【FSFA 读书笔记】Ch 2 Computer Foundatinons(1)

简介: Data Organization 1. 进制转换。   按照正常的书写顺序写一个数字(无论多少进制),其中最左边的列称为“最高有效符号”,最右边的列称为“最低有效符号”。   (The right-most column is called the least significant sym...
Data Organization
1. 进制转换。
  (The right-most column is called the least significant symbol, and the left-most column is called the most significant symbol.)
2. Data sizes
在存储 多字节数据时,有“大端法”和“小端法”两种模式,区别在于把放置“最高有效符号”和“最低有效符号”的顺序。
(Computers differ in how they organize multiple-byte values. Some of them use  big-endian ordering and put the most significant byte of the number in the first storage byte, and others use little-endian ordering and put the least significant byte of the number in the first storage byte.)
3. 字符编码

(...to stores letters and sentences. The most common technique is to encode the characters
using ASCII or Unicode.)


(The endian ordering of a system does not play a role in how the characters are stored because these are separate 1-byte values.)

4. 数据结构 
(Computers know the layout of the data because of data structures.
A data structure describes how data are laid out. It works like a template or map.
The data structure is broken up into  fields, and each field has a size and name, although this information is not saved with the  data.)
5. 标志位
(A more efficient  method is to pack several of these binary conditions into one value. Each bit in the value  corresponds to a feature or option.)
Booting Process
存储 缓存 Shell
【CSAPP随笔】CH2:A Tour of Computer Systems | 计算机系统漫游
【CSAPP随笔】CH2:A Tour of Computer Systems | 计算机系统漫游
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IDE 开发工具
【FSFA 读书笔记】Ch 2 Computer Foundatinons(2)
Hard Disk Technology 1. 机械硬盘内部构造 几个重要概念:Sector(扇区),Head(读写头),Track(磁道),Cylinder(柱面)。 如果一个文件比较大,磁盘的写入顺序如下,因此有了后面的CHS地址表示:   写满一个扇区->磁盘旋转,写同磁道的下一个扇区...
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Windows 存储 Unix
【FSFA 读书笔记】Ch4 Volume Analysis & Cr 5 PC-based Partitions
Volume Analysis 1. “卷”可以理解为从逻辑上对物理存储设备的重新编制,便于操作系统管理。 (A volume is a collection of addressable sectors that an Operating System (OS) or application can use for data storage.) 每个卷的第一个扇区通常是它的引导记录(VBR)(可以把整个磁盘看成一个更大的卷),引导记录内应包含对它所管辖范围内的分区表。
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存储 消息中间件 缓存
【DDIA笔记】【ch1】 可靠性、可扩展性和可维护性 -- part1 可靠性
14 0
硬件开发笔记(十): 硬件开发基本流程,制作一个USB转RS232的模块(九):创建CH340G/MAX232封装库sop-16并关联原理图元器件
硬件开发笔记(十): 硬件开发基本流程,制作一个USB转RS232的模块(九):创建CH340G/MAX232封装库sop-16并关联原理图元器件

