二十一、DNA 可视化
脱氧核糖核酸是一种微小的分子,存在于我们身体的每个细胞中,包含着我们身体如何生长的蓝图。它看起来像一对核苷酸分子的双螺旋结构:鸟嘌呤、胞嘧啶、腺嘌呤和胸腺嘧啶。这些用字母 G、C、A 和 T 来表示。DNA 是一个长分子;它是微观的,但是如果把它拉长,它的 30 亿个碱基对会有 2 米长!这个程序是一个简单的 DNA 动画。
DNA Animation, by Al Sweigart email@protected Press Ctrl-C to quit... #G-C# #C---G# #T-----A# #T------A# #A------T# #G-----C# #G---C# #C-G# ## #T-A# #C---G# #G-----C# #G------C# #T------A# #A-----T# #C---G# #G-C# ## #T-A# #T---A# #A-----T# `--snip--`
与项目 15“深坑”和项目 20“数字雨”类似,这个程序通过打印ROWS
字符串方法将 AT 和 CG 对插入到每个字符串中。
"""DNA, by Al Sweigart email@protected A simple animation of a DNA double-helix. Press Ctrl-C to stop. Inspired by matoken https://asciinema.org/a/155441 This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: short, artistic, scrolling, science""" import random, sys, time PAUSE = 0.15 # (!) Try changing this to 0.5 or 0.0. # These are the individual rows of the DNA animation: ROWS = [ #123456789 <- Use this to measure the number of spaces: ' ##', # Index 0 has no {}. ' #{}-{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-{}#', ' ##', # Index 9 has no {}. ' #{}-{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-{}#'] #123456789 <- Use this to measure the number of spaces: try: print('DNA Animation, by Al Sweigart email@protected') print('Press Ctrl-C to quit...') time.sleep(2) rowIndex = 0 while True: # Main program loop. # Increment rowIndex to draw next row: rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 if rowIndex == len(ROWS): rowIndex = 0 # Row indexes 0 and 9 don't have nucleotides: if rowIndex == 0 or rowIndex == 9: print(ROWS[rowIndex]) continue # Select random nucleotide pairs, guanine-cytosine and # adenine-thymine: randomSelection = random.randint(1, 4) if randomSelection == 1: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'A', 'T' elif randomSelection == 2: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'T', 'A' elif randomSelection == 3: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'C', 'G' elif randomSelection == 4: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'G', 'C' # Print the row. print(ROWS[rowIndex].format(leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide)) time.sleep(PAUSE) # Add a slight pause. except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program.
- 如果把第 42 行的
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
改成rowIndex = rowIndex + 2
会怎么样? - 如果把 53 行的
random.randint(1, 4)
改成random.randint(1, 2)
会怎么样? - 如果将第 9 行的
PAUSE = 0.15
设置为PAUSE = -0.15
这个程序创建了一个滚动的小鸭场。每只小鸭子都略有不同:它们可以面向左边或右边,有两种不同的体型,四种眼睛,两种嘴巴,三种翅膀位置。这给了我们 96 种不同的可能变异,这些变异是小鸭程序不断产生的。
Duckling Screensaver, by Al Sweigart email@protected Press Ctrl-C to quit... =" ) =") ( v)=") ( ^) ^ ^ ( v) >'') ^^ ^^ ( ^) >") ^ ^ ( v) =^^) ("< ("< >") ^^ ( >) (^ ) (< ) ( ^) ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ("< ^^ (``<>^^) (^^= (^ ) (< )( ^) (v ) ( "< ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ `--snip--`
