
简介: day24-库的使用(2022.2.21)






— font.h 字体库头文件

— libfont.a 字体静态库(2选1即可)

— 字体动态库







2.将头文件加入到工程头文件中 head.h,按照头文件提示直接使用即可。



arm-linux-gcc *.c -o demo -Wall -I./libfont -L./libfont -lfont


arm-linux-gcc *.c -o demo -Wall -I./libfont -L./libfont –lfont -static

















#ifndef __FONT__
#define __FONT__
int   Init_Font(void);  //显示字体库前先调用本函数进行初始化
void  UnInit_Font(void); //程序退出前,调用本函数
int   Clean_Area(int X,  //x坐标起始点
                 int Y,  //y坐标起始点
         int width, //绘制的宽度
         int height,//绘制的高度
         unsigned long color); //往屏幕指定区域填充颜色
int   Display_characterX(unsigned int x,          //x坐标起始点
                         unsigned int y,          //y坐标起始点
             char *string,        //GB2312 中文字符串
             unsigned int color ,     //字体颜色值
             int size);               //字体放大倍数 1~8


#ifndef __HEAD_H
#define __HEAD_H
// 头文件
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <linux/input.h>  // 输入子系统头文件
#include "font.h" //字体库
// 打开LCD设备并初始化显存
extern int open_lcd(void);
// 关闭LCD设备
extern void close_lcd(void);
// 显示色块
extern void show_color(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, int color);
// 打开触摸屏文件
extern int open_ts(void);
// 关闭触摸屏
extern void close_ts(void);
// 获取当前点击坐标
extern void get_xy(int *x, int *y);


#include "head.h"
static int *FB; // 显存首地址(内部链接类型)
static int lcd_fd;  // LCD文件描述符
// 打开LCD设备并初始化显存
int open_lcd(void)
  // 1.   打开冰箱门   ——》打开屏幕设备文件
  lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
  if(lcd_fd == -1)
    perror("open lcd failed");
    return -1;
    // 显存映射(int *类型表示操作对象是像素点)
  FB = mmap(  NULL,   // 填NULL表示显存地址由系统自动分配
        800*480*4,  // 整块屏幕的显存大小
        PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,   // 显存保护权限:可读可写
        MAP_SHARED,     // 多进程共享设置
        lcd_fd,     // LCD文件描述符
        0);         // 0表示不偏移
  if(FB == MAP_FAILED)
    perror("mmap failed");
    return -2;
  return 0;
// 关闭LCD设备
void close_lcd(void)
// 显示色块
void show_color(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, int color)
  int x, y;
  for(y=y_start; y<y_start+h; y++)
    for(x=x_start; x<x_start+w; x++)
      *(FB+x+800*y) = color;


#include "head.h"
int main()
  open_lcd();   // 打开并初始化LCD
  open_ts();    // 打开触摸屏
  Init_Font();  // 初始化字体库
  // 全屏刷白
  show_color(0, 0, 800, 480, 0xFFFFFF);
  // 显示一段中英文
  Display_characterX(100, 200, "GZ2203大家好!~", 0xFF0000, 2);
  UnInit_Font();  // 关闭字体库
  close_ts();   // 关闭触摸屏
  close_lcd();  // 关闭LCD
  return 0;


#include "head.h"
static int ts_fd; //  触摸屏文件描述符全局变量
// 打开触摸屏文件
int open_ts(void)
  ts_fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDONLY);
  if(ts_fd == -1)
    perror("open ts failed");
    return -1;
  return 0;
// 关闭触摸屏
void close_ts(void)
// 获取当前点击坐标
void get_xy(int *x, int *y)
  int x_ready=0, y_ready=0;
  struct input_event ts_buf;
    read(ts_fd, &ts_buf, sizeof(ts_buf));
    // printf("type:0x%x code:0x%x value:%d\n", ts_buf.type, ts_buf.code, ts_buf.value);
    // if(ts_buf.type==0x3 && ts_buf.code==0x0)
    if(ts_buf.type==EV_ABS && ts_buf.code==ABS_X)
      *x = ts_buf.value;
      x_ready = 1;
      y_ready = 0;  // 确保x坐标获取在前
    else if(ts_buf.type==EV_ABS && ts_buf.code==ABS_Y)
      *y = ts_buf.value;
      y_ready = 1;
    if(x_ready==1 && y_ready==1)



#ifndef _LCD_H
#define _LCD_H
// 头文件
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
// 打开LCD设备并初始化显存
extern int open_lcd(void);
// 关闭LCD设备
extern void close_lcd(void);
// 显示色块
extern void show_color(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, int color);


#ifndef _TS_H
#define _TS_H
// 头文件
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/input.h>  // 输入子系统头文件
// 打开触摸屏文件
extern int open_ts(void);
// 关闭触摸屏
extern void close_ts(void);
// 获取当前点击坐标
extern void get_xy(int *x, int *y);


