《Deep Learning and the Artificial Inteligence Revolution》电子版地址

简介: Deep Learning and the Artificial Inteligence Revolution

《Deep Learning and the Artificial Inteligence Revolution》Deep Learning and the Artificial Inteligence Revolution


屏幕快照 2022-06-17 上午9.58.35.png

机器学习/深度学习 算法 API
论文笔记之:Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning Google DeepMind   Abstract    主流的 Q-learning 算法过高的估计在特定条件下的动作值。
机器学习/深度学习 移动开发 算法
【博士每天一篇文献-模型】Deep learning incorporating biologically inspired neural dynamics and in memory
21 1
【博士每天一篇文献-模型】Deep learning incorporating biologically inspired neural dynamics and in memory
机器学习/深度学习 算法
【博士每天一篇文献-综述】A wholistic view of continual learning with deep neural networks Forgotten
本文提出了一个整合持续学习、主动学习(active learning)和开放集识别(open set recognition)的统一框架,基于极端值理论(Extreme Value Theory, EVT)的元识别方法,强调了在深度学习时代经常被忽视的从开放集识别中学习识别未知样本的教训和主动学习中的数据查询策略,通过实证研究展示了这种整合方法在减轻灾难性遗忘、数据查询、任务顺序选择以及开放世界应用中的鲁棒性方面的联合改进。
31 6
机器学习/深度学习 传感器 自然语言处理
Deep Learning
39 2
机器学习/深度学习 存储 自然语言处理
Deep learning
147 0
《Understanding,generalisation,and transfer learning in deep neural networks》电子版地址
Understanding,generalisation,and transfer learning in deep neural networks
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《Understanding,generalisation,and transfer learning in deep neural networks》电子版地址
《Spiking Neural Networks,the Next Generation of Machine Learning》电子版地址
Spiking Neural Networks,the Next Generation of Machine Learning
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《Spiking Neural Networks,the Next Generation of Machine Learning》电子版地址
《Deep Learning vs.Machine Learning-the essential differences you need to know!》电子版地址
Deep Learning vs.Machine Learning-the essential differences you need to know!
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《Deep Learning vs.Machine Learning-the essential differences you need to know!》电子版地址