- 内网Win10
- 内网CentOS7.6服务器 SSH端口22
- 云主机CentOS7.6一台 公网IP X.X.X.X
需求场景:通过内网win10机器SecureCRT连接上云主机的SSH,配置SecureCRT远程端口转发,将本地192.168.198.130 SSH端口22转发到云主机的8622端口上
- 云主机SSH配置中已经将/etc/ssh/sshd_config中GatewayPorts no改为了GatewayPorts yes
- 云主机安全组中也将TCP 8622端口放通
2、开启SecureCRT Trace Option
[LOCAL] : RECV: CHANNEL_OPEN[forwarded-tcpip] [LOCAL] : Rejecting remote forward request from 61.X.X.X:54962 to because the current filters do not allow 61.X.X.X:54962 to use the remote forward.
3、修改会话ini文件中Reverse Forward Filter
S:"Reverse Forward Filter"=allow,,0 deny,,0
S:"Reverse Forward Filter"=allow,,0
下面是SecureCRT官网论坛关于Remote port forwarding filter/Reverse Forward Filter的说明
SecureCRT's port forwarding "allowances" fall on the cautious side of security. This is the case for both local and remote/reverse port fowards, which ensures security by default but also means it's not the most convenient default setting if your needs are "special". In the case of reverse forwards, SecureCRT imposes a default filter that rejects any forwards that don't originate on the server side from the server's loopback address ( This means that if the (server-side) client application sets the src addr to anything other than (such as a non-loopback NIC address like 192.168.x.y), SecureCRT will deny such forwarding packets received, dropping packets w/o forwarding them on to the configured destination on the SecureCRT side. Such a denial can be seen in debug output if you enable Trace Options (SecureCRT's main "File" menu) prior to connecting to the remote machine. A denial/rejection looks like this, as one example, in Trace Options debug output (displayed in the SecureCRT terminal window the moment a server-side client application attempts to access the port from a filtered src address/port): [LOCAL] : RECV: CHANNEL_OPEN[forwarded-tcpip] [LOCAL] : Rejecting remote forward request from to because the current filters do not allow to use the remote forward. To relax SecureCRT's reverse forward filters to allow access for more than just localhost-originating addresses on the remote side, you'll need to manually edit the session's .ini file appropriately (make sure you close SecureCRT prior to changing a session's .ini file manually). Here's the line in the session's .ini file that you'll need to modify: S:"Reverse Forward Filter"=allow,,0 deny,,0 If you want to allow everything through (not the most secure choice, but works if you're just setting it up for a PC on a controlled LAB network), do this: S:"Reverse Forward Filter"=allow,,0 If you just want to allow everthing on the 192.168.x LAN segment, as well as any loopback adapter access to the forwarded port (denying access to all other originating addresses), do this: S:"Reverse Forward Filter"=allow,,0 allow,,0 deny,,0 This information is described in detail (including ipv6 how-to) within the SecureCRT help under the topic titled, "Configuring Port-Forwarding Filters" located within the "Secure Connections" top-level chapter.