#include "lcd.h"
static int *FB; // 显存首地址(内部链接类型)
static int lcd_fd;  // LCD文件描述符
// 打开LCD设备并初始化显存
int open_lcd(void)
  // 1.   打开冰箱门   ——》打开屏幕设备文件
  lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
  if(lcd_fd == -1)
    perror("open lcd failed");
    return -1;
    // 显存映射(int *类型表示操作对象是像素点)
  FB = mmap(  NULL,   // 填NULL表示显存地址由系统自动分配
        800*480*4,  // 整块屏幕的显存大小
        PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,   // 显存保护权限:可读可写
        MAP_SHARED,     // 多进程共享设置
        lcd_fd,     // LCD文件描述符
        0);         // 0表示不偏移
  if(FB == MAP_FAILED)
    perror("mmap failed");
    return -2;
  return 0;
// 关闭LCD设备
void close_lcd(void)
// 显示色块
void show_color(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, int color)
  int x, y;
  for(y=y_start; y<y_start+h; y++)
    for(x=x_start; x<x_start+w; x++)
      *(FB+x+800*y) = color;


#include "ts.h"
static int ts_fd; //  触摸屏文件描述符全局变量
// 打开触摸屏文件
int open_ts(void)
  ts_fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDONLY);
  if(ts_fd == -1)
    perror("open ts failed");
    return -1;
  return 0;
// 关闭触摸屏
void close_ts(void)
// 获取当前点击坐标
void get_xy(int *x, int *y)
  int x_ready=0, y_ready=0;
  struct input_event ts_buf;
    read(ts_fd, &ts_buf, sizeof(ts_buf));
    // printf("type:0x%x code:0x%x value:%d\n", ts_buf.type, ts_buf.code, ts_buf.value);
    // if(ts_buf.type==0x3 && ts_buf.code==0x0)
    if(ts_buf.type==EV_ABS && ts_buf.code==ABS_X)
      *x = ts_buf.value;
      x_ready = 1;
      y_ready = 0;  // 确保x坐标获取在前
    else if(ts_buf.type==EV_ABS && ts_buf.code==ABS_Y)
      *y = ts_buf.value;
      y_ready = 1;
    if(x_ready==1 && y_ready==1)


#ifndef __HEAD_H
#define __HEAD_H
// 头文件
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <linux/input.h>  // 输入子系统头文件
#include "font.h" //字体库
#include "lcd.h"  //LCD库
#include "ts.h"   //TS库


#include "head.h"
int main()
  open_lcd();   // 打开并初始化LCD
  open_ts();    // 打开触摸屏
  Init_Font();  // 初始化字体库
  // 全屏刷白
  show_color(0, 0, 800, 480, 0xFFFFFF);
  // 显示一段中英文
  Display_characterX(100, 200, "GZ2203大家好!~", 0xFF0000, 2);
  UnInit_Font();  // 关闭字体库
  close_ts();   // 关闭触摸屏
  close_lcd();  // 关闭LCD
  return 0;



/* jconfig.h.  Generated from jconfig.cfg by configure.  */
/* jconfig.cfg --- source file edited by configure script */
/* see jconfig.txt for explanations */
/* #undef void */
/* #undef const */
/* #undef CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1
#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1
/* #undef NEED_BSD_STRINGS */
/* #undef NEED_SYS_TYPES_H */
/* #undef NEED_FAR_POINTERS */
/* Define this if you get warnings about undefined structures. */
/* Define "boolean" as unsigned char, not int, on Windows systems. */
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef __RPCNDR_H__    /* don't conflict if rpcndr.h already read */
typedef unsigned char boolean;
#define HAVE_BOOLEAN    /* prevent jmorecfg.h from redefining it */
#define INLINE __inline__
/* These are for configuring the JPEG memory manager. */
/* #undef DEFAULT_MAX_MEM */
/* #undef NO_MKTEMP */
#endif /* JPEG_INTERNALS */
#define BMP_SUPPORTED   /* BMP image file format */
#define GIF_SUPPORTED   /* GIF image file format */
#define PPM_SUPPORTED   /* PBMPLUS PPM/PGM image file format */
/* #undef RLE_SUPPORTED */
#define TARGA_SUPPORTED   /* Targa image file format */
/* #undef DONT_USE_B_MODE */
/* Define this if you want percent-done progress reports from cjpeg/djpeg. */
/* #undef PROGRESS_REPORT */
#endif /* JPEG_CJPEG_DJPEG */