"""Duckling Screensaver, by Al Sweigart email@protected A screensaver of many many ducklings. >" ) =^^) (``= ("= >") ("= ( >) ( ^) (v ) (^ ) ( >) (v ) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: large, artistic, object-oriented, scrolling""" import random, shutil, sys, time # Set up the constants: PAUSE = 0.2 # (!) Try changing this to 1.0 or 0.0. DENSITY = 0.10 # (!) Try changing this to anything from 0.0 to 1.0. DUCKLING_WIDTH = 5 LEFT = 'left' RIGHT = 'right' BEADY = 'beady' WIDE = 'wide' HAPPY = 'happy' ALOOF = 'aloof' CHUBBY = 'chubby' VERY_CHUBBY = 'very chubby' OPEN = 'open' CLOSED = 'closed' OUT = 'out' DOWN = 'down' UP = 'up' HEAD = 'head' BODY = 'body' FEET = 'feet' # Get the size of the terminal window: WIDTH = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] # We can't print to the last column on Windows without it adding a # newline automatically, so reduce the width by one: WIDTH -= 1 def main(): print('Duckling Screensaver, by Al Sweigart') print('Press Ctrl-C to quit...') time.sleep(2) ducklingLanes = [None] * (WIDTH // DUCKLING_WIDTH) while True: # Main program loop. for laneNum, ducklingObj in enumerate(ducklingLanes): # See if we should create a duckling in this lane: if (ducklingObj == None and random.random() <= DENSITY): # Place a duckling in this lane: ducklingObj = Duckling() ducklingLanes[laneNum] = ducklingObj if ducklingObj != None: # Draw a duckling if there is one in this lane: print(ducklingObj.getNextBodyPart(), end='') # Delete the duckling if we've finished drawing it: if ducklingObj.partToDisplayNext == None: ducklingLanes[laneNum] = None else: # Draw five spaces since there is no duckling here. print(' ' * DUCKLING_WIDTH, end='') print() # Print a newline. sys.stdout.flush() # Make sure text appears on the screen. time.sleep(PAUSE) class Duckling: def __init__(self): """Create a new duckling with random body features.""" self.direction = random.choice([LEFT, RIGHT]) self.body = random.choice([CHUBBY, VERY_CHUBBY]) self.mouth = random.choice([OPEN, CLOSED]) self.wing = random.choice([OUT, UP, DOWN]) if self.body == CHUBBY: # Chubby ducklings can only have beady eyes. self.eyes = BEADY else: self.eyes = random.choice([BEADY, WIDE, HAPPY, ALOOF]) self.partToDisplayNext = HEAD def getHeadStr(self): """Returns the string of the duckling's head.""" headStr = '' if self.direction == LEFT: # Get the mouth: if self.mouth == OPEN: headStr += '>' elif self.mouth == CLOSED: headStr += '=' # Get the eyes: if self.eyes == BEADY and self.body == CHUBBY: headStr += '"' elif self.eyes == BEADY and self.body == VERY_CHUBBY: headStr += '" ' elif self.eyes == WIDE: headStr += "''" elif self.eyes == HAPPY: headStr += '^^' elif self.eyes == ALOOF: headStr += '``' headStr += ') ' # Get the back of the head. if self.direction == RIGHT: headStr += ' (' # Get the back of the head. # Get the eyes: if self.eyes == BEADY and self.body == CHUBBY: headStr += '"' elif self.eyes == BEADY and self.body == VERY_CHUBBY: headStr += ' "' elif self.eyes == WIDE: headStr += "''" elif self.eyes == HAPPY: headStr += '^^' elif self.eyes == ALOOF: headStr += '``' # Get the mouth: if self.mouth == OPEN: headStr += '<' elif self.mouth == CLOSED: headStr += '=' if self.body == CHUBBY: # Get an extra space so chubby ducklings are the same # width as very chubby ducklings. headStr += ' ' return headStr def getBodyStr(self): """Returns the string of the duckling's body.""" bodyStr = '(' # Get the left side of the body. if self.direction == LEFT: # Get the interior body space: if self.body == CHUBBY: bodyStr += ' ' elif self.body == VERY_CHUBBY: bodyStr += ' ' # Get the wing: if self.wing == OUT: bodyStr += '>' elif self.wing == UP: bodyStr += '^' elif self.wing == DOWN: bodyStr += 'v' if self.direction == RIGHT: # Get the wing: if self.wing == OUT: bodyStr += '<' elif self.wing == UP: bodyStr += '^' elif self.wing == DOWN: bodyStr += 'v' # Get the interior body space: if self.body == CHUBBY: bodyStr += ' ' elif self.body == VERY_CHUBBY: bodyStr += ' ' bodyStr += ')' # Get the right side of the body. if self.body == CHUBBY: # Get an extra space so chubby ducklings are the same # width as very chubby ducklings. bodyStr += ' ' return bodyStr def getFeetStr(self): """Returns the string of the duckling's feet.""" if self.body == CHUBBY: return ' ^^ ' elif self.body == VERY_CHUBBY: return ' ^ ^ ' def getNextBodyPart(self): """Calls the appropriate display method for the next body part that needs to be displayed. Sets partToDisplayNext to None when finished.""" if self.partToDisplayNext == HEAD: self.partToDisplayNext = BODY return self.getHeadStr() elif self.partToDisplayNext == BODY: self.partToDisplayNext = FEET return self.getBodyStr() elif self.partToDisplayNext == FEET: self.partToDisplayNext = None return self.getFeetStr() # If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game: if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program.
- 如果将第 75 行的
random.choice([LEFT, RIGHT])
会发生什么 - 如果把 194 行的
self.partToDisplayNext = BODY
改成self.partToDisplayNext = None
会怎么样? - 如果把 197 行的
self.partToDisplayNext = FEET
改成self.partToDisplayNext = BODY
会怎么样? - 如果把 195 行的
运动复制粘贴到这个程序中,比如源代码第 6 到 14 行中的希尔伯特曲线分形的WASD
时,输出将看起来像图 23-1 。
与项目 17“骰子数学”一样,这个程序使用存储在名为canvas
的变量中的字典来记录绘图的线条。关键字是(x, y)
元组,值是表示要在屏幕上的 x,y 坐标处绘制的线形的字符串。附录 b 给出了可以在 Python 程序中使用的 Unicode 字符的完整列表。
第 126 行有一个对open()
参数。原因超出了本书的范围,但这是 Windows 将行字符写入文本文件所必需的。
"""Etching Drawer, by Al Sweigart email@protected An art program that draws a continuous line around the screen using the WASD keys. Inspired by Etch A Sketch toys. For example, you can draw Hilbert Curve fractal with: SDWDDSASDSAAWASSDSASSDWDSDWWAWDDDSASSDWDSDWWAWDWWASAAWDWAWDDSDW Or an even larger Hilbert Curve fractal with: DDSAASSDDWDDSDDWWAAWDDDDSDDWDDDDSAASDDSAAAAWAASSSDDWDDDDSAASDDSAAAAWA ASAAAAWDDWWAASAAWAASSDDSAASSDDWDDDDSAASDDSAAAAWAASSDDSAASSDDWDDSDDWWA AWDDDDDDSAASSDDWDDSDDWWAAWDDWWAASAAAAWDDWAAWDDDDSDDWDDSDDWDDDDSAASDDS AAAAWAASSDDSAASSDDWDDSDDWWAAWDDDDDDSAASSDDWDDSDDWWAAWDDWWAASAAAAWDDWA AWDDDDSDDWWAAWDDWWAASAAWAASSDDSAAAAWAASAAAAWDDWAAWDDDDSDDWWWAASAAAAWD DWAAWDDDDSDDWDDDDSAASSDDWDDSDDWWAAWDD This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: large, artistic""" import shutil, sys # Set up the constants for line characters: UP_DOWN_CHAR = chr(9474) # Character 9474 is '│' LEFT_RIGHT_CHAR = chr(9472) # Character 9472 is '─' DOWN_RIGHT_CHAR = chr(9484) # Character 9484 is '┌' DOWN_LEFT_CHAR = chr(9488) # Character 9488 is '┐' UP_RIGHT_CHAR = chr(9492) # Character 9492 is '└' UP_LEFT_CHAR = chr(9496) # Character 9496 is '┘' UP_DOWN_RIGHT_CHAR = chr(9500) # Character 9500 is '├' UP_DOWN_LEFT_CHAR = chr(9508) # Character 9508 is '┤' DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_CHAR = chr(9516) # Character 9516 is '┬' UP_LEFT_RIGHT_CHAR = chr(9524) # Character 9524 is '┴' CROSS_CHAR = chr(9532) # Character 9532 is '┼' # A list of chr() codes is at https://inventwithpython.com/chr # Get the size of the terminal window: CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT = shutil.get_terminal_size() # We can't print to the last column on Windows without it adding a # newline automatically, so reduce the width by one: CANVAS_WIDTH -= 1 # Leave room at the bottom few rows for the command info lines. CANVAS_HEIGHT -= 5 """The keys for canvas will be (x, y) integer tuples for the coordinate, and the value is a set of letters W, A, S, D that tell what kind of line should be drawn.""" canvas = {} cursorX = 0 cursorY = 0 def getCanvasString(canvasData, cx, cy): """Returns a multiline string of the line drawn in canvasData.""" canvasStr = '' """canvasData is a dictionary with (x, y) tuple keys and values that are sets of 'W', 'A', 'S', and/or 'D' strings to show which directions the lines are drawn at each xy point.""" for rowNum in range(CANVAS_HEIGHT): for columnNum in range(CANVAS_WIDTH): if columnNum == cx and rowNum == cy: canvasStr += '#' continue # Add the line character for this point to canvasStr. cell = canvasData.get((columnNum, rowNum)) if cell in (set(['W', 'S']), set(['W']), set(['S'])): canvasStr += UP_DOWN_CHAR elif cell in (set(['A', 'D']), set(['A']), set(['D'])): canvasStr += LEFT_RIGHT_CHAR elif cell == set(['S', 'D']): canvasStr += DOWN_RIGHT_CHAR elif cell == set(['A', 'S']): canvasStr += DOWN_LEFT_CHAR elif cell == set(['W', 'D']): canvasStr += UP_RIGHT_CHAR elif cell == set(['W', 'A']): canvasStr += UP_LEFT_CHAR elif cell == set(['W', 'S', 'D']): canvasStr += UP_DOWN_RIGHT_CHAR elif cell == set(['W', 'S', 'A']): canvasStr += UP_DOWN_LEFT_CHAR elif cell == set(['A', 'S', 'D']): canvasStr += DOWN_LEFT_RIGHT_CHAR elif cell == set(['W', 'A', 'D']): canvasStr += UP_LEFT_RIGHT_CHAR elif cell == set(['W', 'A', 'S', 'D']): canvasStr += CROSS_CHAR elif cell == None: canvasStr += ' ' canvasStr += '\n' # Add a newline at the end of each row. return canvasStr moves = [] while True: # Main program loop. # Draw the lines based on the data in canvas: print(getCanvasString(canvas, cursorX, cursorY)) print('WASD keys to move, H for help, C to clear, ' + 'F to save, or QUIT.') response = input('> ').upper() if response == 'QUIT': print('Thanks for playing!') sys.exit() # Quit the program. elif response == 'H': print('Enter W, A, S, and D characters to move the cursor and') print('draw a line behind it as it moves. For example, ddd') print('draws a line going right and sssdddwwwaaa draws a box.') print() print('You can save your drawing to a text file by entering F.') input('Press Enter to return to the program...') continue elif response == 'C': canvas = {} # Erase the canvas data. moves.append('C') # Record this move. elif response == 'F': # Save the canvas string to a text file: try: print('Enter filename to save to:') filename = input('> ') # Make sure the filename ends with .txt: if not filename.endswith('.txt'): filename += '.txt' with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(''.join(moves) + '\n') file.write(getCanvasString(canvas, None, None)) except: print('ERROR: Could not save file.') for command in response: if command not in ('W', 'A', 'S', 'D'): continue # Ignore this letter and continue to the next one. moves.append(command) # Record this move. # The first line we add needs to form a full line: if canvas == {}: if command in ('W', 'S'): # Make the first line a horizontal one: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)] = set(['W', 