文字换按钮 render-header
参数 |
说明 |
类型 |
可选值 |
默认值 |
render-header |
列标题 Label 区域渲染使用的 Function |
Function(h, { column, $index }) |
— |
— |
<template> <div class="Box"> <div> <!-- :header-cell-class-name="cellClass" --> <el-table ref="multipleTable" :data="tableData" :header-cell-class-name="cellClass" tooltip-effect="dark" style="width: 500px" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> <el-table-column type="selection" width="55"> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="日期" width="120"> <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.date }}</template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="姓名" prop="name" :render-header="(h, obj) => renderHeader(h, obj, '你的参数')" width="120"> <el-button size="mini" @click="handleEdit(scope.$index, scope.row)">修改姓名</el-button> </el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="address" label="地址" show-overflow-tooltip> </el-table-column> </el-table> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "list", data () { return { tableData: [{ date: '2023-09-03', name: 'bug天选之子', address: 'https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_70245286?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343' }, { date: '2023-09-03', name: 'bug天选之子', address: 'https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_70245286?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343' }, { date: '2023-09-03', name: 'bug天选之子', address: 'https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_70245286?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343' }, { date: '2023-09-03', name: 'bug天选之子', address: 'https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_70245286?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343' },], multipleSelection: [], } }, methods: { // 选中的项 handleSelectionChange (val) { this.multipleSelection = val; console.log("选中的项:", this.multipleSelection); }, // 修改多选框表头 cellClass (row) { // 判断第几列 if (row.columnIndex === 0) { return "disableSelection"; } }, // 自定义表头 renderHeader (h, { column, $index }, type) { // console.log('列表加载就会触发', h, { column, $index }, type) console.log(column.label); let that = this // 逻辑是 h() 括号里包裹标签 第一个参数是标签名 第二个是属性 第三个是标签内容 如果是多个标签需要包裹数组 return h( 'div', [ // 列名称 // h('span', column.label), // 按钮 h('el-button', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small', }, style: 'color:#fff;', // class: "{ active: showSelectMore }", // class: 'className', on: { // 各种事件触发 click: function () { that.clickButton(type) } } }, '姓名') ], ) }, // 按钮点击事件 clickButton (type) { console.log('我点击了' + type + '的列') // this.downLoad() }, handleEdit (row) { } }, mounted () { } } </script> <style scoped> .Box { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } ::v-deep.el-table .disableSelection .cell .el-checkbox__inner { display: none; position: relative; } ::v-deep.el-table .disableSelection .cell::before { content: "选项"; position: absolute; right: 15px; } ::v-deep.el-table { border: 1px solid blue; } </style>
// 在要修改的那一列加render-header属性 <el-table-column label="姓名" prop="name" :render-header="(h, obj) => renderHeader(h, obj, '你的参数')" </el-table-column> // methods中写方法 renderHeader (h, { column, $index }, type) { // console.log('列表加载就会触发', h, { column, $index }, type) console.log(column.label); let that = this // 逻辑是 h() 括号里包裹标签 第一个参数是标签名 第二个是属性 第三个是标签内容 如果是多个标签需要包裹数组 return h( 'div', [ // 列名称 // h('span', column.label), // 按钮 h('el-button', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small', }, style: 'color:#fff;', // class: "{ active: showSelectMore }", // class: 'className', on: { // 各种事件触发 click: function () { that.clickButton(type) } } }, '姓名') ], ) },