 * jerror.h
 * Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
 * Modified 1997-2009 by Guido Vollbeding.
 * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
 * This file defines the error and message codes for the JPEG library.
 * Edit this file to add new codes, or to translate the message strings to
 * some other language.
 * A set of error-reporting macros are defined too.  Some applications using
 * the JPEG library may wish to include this file to get the error codes
 * and/or the macros.
 * To define the enum list of message codes, include this file without
 * defining macro JMESSAGE.  To create a message string table, include it
 * again with a suitable JMESSAGE definition (see jerror.c for an example).
#ifndef JMESSAGE
#ifndef JERROR_H
/* First time through, define the enum list */
/* Repeated inclusions of this file are no-ops unless JMESSAGE is defined */
#define JMESSAGE(code,string)
#endif /* JERROR_H */
#endif /* JMESSAGE */
typedef enum {
#define JMESSAGE(code,string) code ,
#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
JMESSAGE(JMSG_NOMESSAGE, "Bogus message code %d") /* Must be first entry! */
/* For maintenance convenience, list is alphabetical by message code name */
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_BUFFER_MODE, "Bogus buffer control mode")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_COMPONENT_ID, "Invalid component ID %d in SOS")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_CROP_SPEC, "Invalid crop request")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCT_COEF, "DCT coefficient out of range")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCTSIZE, "DCT scaled block size %dx%d not supported")
   "Component index %d: mismatching sampling ratio %d:%d, %d:%d, %c")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_HUFF_TABLE, "Bogus Huffman table definition")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_IN_COLORSPACE, "Bogus input colorspace")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_LENGTH, "Bogus marker length")
   "Wrong JPEG library version: library is %d, caller expects %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_MCU_SIZE, "Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_POOL_ID, "Invalid memory pool code %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_PRECISION, "Unsupported JPEG data precision %d")
   "Invalid progressive parameters Ss=%d Se=%d Ah=%d Al=%d")
   "Invalid progressive parameters at scan script entry %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SAMPLING, "Bogus sampling factors")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SCAN_SCRIPT, "Invalid scan script at entry %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_STATE, "Improper call to JPEG library in state %d")
   "JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is %u, caller expects %u")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_VIRTUAL_ACCESS, "Bogus virtual array access")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BUFFER_SIZE, "Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small")
JMESSAGE(JERR_CANT_SUSPEND, "Suspension not allowed here")
JMESSAGE(JERR_CCIR601_NOTIMPL, "CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet")
JMESSAGE(JERR_COMPONENT_COUNT, "Too many color components: %d, max %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_CONVERSION_NOTIMPL, "Unsupported color conversion request")
JMESSAGE(JERR_DAC_VALUE, "Bogus DAC value 0x%x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_EMPTY_IMAGE, "Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)")
JMESSAGE(JERR_EMS_READ, "Read from EMS failed")
JMESSAGE(JERR_EOI_EXPECTED, "Didn't expect more than one scan")
JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_READ, "Input file read error")
JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_WRITE, "Output file write error --- out of disk space?")
JMESSAGE(JERR_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL, "Fractional sampling not implemented yet")
JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_CLEN_OVERFLOW, "Huffman code size table overflow")
JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_MISSING_CODE, "Missing Huffman code table entry")
JMESSAGE(JERR_IMAGE_TOO_BIG, "Maximum supported image dimension is %u pixels")
JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EMPTY, "Empty input file")
JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EOF, "Premature end of input file")
   "Cannot transcode due to multiple use of quantization table %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_MISSING_DATA, "Scan script does not transmit all data")
JMESSAGE(JERR_MODE_CHANGE, "Invalid color quantization mode change")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NOTIMPL, "Not implemented yet")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NOT_COMPILED, "Requested feature was omitted at compile time")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_ARITH_TABLE, "Arithmetic table 0x%02x was not defined")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_BACKING_STORE, "Backing store not supported")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, "Huffman table 0x%02x was not defined")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_IMAGE, "JPEG datastream contains no image")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_QUANT_TABLE, "Quantization table 0x%02x was not defined")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_SOI, "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Insufficient memory (case %d)")
   "Cannot quantize more than %d color components")
JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_FEW_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to fewer than %d colors")
JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_MANY_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to more than %d colors")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_NO_SOS, "Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOI_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOS_NO_SOF, "Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_CREATE, "Failed to create temporary file %s")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_READ, "Read failed on temporary file")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_SEEK, "Seek failed on temporary file")
   "Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TOO_LITTLE_DATA, "Application transferred too few scanlines")
JMESSAGE(JERR_UNKNOWN_MARKER, "Unsupported marker type 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_VIRTUAL_BUG, "Virtual array controller messed up")
JMESSAGE(JERR_WIDTH_OVERFLOW, "Image too wide for this implementation")
JMESSAGE(JERR_XMS_READ, "Read from XMS failed")
   "Caution: quantization tables are too coarse for baseline JPEG")