'S']) elif command in ('A', 'D'): # Make the first line a vertical one: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)] = set(['A', 'D']) # Update x and y: if command == 'W' and cursorY > 0: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add(command) cursorY = cursorY - 1 elif command == 'S' and cursorY < CANVAS_HEIGHT - 1: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add(command) cursorY = cursorY + 1 elif command == 'A' and cursorX > 0: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add(command) cursorX = cursorX - 1 elif command == 'D' and cursorX < CANVAS_WIDTH - 1: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add(command) cursorX = cursorX + 1 else: # If the cursor doesn't move because it would have moved off # the edge of the canvas, then don't change the set at # canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)]. continue # If there's no set for (cursorX, cursorY), add an empty set: if (cursorX, cursorY) not in canvas: canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)] = set() # Add the direction string to this xy point's set: if command == 'W': canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add('S') elif command == 'S': canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add('W') elif command == 'A': canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add('D') elif command == 'D': canvas[(cursorX, cursorY)].add('A')
- 如果把 101 行的
response = input('> ').upper()
改成response = input('> ')
会怎么样? - 如果把第 61 行的
canvasStr += '#'
改成canvasStr += '@'
会怎么样? - 如果把第 89 行的
canvasStr += ' '
改成canvasStr += '.'
会怎么样? - 如果把 94 行的
moves = []
一个数的因数是任何两个其它数,当它们彼此相乘时,产生该数。比如2 × 13 = 26
,所以 2 和 13 是 26 的因数。还有,1 × 26 = 26
,所以 1 和 26 也是 26 的因数。所以我们说 26 有四个因子:1,2,13,26。
如果一个数只有两个因子(1 和它本身),我们称之为质数。否则,我们称之为合数。使用因数查找器发现一些新的质数!(提示:质数总是以不是 5 的奇数结尾。)你也可以让计算机用项目 56“质数”来计算它们
Factor Finder, by Al Sweigart email@protected `--snip--` Enter a number to factor (or "QUIT" to quit): > 26 1, 2, 13, 26 Enter a number to factor (or "QUIT" to quit): > 4352784 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 29, 48, 53, 58, 59, 87, 106, 116, 118, 159, 174, 177, 212, 232, 236, 318, 348, 354, 424, 464, 472, 636, 696, 708, 848, 944, 1272, 1392, 1416, 1537, 1711, 2544, 2832, 3074, 3127, 3422, 4611, 5133, 6148, 6254, 6844, 9222, 9381, 10266, 12296, 12508, 13688, 18444, 18762, 20532, 24592, 25016, 27376, 36888, 37524, 41064, 50032, 73776, 75048, 82128, 90683, 150096, 181366, 272049, 362732, 544098, 725464, 1088196, 1450928, 2176392, 4352784 Enter a number to factor (or "QUIT" to quit): > 9787 1, 9787 Enter a number to factor (or "QUIT" to quit): > quit
我们可以通过检查第二个数是否能整除第一个数来判断一个数是否是另一个数的因数。例如,7 是 21 的因数,因为 21 ÷ 7 是 3。这也给了我们 21 的另一个因素:3。但是,8 不是 21 的因数,因为 21 ÷ 8 = 2.625。分数余数部分告诉我们这个等式没有被均匀地划分。
模数操作符将执行除法并告诉我们是否有余数:21 % 7
,意味着没有余数,7 是 21 的因数,而21 % 8
,一个非零值,意味着它不是一个因数。因子查找程序在第 35 行使用这种技术来确定哪些数字是因子。
,因为 5 的倍数本身就是 25,所以它是 25 的平方根。
