您已经了解了如何使用值属性配置原始数据类型,并使用Bean 配置文件中的 标记的ref属性配置对象引用。这两种情况都涉及将奇异值传递给 bean。
现在,如果您想传递多个值,例如 Java 集合类型,例如 List、Set、Map 和 Properties,该怎么办。为了处理这种情况,Spring 提供了四种类型的集合配置元素,如下所示 -
没有 元素和描述
您可以使用 或 来连接 java.util.Collection 或数组的任何实现。
您将遇到两种情况 (a) 传递集合的直接值和 (b) 传递 bean 的引用作为集合元素之一。
让我们有一个工作的 Eclipse IDE 并采取以下步骤来创建一个 Spring 应用程序 -
脚步 描述
1 创建一个名为SpringExample的项目,并在创建的项目的src文件夹下创建一个包com.tutorialspoint。
2 使用添加外部 JAR选项添加所需的 Spring 库,如Spring Hello World 示例章节中所述。
3 创建Java类JavaCollection和MainApp下com.tutorialspoint包。
4 在src文件夹下创建 Beans 配置文件Beans.xml。
5 最后一步是创建所有 Java 文件和 Bean 配置文件的内容并运行应用程序,如下所述。
package com.tutorialspoint;
import java.util.*;
public class JavaCollection {
List addressList;
Set addressSet;
Map addressMap;
Properties addressProp;
// a setter method to set List
public void setAddressList(List addressList) {
this.addressList = addressList;
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// prints and returns all the elements of the list.
public List getAddressList() {
System.out.println("List Elements :" + addressList);
return addressList;
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// a setter method to set Set
public void setAddressSet(Set addressSet) {
this.addressSet = addressSet;
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// prints and returns all the elements of the Set.
public Set getAddressSet() {
System.out.println("Set Elements :" + addressSet);
return addressSet;
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// a setter method to set Map
public void setAddressMap(Map addressMap) {
this.addressMap = addressMap;
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// prints and returns all the elements of the Map.
public Map getAddressMap() {
System.out.println("Map Elements :" + addressMap);
return addressMap;
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// a setter method to set Property
public void setAddressProp(Properties addressProp) {
this.addressProp = addressProp;
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// prints and returns all the elements of the Property.
public Properties getAddressProp() {
System.out.println("Property Elements :" + addressProp);
return addressProp;
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package com.tutorialspoint;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml");
JavaCollection jc=(JavaCollection)context.getBean("javaCollection");
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以下是配置文件Beans.xml,其中包含所有类型集合的配置 -
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns = "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation = "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
<!-- results in a setAddressList(java.util.List) call -->
<property name = "addressList">
<!-- results in a setAddressSet(java.util.Set) call -->
<property name = "addressSet">
<!-- results in a setAddressMap(java.util.Map) call -->
<property name = "addressMap">
<entry key = "1" value = "INDIA"/>
<entry key = "2" value = "Pakistan"/>
<entry key = "3" value = "USA"/>
<entry key = "4" value = "USA"/>
<!-- results in a setAddressProp(java.util.Properties) call -->
<property name = "addressProp">
<prop key = "one">INDIA</prop>
<prop key = "one">INDIA</prop>
<prop key = "two">Pakistan</prop>
<prop key = "three">USA</prop>
<prop key = "four">USA</prop>
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完成源文件和 bean 配置文件的创建后,让我们运行应用程序。如果您的应用程序一切正常,它将打印以下消息 -
List Elements :[INDIA, Pakistan, USA, USA]
Set Elements :[INDIA, Pakistan, USA]
ap Elements :{1 = INDIA, 2 = Pakistan, 3 = USA, 4 = USA}
Property Elements :{two = Pakistan, one = INDIA, three = USA, four = USA}
注入 Bean 引用
以下 Bean 定义将帮助您了解如何将 bean 引用作为集合元素之一注入。即使您可以将引用和值混合在一起,如以下代码片段所示 -
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns = "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation = "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
<!-- Passing bean reference for java.util.List -->
<property name = "addressList">
<ref bean = "address1"/>
<ref bean = "address2"/>
<!-- Passing bean reference for java.util.Set -->
<property name = "addressSet">
<ref bean = "address1"/>
<ref bean = "address2"/>
<!-- Passing bean reference for java.util.Map -->
<property name = "addressMap">
<entry key = "one" value = "INDIA"/>
<entry key = "two" value-ref = "address1"/>
<entry key = "three" value-ref = "address2"/>
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要使用上面的 bean 定义,您需要以这样一种方式定义 setter 方法,以便它们也应该能够处理引用。
注入 null 和空字符串值
如果您需要传递一个空字符串作为值,那么您可以按如下方式传递它 -
前面的示例等效于 Java 代码:exampleBean.setEmail("")
如果您需要传递一个 NULL 值,那么您可以按如下方式传递它 -
前面的示例等效于 Java 代码:exampleBean.setEmail(null)