue/vue.js"></script> <!-- 引入组件库 --> <script 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'../backend/page/member/list.html', headTitle: '菜品', goBackFlag: false, loading: true, timer: null, show: true } }, computed: { goodsNum() { let num = 0 this.cartData.forEach(item => { num += item.number }) if (num < 99) { return num } else { return '99+' } }, goodsPrice() { let price = 0 this.cartData.forEach(item => { price += (item.number * item.amount) }) return price } }, created() { const userInfo = window.localStorage.getItem('userInfo') if (userInfo) { this.userInfo = JSON.parse(userInfo) } this.closeLoading() }, watch: { 'dialogFlavor.show'(flag) { if (flag) { document.querySelector('.divCart').style.zIndex = 1 } else { document.querySelector('.divCart').style.zIndex = 3000 } }, }, mounted() { this.initData() window.menuHandle = this.menuHandle }, methods: { //初始化数据 initData() { Promise.all([categoryListApi(), cartListApi({})]).then(res => { //获取分类数据 if (res[0].code === 1) { this.categoryList = res[0].data if (Array.isArray(res[0].data) && res[0].data.length > 0) { this.categoryId = res[0].data[0].id if (res[0].data[0].type === 1) { this.getDishList() this.getCommentList() } else { this.getSetmealData() } } } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res[0].msg}); } //获取菜品数据 if (res[1].code === 1) { this.cartData = res[1].data } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res[1].msg}); } }) }, //分类点击 categoryClick(index, id, type) { this.activeType = index this.categoryId = id if (type === 1) {//菜品 this.getDishList() } else { this.getSetmealData() } }, //获取菜品数据 async getDishList() { if (!this.categoryId) { return } const res = await dishListApi({categoryId: this.categoryId, status: 1}) if (res.code === 1) { let dishList = res.data const cartData = this.cartData if (dishList.length > 0 && cartData.length > 0) { dishList.forEach(dish => { cartData.forEach(cart => { if (dish.id === cart.dishId) { dish.number = cart.number } }) }) } this.dishList = dishList } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //获取套餐数据setmealId async getSetmealData() { if (!this.categoryId) { return } const res = await setmealListApi({categoryId: this.categoryId, status: 1}) if (res.code === 1) { let dishList = res.data const cartData = this.cartData if (dishList.length > 0 && cartData.length > 0) { dishList.forEach(dish => { cartData.forEach(cart => { if (dish.id === cart.setmealId) { dish.number = cart.number } }) }) } this.dishList = dishList } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //获取购物车数据 async getCartData() { const res = await cartListApi({}) if (res.code === 1) { this.cartData = res.data } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //菜单中往购物车中添加商品 async addCart(item) { let params = { amount: item.price / 100,//金额 dishFlavor: item.dishFlavor,//口味 如果没有传undefined dishId: undefined,//菜品id setmealId: undefined,//套餐id name: item.name, image: item.image } if (Array.isArray(item.flavors)) {//表示是菜品 params.dishId = item.id } else {//表示套餐 套餐没有口味 params.setmealId = item.id } const res = await addCartApi(params) if (res.code === 1) { this.dishList.forEach(dish => { if (dish.id === item.id) { dish.number = res.data.number } }) if (this.setMealDialog.show) { item.number = res.data.number } this.getCartData() } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //菜单中减少选中的商品 async subtractCart(item) { let params = { dishId: item.id, } if (!Array.isArray(item.flavors)) { params = { setmealId: item.id, } } const res = await updateCartApi(params) if (res.code === 1) { this.dishList.forEach(dish => { if (dish.id === item.id) { dish.number = (res.data.number === 0 ? undefined : res.data.number) } }) if (this.setMealDialog.show) { item.number = (res.data.number === 0 ? undefined : res.data.number) } this.getCartData() } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //展开购物车 openCart() { if (this.cartData.length > 0) { this.cartDialogShow = true } }, //购物车中增加商品数量 async cartNumAdd(item) { let params = { amount: item.amount,//金额 dishFlavor: item.dishFlavor,//口味 如果没有传undefined dishId: item.dishId,//菜品id setmealId: item.setmealId,//套餐id name: item.name, image: item.image } const res = await addCartApi(params) if (res.code === 1) { this.dishList.forEach(dish => { if (dish.id === (item.dishId || item.setmealId)) { dish.number = res.data.number } }) console.log(this.dishList) this.getCartData() } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //购物车中减少商品数量 async cartNumberSubtract(item) { let params = { dishId: item.dishId, setmealId: item.setmealId, } const res = await updateCartApi(params) if (res.code === 1) { this.dishList.forEach(dish => { if (dish.id === (item.dishId || item.setmealId)) { dish.number = (res.data.number === 0 ? undefined : res.data.number) } }) this.getCartData() } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //修改商品列表中的数据number changeDishList(item) { for (let ele of this.dishList) { if (ele.id === (item.setmealId || item.dishId)) { ele.number = item.number } } }, //清空购物车 async clearCart() { const res = await clearCartApi() if (res.code === 1) { for (let ele of this.dishList) { ele.number = undefined } this.cartData = [] this.cartDialogShow = false } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } }, //点击选择规格 chooseFlavorClick(item) { this.dialogFlavor = { name: '', flavors: [], dishId: undefined, price: undefined, show: false } this.dialogFlavor = { name: item.name, flavors: item.flavors, dishId: item.id, price: item.price, show: true, image: item.image } }, flavorClick(flavor, item) { flavor.dishFlavor = item //强制刷新dialog的dom this.dialogFlavor.show = false this.dialogFlavor.show = true }, //选择规格加入购物车 dialogFlavorAddCart() { const dialogFlavor = this.dialogFlavor let flag = true let dishFlavor = [] dialogFlavor.flavors.forEach(item => { if (item.dishFlavor) { dishFlavor.push(item.dishFlavor) } else { flag = false Notify({type: 'warning', message: '请选择' + item.name}); } }) if (flag) { this.addCart({ price: dialogFlavor.price, dishFlavor: dishFlavor.join(","), id: dialogFlavor.dishId, flavors: [], image: dialogFlavor.image, name: dialogFlavor.name }) this.dialogFlavor.show = false } }, //网络图片路径转换 imgPathConvert(path) { return imgPath(path) }, //跳转到去结算界面 toAddOrderPage() { if (this.cartData.length > 0) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { window.location.href = '/front/page/add-order.html' }) } }, toUserPage() { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { window.location.href = '/front/page/user.html' }) }, async dishDetails(item) { //先清除对象数据,如果不行的话dialog使用v-if this.detailsDialog.item = {} this.setMealDialog.item = {} if (Array.isArray(item.flavors)) { this.detailsDialog.item = item this.detailsDialog.show = true } else { //显示套餐的数据 const res = await setMealDishDetailsApi(item.id) if (res.code === 1) { this.setMealDialog.item = {...item, list: res.data} this.setMealDialog.show = true } else { this.$notify({type: 'warning', message: res.msg}); } } }, addComment() { window.location.href = 'page/addComment.html' }, 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