public static class ModelCopier { public static void CopyCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> from, ICollection<T> to) { if (from == null || to == null || to.IsReadOnly) { return; } to.Clear(); foreach (T element in from) { to.Add(element); } } public static void CopyModel(object from, object to, string[] excludeProperties) { if (from == null || to == null) { return; } PropertyDescriptorCollection fromProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(from); PropertyDescriptorCollection toProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(to); foreach (PropertyDescriptor fromProperty in fromProperties) { PropertyDescriptor toProperty = toProperties.Find(fromProperty.Name, true /* ignoreCase */); if (toProperty != null && excludeProperties.Contains(toProperty.Name) == false && !toProperty.IsReadOnly) { // Can from.Property reference just be assigned directly to to.Property reference? bool isDirectlyAssignable = toProperty.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(fromProperty.PropertyType); // Is from.Property just the nullable form of to.Property? bool liftedValueType = (isDirectlyAssignable) ? false : (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(fromProperty.PropertyType) == toProperty.PropertyType); if (isDirectlyAssignable || liftedValueType) { object fromValue = fromProperty.GetValue(from); if (isDirectlyAssignable || (fromValue != null && liftedValueType)) { toProperty.SetValue(to, fromValue); } } } } } }