先/opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmchname -o 生成文件/etc/opt/DynamicLinkManager/dlmchname.conf
然后修改/etc/opt/DynamicLinkManager/dlmchname.conf 里名字再 /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmchname -f
1) Create a definition file:
/opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmchname -o
[root@localhost ~]# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmchname -o
KAPL12374-I This operation will change the HDLM device configuration. Do you want to continue? [y/n]:y
KAPL12379-I The utility for changing HDLM device names finished normally.
2) The file will be at /etc/opt/DynamicLinkManager/dlmchname.conf. The content is similar to this:
serial number LDEV ID HDLM device name.
3585011299 0090 sddlmac
3585011299 0091 sddlmab
3585011299 0092 sddlmaa
The columns are serial number, LDEV ID, and HDLM device name.
3) Modify the HDLM device names to whatever you want
4) Update HDLM using definition file: /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmchname -f
5) Reset the server Reboot
6) Copy the definition file to other servers in the cluster and run steps 4 & 5.
cat /etc/opt/DynamicLinkManager/dlmchname.conf
# The device name change definition file
# This file is generated by dlmchname
# Format: <S/N> <LUN> <New HDLM device>
# S/N: Serial number of storage system
# LUN: LU number
# New HDLM device: New logical device file name of HDLM device
# Example: 171722 0002 sddlmaa
# For more information on how to modify this file,
# refer to the HDLM user's guide
1040422143 0005 sddlmae
1040422143 0008 sddlmak
1040422143 0009 sddlmab
1040422143 000A sddlmaa
1040422143 000B sddlmai
1040422143 000C sddlmao
1040422143 000D sddlmaf
1040422143 000E sddlmac
1040422143 000F sddlmaj
1040422143 0010 sddlman
1040422143 0011 sddlmag
1040422143 0012 sddlmad
1040422143 0013 sddlmal
1040422143 0014 sddlmam
1040422143 0015 sddlmah