   "Adobe APP14 marker: version %d, flags 0x%04x 0x%04x, transform %d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP0, "Unknown APP0 marker (not JFIF), length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP14, "Unknown APP14 marker (not Adobe), length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DAC, "Define Arithmetic Table 0x%02x: 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DHT, "Define Huffman Table 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DQT, "Define Quantization Table %d  precision %d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DRI, "Define Restart Interval %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_EMS_OPEN, "Obtained EMS handle %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_HUFFBITS, "        %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF, "JFIF APP0 marker: version %d.%02d, density %dx%d  %d")
   "Warning: thumbnail image size does not match data length %u")
   "JFIF extension marker: type 0x%02x, length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF_THUMBNAIL, "    with %d x %d thumbnail image")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_MISC_MARKER, "Miscellaneous marker 0x%02x, length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_PARMLESS_MARKER, "Unexpected marker 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANTVALS, "        %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_3_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d = %d*%d*%d colors")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d colors")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_SELECTED, "Selected %d colors for quantization")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_RECOVERY_ACTION, "At marker 0x%02x, recovery action %d")
   "Smoothing not supported with nonstandard sampling ratios")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF, "Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF_COMPONENT, "    Component %d: %dhx%dv q=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOI, "Start of Image")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS, "Start Of Scan: %d components")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_COMPONENT, "    Component %d: dc=%d ac=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_PARAMS, "  Ss=%d, Se=%d, Ah=%d, Al=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_CLOSE, "Closed temporary file %s")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_OPEN, "Opened temporary file %s")
   "JFIF extension marker: JPEG-compressed thumbnail image, length %u")
   "JFIF extension marker: palette thumbnail image, length %u")
   "JFIF extension marker: RGB thumbnail image, length %u")
   "Unrecognized component IDs %d %d %d, assuming YCbCr")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_XMS_OPEN, "Obtained XMS handle %u")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_ADOBE_XFORM, "Unknown Adobe color transform code %d")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_ARITH_BAD_CODE, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad arithmetic code")
   "Inconsistent progression sequence for component %d coefficient %d")
   "Corrupt JPEG data: %u extraneous bytes before marker 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_HIT_MARKER, "Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_HUFF_BAD_CODE, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_JFIF_MAJOR, "Warning: unknown JFIF revision number %d.%02d")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_JPEG_EOF, "Premature end of JPEG file")
   "Corrupt JPEG data: found marker 0x%02x instead of RST%d")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_NOT_SEQUENTIAL, "Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_TOO_MUCH_DATA, "Application transferred too many scanlines")
#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
/* Zap JMESSAGE macro so that future re-inclusions do nothing by default */
#ifndef JERROR_H
#define JERROR_H
/* Macros to simplify using the error and trace message stuff */
/* The first parameter is either type of cinfo pointer */
/* Fatal errors (print message and exit) */
#define ERREXIT(cinfo,code)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT1(cinfo,code,p1)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT2(cinfo,code,p1,p2)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT3(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT4(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3,p4)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[3] = (p4), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT6(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[3] = (p4), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[4] = (p5), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[5] = (p6), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXITS(cinfo,code,str)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define MAKESTMT(stuff)   do { stuff } while (0)
/* Nonfatal errors (we can keep going, but the data is probably corrupt) */
#define WARNMS(cinfo,code)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
#define WARNMS1(cinfo,code,p1)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
#define WARNMS2(cinfo,code,p1,p2)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
/* Informational/debugging messages */
#define TRACEMS(cinfo,lvl,code)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#define TRACEMS1(cinfo,lvl,code,p1)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#define TRACEMS2(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#define TRACEMS3(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3)  \
  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
     _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); \
     (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
     (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMS4(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4)  \
  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
     _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
     (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
     (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMS5(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)  \
  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
     _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
     _mp[4] = (p5); \
     (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
     (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMS8(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8)  \
  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
     _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
     _mp[4] = (p5); _mp[5] = (p6); _mp[6] = (p7); _mp[7] = (p8); \
     (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
     (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMSS(cinfo,lvl,code,str)  \
  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
   strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#endif /* JERROR_H */


