DAPP是Decentralized Application的缩写,中文叫分布式应用/去中心化应用。
*eossys.boot is a extremely minimalistic system contract that only supports the native actions and an
*activate action that allows activating desired protocol features prior to deploying a system contract
*with more features such as eossys.bios or eossys.system.
struct permission_level_weight{
permission_level permission;
uint16_t weight;
//explicit serialization macro is not necessary,used here only to improve compilation time
*Weighted key.
*details A weighted key is defined by a public key and an associated weight.
struct key_weight{
eossys::public_key key;
uint16_t weight;
//explicit serialization macro is not necessary,used here only to improve compilation time
*Wait weight.
*details A wait weight is defined by a number of seconds to wait for and a weight.
struct wait_weight{
uint32_t wait_sec;
uint16_t weight;
//explicit serialization macro is not necessary,used here only to improve compilation time
*Blockchain authority.
*details An authority is defined by:
*-a vector of key_weights(a key_weight is a public key plus a weight),
*-a vector of permission_level_weights,(a permission_level is an account name plus a permission name)
*-a vector of wait_weights(a wait_weight is defined by a number of seconds to wait and a weight)
*-a threshold value
struct authority{
uint32_t threshold=0;
//explicit serialization macro is not necessary,used here only to improve compilation time
*defgroup eossysboot eossys.boot
*ingroup eossyscontracts
*eossys.boot is a extremely minimalistic system contract that only supports the native actions and an
*activate action that allows activating desired protocol features prior to deploying a system contract
*with more features such as eossys.bios or eossys.system.
class[[eossys::contract("eossys.boot")]]boot:public eossys::contract{
using contract::contract;
*On error action.
*details Notification of this action is delivered to the sender of a deferred transaction
*when an objective error occurs while executing the deferred transaction.
*This action is not meant to be called directly.
*param sender_id-the id for the deferred transaction chosen by the sender,
*param sent_trx-the deferred transaction that failed.
void onerror(ignore<uint128_t>sender_id,ignore<std::vector<char>>sent_trx);
*Activates a protocol feature.
*details Activates a protocol feature
*param feature_digest-hash of the protocol feature to activate.
void activate(const eossys::checksum256&feature_digest);
*Asserts that a protocol feature has been activated.
*details Asserts that a protocol feature has been activated
*param feature_digest-hash of the protocol feature to check for activation.
void reqactivated(const eossys::checksum256&feature_digest);