在AndroidStudio中开启Show Context Actions对Dart的支持

简介: 在AndroidStudio中开启Show Context Actions对Dart的支持


1. 开启: Quick assist powered by the Dart Analysis Server.

2. 操作: File-> Settings->Editor->Intentions->录入(Quick assist powered by the Dart Analysis Server.)搜索-> 勾选即可

3. 使用: 选中某个Widget鼠标右键选中第一项ShowContext Actions,可为此Widget快速包裹一层指定/自定的Widget,省的找括号


【错误记录】Flutter 插件报错 ( Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread. | 更新最新 SDK )(一)
【错误记录】Flutter 插件报错 ( Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread. | 更新最新 SDK )(一)
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【错误记录】Flutter 插件报错 ( Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread. | 更新最新 SDK )(一)
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【错误记录】Flutter 报错 ( Could not resolve io.flutter:flutter_embedding_debug:1.0.0. )(一)
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【错误记录】Flutter 报错 ( Could not resolve io.flutter:flutter_embedding_debug:1.0.0. )(一)
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