 * jmorecfg.h
 * Copyright (C) 1991-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
 * Modified 1997-2009 by Guido Vollbeding.
 * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
 * This file contains additional configuration options that customize the
 * JPEG software for special applications or support machine-dependent
 * optimizations.  Most users will not need to touch this file.
 * Define BITS_IN_JSAMPLE as either
 *   8   for 8-bit sample values (the usual setting)
 *   12  for 12-bit sample values
 * Only 8 and 12 are legal data precisions for lossy JPEG according to the
 * JPEG standard, and the IJG code does not support anything else!
 * We do not support run-time selection of data precision, sorry.
#define BITS_IN_JSAMPLE  8  /* use 8 or 12 */
 * Maximum number of components (color channels) allowed in JPEG image.
 * To meet the letter of the JPEG spec, set this to 255.  However, darn
 * few applications need more than 4 channels (maybe 5 for CMYK + alpha
 * mask).  We recommend 10 as a reasonable compromise; use 4 if you are
 * really short on memory.  (Each allowed component costs a hundred or so
 * bytes of storage, whether actually used in an image or not.)
#define MAX_COMPONENTS  10  /* maximum number of image components */
 * Basic data types.
 * You may need to change these if you have a machine with unusual data
 * type sizes; for example, "char" not 8 bits, "short" not 16 bits,
 * or "long" not 32 bits.  We don't care whether "int" is 16 or 32 bits,
 * but it had better be at least 16.
/* Representation of a single sample (pixel element value).
 * We frequently allocate large arrays of these, so it's important to keep
 * them small.  But if you have memory to burn and access to char or short
 * arrays is very slow on your hardware, you might want to change these.
/* JSAMPLE should be the smallest type that will hold the values 0..255.
 * You can use a signed char by having GETJSAMPLE mask it with 0xFF.
typedef unsigned char JSAMPLE;
#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value))
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
typedef char JSAMPLE;
#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value))
#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value) & 0xFF)
#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
#define MAXJSAMPLE  255
#endif /* BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 8 */
/* JSAMPLE should be the smallest type that will hold the values 0..4095.
 * On nearly all machines "short" will do nicely.
typedef short JSAMPLE;
#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value))
#define MAXJSAMPLE  4095
#define CENTERJSAMPLE 2048
#endif /* BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 12 */
/* Representation of a DCT frequency coefficient.
 * This should be a signed value of at least 16 bits; "short" is usually OK.
 * Again, we allocate large arrays of these, but you can change to int
 * if you have memory to burn and "short" is really slow.
typedef short JCOEF;
/* Compressed datastreams are represented as arrays of JOCTET.
 * These must be EXACTLY 8 bits wide, at least once they are written to
 * external storage.  Note that when using the stdio data source/destination
 * managers, this is also the data type passed to fread/fwrite.
typedef unsigned char JOCTET;
#define GETJOCTET(value)  (value)
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
typedef char JOCTET;
#define GETJOCTET(value)  (value)
#define GETJOCTET(value)  ((value) & 0xFF)
#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
/* These typedefs are used for various table entries and so forth.
 * They must be at least as wide as specified; but making them too big
 * won't cost a huge amount of memory, so we don't provide special
 * extraction code like we did for JSAMPLE.  (In other words, these
 * typedefs live at a different point on the speed/space tradeoff curve.)
/* UINT8 must hold at least the values 0..255. */
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
typedef char UINT8;
#else /* not CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
typedef short UINT8;
#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
/* UINT16 must hold at least the values 0..65535. */
typedef unsigned short UINT16;
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_SHORT */
typedef unsigned int UINT16;
/* INT16 must hold at least the values -32768..32767. */
#ifndef XMD_H     /* X11/xmd.h correctly defines INT16 */
typedef short INT16;
/* INT32 must hold at least signed 32-bit values. */
#ifndef XMD_H     /* X11/xmd.h correctly defines INT32 */
#ifndef _BASETSD_H_   /* Microsoft defines it in basetsd.h */
#ifndef _BASETSD_H    /* MinGW is slightly different */
#ifndef QGLOBAL_H   /* Qt defines it in qglobal.h */
typedef long INT32;
/* Datatype used for image dimensions.  The JPEG standard only supports
 * images up to 64K*64K due to 16-bit fields in SOF markers.  Therefore
 * "unsigned int" is sufficient on all machines.  However, if you need to
 * handle larger images and you don't mind deviating from the spec, you
 * can change this datatype.
typedef unsigned int JDIMENSION;
#define JPEG_MAX_DIMENSION  65500L  /* a tad under 64K to prevent overflows */
/* These macros are used in all function definitions and extern declarations.
 * You could modify them if you need to change function linkage conventions;
 * in particular, you'll need to do that to make the library a Windows DLL.
 * Another application is to make all functions global for use with debuggers
 * or code profilers that require it.
/* a function called through method pointers: */
#define METHODDEF(type)   static type
/* a function used only in its module: */
#define LOCAL(type)   static type
/* a function referenced thru EXTERNs: */
#define GLOBAL(type)    type
/* a reference to a GLOBAL function: */
#define EXTERN(type)    extern type
/* This macro is used to declare a "method", that is, a function pointer.
 * We want to supply prototype parameters if the compiler can cope.
 * Note that the arglist parameter must be parenthesized!
