71. Echo program implementation
Basic implementation of the Echo program: Print all arguments except the program name, separated by space, followed by newline.
The idiom demonstrates how to skip the first argument if necessary, concatenate arguments as strings, append newline and print it to stdout.
实现 Echo 程序
package main import "fmt" import "os" import "strings" func main() { fmt.Println(strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) }
use std::env; fn main() { println!("{}", env::args().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ")); }
use itertools::Itertools; println!("{}", std::env::args().skip(1).format(" "));
74. Compute GCD
Compute the greatest common divisor x of big integers a and b. Use an integer type able to handle huge numbers.
package main import "fmt" import "math/big" func main() { a, b, x := new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int) a.SetString("6000000000000", 10) b.SetString("9000000000000", 10) x.GCD(nil, nil, a, b) fmt.Println(x) }
extern crate num; use num::Integer; use num::bigint::BigInt; fn main() { let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"6000000000000", 10).unwrap(); let b = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"9000000000000", 10).unwrap(); let x = a.gcd(&b); println!("{}", x); }
75. Compute LCM
Compute the least common multiple x of big integers a and b. Use an integer type able to handle huge numbers.
package main import "fmt" import "math/big" func main() { a, b, gcd, x := new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int) a.SetString("6000000000000", 10) b.SetString("9000000000000", 10) gcd.GCD(nil, nil, a, b) x.Div(a, gcd).Mul(x, b) fmt.Println(x) }
extern crate num; use num::bigint::BigInt; use num::Integer; fn main() { let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"6000000000000", 10).unwrap(); let b = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"9000000000000", 10).unwrap(); let x = a.lcm(&b); println!("x = {}", x); }
76. Binary digits from an integer
Create the string s of integer x written in base 2.
E.g. 13 -> "1101"
package main import "fmt" import "strconv" func main() { x := int64(13) s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 2) fmt.Println(s) }
package main import ( "fmt" "math/big" ) func main() { x := big.NewInt(13) s := fmt.Sprintf("%b", x) fmt.Println(s) }
fn main() { let x = 13; let s = format!("{:b}", x); println!("{}", s); }
77. SComplex number
Declare a complex x and initialize it with value (3i - 2). Then multiply it by i.
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) func main() { x := 3i - 2 x *= 1i fmt.Println(x) fmt.Print(reflect.TypeOf(x)) }
(-3-2i) complex128
extern crate num; use num::Complex; fn main() { let mut x = Complex::new(-2, 3); x *= Complex::i(); println!("{}", x); }
78. "do while" loop
Execute a block once, then execute it again as long as boolean condition c is true.
package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" ) func main() { for { x := rollDice() fmt.Println("Got", x) if x == 3 { break } } } func rollDice() int { return 1 + rand.Intn(6) }
Go has no do while loop, use the for loop, instead.
Got 6 Got 4 Got 6 Got 6 Got 2 Got 1 Got 2 Got 3
package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" ) func main() { for done := false; !done; { x := rollDice() fmt.Println("Got", x) done = x == 3 } } func rollDice() int { return 1 + rand.Intn(6) }
Got 6 Got 4 Got 6 Got 6 Got 2 Got 1 Got 2 Got 3
loop { doStuff(); if !c { break; } }
Rust has no do-while loop with syntax sugar. Use loop and break.
79. Convert integer to floating point number
Declare floating point number y and initialize it with the value of integer x .
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) func main() { x := 5 y := float64(x) fmt.Println(y) fmt.Printf("%.2f\n", y) fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(y)) }
5 5.00 float64
fn main() { let i = 5; let f = i as f64; println!("int {:?}, float {:?}", i, f); }
int 5, float 5.0
80. Truncate floating point number to integer
Declare integer y and initialize it with the value of floating point number x . Ignore non-integer digits of x . Make sure to truncate towards zero: a negative x must yield the closest greater integer (not lesser).
package main import "fmt" func main() { a := -6.4 b := 6.4 c := 6.6 fmt.Println(int(a)) fmt.Println(int(b)) fmt.Println(int(c)) }
-6 6 6
fn main() { let x = 41.59999999f64; let y = x as i32; println!("{}", y); }