多个redo logfile member时候的性能分析

简介: Oracle对应多个logfile member的配置的运作机制说明如下

Oracle对应多个logfile member的配置的运作机制说明如下:



Each member of a log file group is concurrently active—that is,

concurrently written to by LGWR—as indicated by the identical log

sequence numbers assigned by LGWR. In Figure 6-2, first LGWR writes

concurrently to both A_LOG1 and B_LOG1. Then it writes concurrently to

both A_LOG2 and B_LOG2, and so on. LGWR never writes concurrently to

members of different groups (for example, to A_LOG1 and B_LOG2).


Oracle recommends that you multiplex your redo log files. The loss of

the log file data can be catastrophic if recovery is required. Note

that when you multiplex the redo log, the database must increase the

amount of I/O that it performs. Depending on your configuration, this

may impact overall database performance.

这里有个讨论向redo logfile group里面增加一个慢的member的贴子:

Multiplexing the Redo Log in remote location

writing in the redologs can only be as fast as writing in the slowest


This is probably not a good idea unless you have a really fast, fast,

fast network connection to the remote site. It has a high chance of

slowing down database performance.




Oracle 冗余 online redo log,比如一个日志文件的2个副本存放在2个独立存储卷中。两个存储卷性能一样,与无冗余 online redo log 性能有多大差异?


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