 * Again, you can customize this if you need special linkage keywords.
#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist)  type (*methodname) arglist
#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist)  type (*methodname) ()
/* Here is the pseudo-keyword for declaring pointers that must be "far"
 * on 80x86 machines.  Most of the specialized coding for 80x86 is handled
 * by just saying "FAR *" where such a pointer is needed.  In a few places
 * explicit coding is needed; see uses of the NEED_FAR_POINTERS symbol.
#ifndef FAR
#define FAR  far
#define FAR
 * On a few systems, type boolean and/or its values FALSE, TRUE may appear
 * in standard header files.  Or you may have conflicts with application-
 * specific header files that you want to include together with these files.
 * Defining HAVE_BOOLEAN before including jpeglib.h should make it work.
typedef int boolean;
#ifndef FALSE     /* in case these macros already exist */
#define FALSE 0   /* values of boolean */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE  1
 * The remaining options affect code selection within the JPEG library,
 * but they don't need to be visible to most applications using the library.
 * To minimize application namespace pollution, the symbols won't be
 * defined unless JPEG_INTERNALS or JPEG_INTERNAL_OPTIONS has been defined.
 * These defines indicate whether to include various optional functions.
 * Undefining some of these symbols will produce a smaller but less capable
 * library.  Note that you can leave certain source files out of the
 * compilation/linking process if you've #undef'd the corresponding symbols.
 * (You may HAVE to do that if your compiler doesn't like null source files.)
/* Capability options common to encoder and decoder: */
#define DCT_ISLOW_SUPPORTED /* slow but accurate integer algorithm */
#define DCT_IFAST_SUPPORTED /* faster, less accurate integer method */
#define DCT_FLOAT_SUPPORTED /* floating-point: accurate, fast on fast HW */
/* Encoder capability options: */
#define C_ARITH_CODING_SUPPORTED    /* Arithmetic coding back end? */
#define C_MULTISCAN_FILES_SUPPORTED /* Multiple-scan JPEG files? */
#define C_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED     /* Progressive JPEG? (Requires MULTISCAN)*/
#define DCT_SCALING_SUPPORTED     /* Input rescaling via DCT? (Requires DCT_ISLOW)*/
#define ENTROPY_OPT_SUPPORTED     /* Optimization of entropy coding parms? */
/* Note: if you selected 12-bit data precision, it is dangerous to turn off
 * ENTROPY_OPT_SUPPORTED.  The standard Huffman tables are only good for 8-bit
 * precision, so jchuff.c normally uses entropy optimization to compute
 * usable tables for higher precision.  If you don't want to do optimization,
 * you'll have to supply different default Huffman tables.
 * The exact same statements apply for progressive JPEG: the default tables
 * don't work for progressive mode.  (This may get fixed, however.)
#define INPUT_SMOOTHING_SUPPORTED   /* Input image smoothing option? */
/* Decoder capability options: */
#define D_ARITH_CODING_SUPPORTED    /* Arithmetic coding back end? */
#define D_MULTISCAN_FILES_SUPPORTED /* Multiple-scan JPEG files? */
#define D_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED     /* Progressive JPEG? (Requires MULTISCAN)*/
#define IDCT_SCALING_SUPPORTED      /* Output rescaling via IDCT? */
#define SAVE_MARKERS_SUPPORTED      /* jpeg_save_markers() needed? */
#define BLOCK_SMOOTHING_SUPPORTED   /* Block smoothing? (Progressive only) */
#undef  UPSAMPLE_SCALING_SUPPORTED  /* Output rescaling at upsample stage? */
#define UPSAMPLE_MERGING_SUPPORTED  /* Fast path for sloppy upsampling? */
#define QUANT_1PASS_SUPPORTED     /* 1-pass color quantization? */
#define QUANT_2PASS_SUPPORTED     /* 2-pass color quantization? */
/* more capability options later, no doubt */
 * Ordering of RGB data in scanlines passed to or from the application.
 * If your application wants to deal with data in the order B,G,R, just
 * change these macros.  You can also deal with formats such as R,G,B,X
 * (one extra byte per pixel) by changing RGB_PIXELSIZE.  Note that changing
 * the offsets will also change the order in which colormap data is organized.
 * 1. The sample applications cjpeg,djpeg do NOT support modified RGB formats.
 * 2. These macros only affect RGB<=>YCbCr color conversion, so they are not
 *    useful if you are using JPEG color spaces other than YCbCr or grayscale.
 * 3. The color quantizer modules will not behave desirably if RGB_PIXELSIZE
 *    is not 3 (they don't understand about dummy color components!).  So you
 *    can't use color quantization if you change that value.
#define RGB_RED   0 /* Offset of Red in an RGB scanline element */
#define RGB_GREEN 1 /* Offset of Green */
#define RGB_BLUE  2 /* Offset of Blue */
#define RGB_PIXELSIZE 3 /* JSAMPLEs per RGB scanline element */
/* Definitions for speed-related optimizations. */
/* If your compiler supports inline functions, define INLINE
 * as the inline keyword; otherwise define it as empty.
#ifndef INLINE
#ifdef __GNUC__     /* for instance, GNU C knows about inline */
#define INLINE __inline__
#ifndef INLINE
#define INLINE      /* default is to define it as empty */
/* On some machines (notably 68000 series) "int" is 32 bits, but multiplying
 * two 16-bit shorts is faster than multiplying two ints.  Define MULTIPLIER
 * as short on such a machine.  MULTIPLIER must be at least 16 bits wide.
#define MULTIPLIER  int   /* type for fastest integer multiply */
/* FAST_FLOAT should be either float or double, whichever is done faster
 * by your compiler.  (Note that this type is only used in the floating point
 * DCT routines, so it only matters if you've defined DCT_FLOAT_SUPPORTED.)
 * Typically, float is faster in ANSI C compilers, while double is faster in
 * pre-ANSI compilers (because they insist on converting to double anyway).
 * The code below therefore chooses float if we have ANSI-style prototypes.
#ifndef FAST_FLOAT
#define FAST_FLOAT  float
#define FAST_FLOAT  double


