在Xocde12上我们创建swift项目的时候Interface有两种选择:SwiftUI 和 Storyboard。其中SwiftUI只支持iOS13以上的系统,所以如果需要面向iOS13以下系统则无法使用。那么只能使用Storyboard,LifeCycle使用UIKit App Delegate。但是Xocde12默认为我们创建的项目如下:
这时候我们无法在iOS13以下系统上运行,会提示iOS Deployment Target过高。
查看在build setting中的iOS Deployment Target,发现默认是iOS14.x,我们将它改到iOS13以下系统(如12.3)。
2、解决xxx is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
降级iOS Deployment Target后再编译后发现项目报了大量的错误,错误类似:
'ConnectionOptions' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
'UIScene' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
'UISceneConfiguration' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
'UISceneSession' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
'UIWindowScene' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
解决方法是添加 @available(iOS 13.0, *) 标识,比如AppDelegate:
import UIKit @main class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } // MARK: UISceneSession Lifecycle @available(iOS 13.0, *) func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -> UISceneConfiguration { // Called when a new scene session is being created. // Use this method to select a configuration to create the new scene with. return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } @available(iOS 13.0, *) func application(_ application: UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions: Set<UISceneSession>) { // Called when the user discards a scene session. // If any sessions were discarded while the application was not running, this will be called shortly after application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. // Use this method to release any resources that were specific to the discarded scenes, as they will not return. } } 复制代码
import UIKit @available(iOS 13.0, *) class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate { var window: UIWindow? ... } 复制代码
这样再编译就不会报错了,在iOS 13.0以上系统依然可以正常运行。
import UIKit @available(iOS 13.0, *) class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate { var window: UIWindow? ... } 复制代码
import UIKit @main class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } // MARK: UISceneSession Lifecycle ... } 复制代码