"""Factor Finder, by Al Sweigart email@protected Finds all the factors of a number. This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: tiny, beginner, math""" import math, sys print('''Factor Finder, by Al Sweigart email@protected A number's factors are two numbers that, when multiplied with each other, produce the number. For example, 2 x 13 = 26, so 2 and 13 are factors of 26\. 1 x 26 = 26, so 1 and 26 are also factors of 26\. We say that 26 has four factors: 1, 2, 13, and 26. If a number only has two factors (1 and itself), we call that a prime number. Otherwise, we call it a composite number. Can you discover some prime numbers? ''') while True: # Main program loop. print('Enter a positive whole number to factor (or QUIT):') response = input('> ') if response.upper() == 'QUIT': sys.exit() if not (response.isdecimal() and int(response) > 0): continue number = int(response) factors = [] # Find the factors of number: for i in range(1, int(math.sqrt(number)) + 1): if number % i == 0: # If there's no remainder, it is a factor. factors.append(i) factors.append(number // i) # Convert to a set to get rid of duplicate factors: factors = list(set(factors)) factors.sort() # Display the results: for i, factor in enumerate(factors): factors[i] = str(factor) print(', '.join(factors))
- 如果删除或注释掉第 36 行的
会发生什么? - 如果删除或注释掉第 40 行的
factors = list(set(factors))
会发生什么?(提示:输入一个平方数,如 25 或 36 或 49。) - 如果删除或注释掉第 41 行的
会发生什么? - 如果将第 31 行的
factors = []
改为factors = ''
,会得到什么错误信息? - 如果把第 31 行的
factors = []
改成factors = [-42]
会怎么样? - 如果将第 31 行的
factors = []
改为factors = ['hello']
Fast Draw, by Al Sweigart email@protected Time to test your reflexes and see if you are the fastest draw in the west! When you see "DRAW", you have 0.3 seconds to press Enter. But you lose if you press Enter before "DRAW" appears. Press Enter to begin... It is high noon... DRAW! You took 0.3485 seconds to draw. Too slow! Enter QUIT to stop, or press Enter to play again. > quit Thanks for playing!
通过记录第 22 行的input()
调用之前的时间和第 24 行的input()
立即返回(通常在大约 3 毫秒内)。这就是为什么第 26 行检查时间是否小于 0.01 秒或 10 毫秒,以确定玩家按下回车太快。
"""Fast Draw, by Al Sweigart email@protected Test your reflexes to see if you're the fastest draw in the west. This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: tiny, beginner, game""" import random, sys, time print('Fast Draw, by Al Sweigart email@protected') print() print('Time to test your reflexes and see if you are the fastest') print('draw in the west!') print('When you see "DRAW", you have 0.3 seconds to press Enter.') print('But you lose if you press Enter before "DRAW" appears.') print() input('Press Enter to begin...') while True: print() print('It is high noon...') time.sleep(random.randint(20, 50) / 10.0) print('DRAW!') drawTime = time.time() input() # This function call doesn't return until Enter is pressed. timeElapsed = time.time() - drawTime if timeElapsed < 0.01: # If the player pressed Enter before DRAW! appeared, the input() # call returns almost instantly. print('You drew before "DRAW" appeared! You lose.') elif timeElapsed > 0.3: timeElapsed = round(timeElapsed, 4) print('You took', timeElapsed, 'seconds to draw. Too slow!') else: timeElapsed = round(timeElapsed, 4) print('You took', timeElapsed, 'seconds to draw.') print('You are the fastest draw in the west! You win!') print('Enter QUIT to stop, or press Enter to play again.') response = input('> ').upper() if response == 'QUIT': print('Thanks for playing!') sys.exit()
- 如果把第 22 行的
drawTime = time.time()
改成drawTime = 0
会怎么样? - 如果把第 30 行的
timeElapsed > 0.3
改成timeElapsed < 0.3
会怎么样? - 如果把第 24 行的
time.time() - drawTime
改成time.time() + drawTime
会怎么样? - 如果删除或注释掉第 15 行的
input('Press Enter to begin...')