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
struct {
  void *start;
  size_t length;
} *buffers;
struct my_error_mgr {
  struct jpeg_error_mgr pub;  /* "public" fields */
  jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;  /* for return to caller */
typedef struct my_error_mgr * my_error_ptr;
my_error_exit (j_common_ptr cinfo)
  /* cinfo->err really points to a my_error_mgr struct, so coerce pointer */
  my_error_ptr myerr = (my_error_ptr) cinfo->err;
  /* Always display the message. */
  /* We could postpone this until after returning, if we chose. */
  (*cinfo->err->output_message) (cinfo);
  /* Return control to the setjmp point */
  longjmp(myerr->setjmp_buffer, 1);
int show_jpg(char *filename,int X,int Y)
  int fd;
  unsigned long *fb_mem;
  /* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers to
   * working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
  struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
  /* We use our private extension JPEG error handler.
   * Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
   * struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
  struct my_error_mgr jerr;
  /* More stuff */
  FILE * infile;    /* source file */
  JSAMPARRAY buffer;    /* Output row buffer */
  int row_stride;   /* physical row width in output buffer */
  /* In this example we want to open the input file before doing anything else,
   * so that the setjmp() error recovery below can assume the file is open.
   * VERY IMPORTANT: use "b" option to fopen() if you are on a machine that
   * requires it in order to read binary files.
  if ((infile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", filename);
    return 0;
  fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
  if(fd == -1)
    perror("open lcd");
    return -1;
    fb_mem = (unsigned long *)mmap(NULL,        //映射到的地址 ,填NULL,由系统分配
                  800*480*4,   //映射内存大小
                  PROT_READ |PROT_WRITE,    //保护操作
                  MAP_SHARED,         //共享操作 MAP_SHARED 或者 MAP_PRIVATE
                  fd,            //设备文件ID
                  0       //内存偏移地址  默认从0开始
  if(fb_mem == MAP_FAILED)
    return -1;
  /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */
  /* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&; = my_error_exit;
  /* Establish the setjmp return context for my_error_exit to use. */
  if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) {
    /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error.
     * We need to clean up the JPEG object, close the input file, and return.
    return 0;
  /* Now we can initialize the JPEG decompression object. */
  /* Step 2: specify data source (eg, a file) */
  jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);
  /* Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header() */
  (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
  /* We can ignore the return value from jpeg_read_header since
   *   (a) suspension is not possible with the stdio data source, and
   *   (b) we passed TRUE to reject a tables-only JPEG file as an error.
   * See libjpeg.txt for more info.
  /* Step 4: set parameters for decompression */
  /* In this example, we don't need to change any of the defaults set by
   * jpeg_read_header(), so we do nothing here.
  /* Step 5: Start decompressor */
  (void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.
  /* We may need to do some setup of our own at this point before reading
   * the data.  After jpeg_start_decompress() we have the correct scaled
   * output image dimensions available, as well as the output colormap
   * if we asked for color quantization.
   * In this example, we need to make an output work buffer of the right size.
  /* JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer */
  // no zoom function
 // printf("%d * %d , %d \n", cinfo.output_width,cinfo.output_height , cinfo.output_components);
 // cinfo 是像素点的信息
  if(cinfo.output_width > 800)
     cinfo.output_width = 800;
  if(cinfo.output_height > 480)
     cinfo.output_height = 480; 
  row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
  /* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */
  buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
    ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);
  /* Step 6: while (scan lines remain to be read) */
  /*           jpeg_read_scanlines(...); */
  /* Here we use the library's state variable cinfo.output_scanline as the
   * loop counter, so that we don't have to keep track ourselves.
  while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
    /* jpeg_read_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
     * Here the array is only one element long, but you could ask for
     * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.
     int i =0,x=0;
    (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
    /* Assume put_scanline_someplace wants a pointer and sample count. */
   // put_scanline_someplace(buffer[0], row_stride);
     // move pix to fb_mem   JPG
        fb_mem[ (cinfo.output_scanline-1+Y)*800+x] = (buffer[0][i] << 16 |buffer[0][i+1] << 8|buffer[0][i+2]);  // 每个像素点的RGB
  /* Step 7: Finish decompression */
  (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.
  /* Step 8: Release JPEG decompression object */
  /* This is an important step since it will release a good deal of memory. */
  /* After finish_decompress, we can close the input file.
   * Here we postpone it until after no more JPEG errors are possible,
   * so as to simplify the setjmp error logic above.  (Actually, I don't
   * think that jpeg_destroy can do an error exit, but why assume anything...)
  /* At this point you may want to check to see whether any corrupt-data
   * warnings occurred (test whether is nonzero).
  munmap(fb_mem,    //映射后的地址,mmap的返回值
       800*480*4  //映射的大小
  return 0;
int show_jpg_fbmem(char *filename,int X,int Y,int *fb_mem)// mmap
  /* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers to
   * working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
  struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
  /* We use our private extension JPEG error handler.
   * Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
   * struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
  struct my_error_mgr jerr;
  /* More stuff */
  FILE * infile;    /* source file */
  JSAMPARRAY buffer;    /* Output row buffer */
  int row_stride;   /* physical row width in output buffer */
  /* In this example we want to open the input file before doing anything else,
   * so that the setjmp() error recovery below can assume the file is open.
   * VERY IMPORTANT: use "b" option to fopen() if you are on a machine that
   * requires it in order to read binary files.
  if ((infile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", filename);
    return 0;
  /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */
  /* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&; = my_error_exit;
  /* Establish the setjmp return context for my_error_exit to use. */
  if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) {
    /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error.
     * We need to clean up the JPEG object, close the input file, and return.
    return 0;
  /* Now we can initialize the JPEG decompression object. */
  /* Step 2: specify data source (eg, a file) */
  jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);
  /* Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header() */
  (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
  /* We can ignore the return value from jpeg_read_header since
   *   (a) suspension is not possible with the stdio data source, and
   *   (b) we passed TRUE to reject a tables-only JPEG file as an error.
   * See libjpeg.txt for more info.
  /* Step 4: set parameters for decompression */
  /* In this example, we don't need to change any of the defaults set by
   * jpeg_read_header(), so we do nothing here.
  /* Step 5: Start decompressor */
  (void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.
  /* We may need to do some setup of our own at this point before reading
   * the data.  After jpeg_start_decompress() we have the correct scaled
   * output image dimensions available, as well as the output colormap
   * if we asked for color quantization.
   * In this example, we need to make an output work buffer of the right size.
  /* JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer */
  // no zoom function
 // printf("%d * %d , %d \n", cinfo.output_width,cinfo.output_height , cinfo.output_components);
 // cinfo 是像素点的信息
  if(cinfo.output_width > 800)
     cinfo.output_width = 800;
  if(cinfo.output_height > 480)
     cinfo.output_height = 480; 
  row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
  /* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */
  buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
    ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);
  /* Step 6: while (scan lines remain to be read) */
  /*           jpeg_read_scanlines(...); */
  /* Here we use the library's state variable cinfo.output_scanline as the
   * loop counter, so that we don't have to keep track ourselves.
  while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
    /* jpeg_read_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
     * Here the array is only one element long, but you could ask for
     * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.
     int i =0,x=0;
    (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
    /* Assume put_scanline_someplace wants a pointer and sample count. */
   // put_scanline_someplace(buffer[0], row_stride);
     // move pix to fb_mem   JPG
        fb_mem[ (cinfo.output_scanline-1+Y)*800+x] = (buffer[0][i] << 16 |buffer[0][i+1] << 8|buffer[0][i+2]);  // 每个像素点的RGB
  /* Step 7: Finish decompression */
  (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.
  /* Step 8: Release JPEG decompression object */
  /* This is an important step since it will release a good deal of memory. */
  /* After finish_decompress, we can close the input file.
   * Here we postpone it until after no more JPEG errors are possible,
   * so as to simplify the setjmp error logic above.  (Actually, I don't
   * think that jpeg_destroy can do an error exit, but why assume anything...)
  /* At this point you may want to check to see whether any corrupt-data
   * warnings occurred (test whether is nonzero).
  return 0;
int show_jpegdata_fbmem(unsigned char * jpegdata, int size,int X,int Y, unsigned long *fb_mem)
  // 声明解压缩结构体,以及错误管理结构体
  struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
  struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
  // 使用缺省的出错处理来初始化解压缩结构体
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
  // 配置该cinfo,使其从jpg_buffer中读取jpg_size个字节
  // 这些数据必须是完整的JPEG数据
  jpeg_mem_src(&cinfo, jpegdata, size);
  // 读取JPEG文件的头
  jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true);
  // 开始解压jpeg数据
  JSAMPARRAY buffer;  //存放输出数据的缓冲区
  int row_stride;
  if(cinfo.output_width > 800)
     cinfo.output_width = 800;
  if(cinfo.output_height > 480)
     cinfo.output_height = 480; 
  row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
  buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
         ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);
  while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
     int i =0,x=0;
    (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
    /* 通过扫描行的方式,得到一行的数据,并利用下列for循环将一行的数据显示*/
        // 将buffer中的24bit的图像数据写入32bit的fb_mem
        fb_mem[ (cinfo.output_scanline-1+Y)*800+x] = (buffer[0][i] << 16 |buffer[0][i+1] << 8|buffer[0][i+2]);  // 每个像素点的RGB
  // 释放相关结构体和内存,解压后的图片信息被保留在fb_mem,直接映射到了LCD
  return 0;

传感器 编解码 人工智能
306 0
数据采集 数据挖掘 Python
存储 计算机视觉 C++
85 11
Shell 数据库 Python
数据采集 网络协议 API
【4月更文挑战第3天】Python的网络编程库包括socket、requests、urllib、paramiko、Twisted和asyncio。socket提供底层套接字编程,requests简化HTTP请求,urllib处理简单HTTP任务。paramiko支持SSHv2协议,适用于远程管理。Twisted是事件驱动的网络引擎,适合高性能应用。asyncio是Python 3.4+的异步IO库,用于编写并发代码。开发者应根据需求选择合适的库,考虑版本兼容性、文档和社区支持。
24 # co 库的实现
24 # co 库的实现
66 0
182 0
C++ Windows
363 0