import merge from "../help/merge.js"; import {calculateEncodingAttributes, getTotalWidthOfEncodings, getMaximumHeightOfEncodings} from "./shared.js"; class CanvasRenderer{ constructor(canvas, encodings, options){ this.canvas = canvas; this.encodings = encodings; this.options = options; } render(){ // Abort if the browser does not support HTML5 canvas // if (!this.canvas.getContext) { // throw new Error('The browser does not support canvas.'); // } this.initSize() setTimeout(() => { this.prepareCanvas(); for(let i = 0; i < this.encodings.length; i++){ var encodingOptions = merge(this.options, this.encodings[i].options); this.drawCanvasBarcode(encodingOptions, this.encodings[i]); this.drawCanvasText(encodingOptions, this.encodings[i]); this.moveCanvasDrawing(this.encodings[i]); } this.canvas.draw(); }, 50); // this.restoreCanvas(); } initSize(){ var ctx = this.canvas; calculateEncodingAttributes(this.encodings, this.options, ctx); var totalWidth = getTotalWidthOfEncodings(this.encodings); var maxHeight = getMaximumHeightOfEncodings(this.encodings); this.options.thiz.canvasWidth = totalWidth + this.options.marginLeft + this.options.marginRight; this.options.thiz.canvasHeight = maxHeight; } prepareCanvas(){ // Get the canvas context var ctx = this.canvas; // ctx.save(); // fixEncodings(this.encodings, this.options, ctx) // Paint the canvas ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.options.thiz.canvasWidth, this.options.thiz.canvasHeight); if(this.options.background){ ctx.fillStyle = this.options.background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.options.thiz.canvasWidth, this.options.thiz.canvasHeigh); } ctx.translate(this.options.marginLeft, 0); } drawCanvasBarcode(options, encoding){ // Get the canvas context var ctx = this.canvas; var binary = encoding.data; // Creates the barcode out of the encoded binary var yFrom; if(options.textPosition == "top"){ yFrom = options.marginTop + options.fontSize + options.textMargin; } else{ yFrom = options.marginTop; } // ctx.fillStyle = options.lineColor; ctx.setFillStyle(options.lineColor) for(var b = 0; b < binary.length; b++){ var x = b * options.width + encoding.barcodePadding; if(binary[b] === "1"){ ctx.fillRect(x, yFrom, options.width, options.height); } else if(binary[b]){ ctx.fillRect(x, yFrom, options.width, options.height * binary[b]); } } } drawCanvasText(options, encoding){ // Get the canvas context var ctx = this.canvas; var font = options.fontOptions + " " + options.fontSize + "px " + options.font; // Draw the text if displayValue is set if(options.displayValue){ var x, y; if(options.textPosition == "top"){ y = options.marginTop + options.fontSize - options.textMargin; } else{ y = options.height + options.textMargin + options.marginTop + options.fontSize; } // ctx.font = font; if(options.fontSize){ ctx.setFontSize(options.fontSize) } if(options.lineColor){ ctx.setFillStyle(options.lineColor) } // Draw the text in the correct X depending on the textAlign option if(options.textAlign == "left" || encoding.barcodePadding > 0){ x = 0; ctx.textAlign = 'left'; } else if(options.textAlign == "right"){ x = encoding.width - 1; ctx.textAlign = 'right'; } // In all other cases, center the text else{ x = encoding.width / 2; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; } ctx.fillText(encoding.text, x, y); } } moveCanvasDrawing(encoding){ var ctx = this.canvas; ctx.translate(encoding.width, 0); } restoreCanvas(){ // Get the canvas context var ctx = this.canvas; ctx.restore(); } } export default CanvasRenderer;
<template> <view class="barcode" > <!-- #ifndef MP-ALIPAY --> <canvas :canvas-id="elid" :id="elid" type="2D" :style="{width:canvasWidth+'px',height:canvasHeight+'px'}" /> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef MP-ALIPAY --> <canvas :id="elid" :width="canvasWidth" :height="canvasHeight" /> <!-- #endif --> </view> </template> <script> import JsBarcode from "./jsbarcode/JsBarcode.js" export default { data() { return { canvasWidth: 0, canvasHeight: 0, elid: this.$u.guid() } }, props: { format:{ type: String, default: 'CODE128' }, text: { type: String, default: '123' }, width: { type: Number, default: 2 }, height: { type: Number, default: 60 }, background: { type: String, default: '#ffffff' }, fontSize:{ type: Number, default: 20 }, margin:{ type: Number, default: 5 }, // fontColor: { // type: String, // default: '#000000' // }, lineColor: { type: String, default: '#000000' }, displayValue: { type: Boolean, default: true }, //bottom 或者 top textPosition:{ type: String, default: 'bottom' } }, // 在实例挂载完成后被立即调用 //兼容非动态取值(二维码为固定内容) mounted() { this.renderCode() }, watch: { text(newVal, oldVal) { //监测到text值发生改变时重新绘制 this.renderCode() } }, methods: { // 二维码生成工具 renderCode() { let ctx = uni.createCanvasContext(this.elid,this) JsBarcode(ctx, this.text, { format:this.format, thiz:this, width:this.width, height:this.height, background:this.background, lineColor:this.lineColor, margin:this.margin, fontSize:this.fontSize, fontColor:this.fontColor, textPosition:this.textPosition, displayValue: this.displayValue }); } } } </script> <style> .barcode { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } </style>