C++ -- 红黑树封装set和map(1)

简介: 1. 红黑树概念和性质1.1 概念红黑树,是一种二叉搜索树,但在每个结点上增加一个存储位表示结点的颜色,可以是Red或Black。 通过对任何一条从根到叶子的路径上各个结点着色方式的限制,红黑树确保没有一条路径会比其他路径长出两倍,因而是接近平衡的。

1. 红黑树概念和性质

1.1 概念

红黑树,是一种二叉搜索树,但在每个结点上增加一个存储位表示结点的颜色,可以是Red或Black。 通过对任何一条从根到叶子的路径上各个结点着色方式的限制,红黑树确保没有一条路径会比其他路径长出两倍,因而是接近平衡的。

1.2 性质

  1. 每个节点要么是红色要么是黑色
  2. 整颗树的根节点是黑色
  3. 如果一个节点是红色,那么它的左右孩子节点是黑色
  4. 对每个节点,从该节点到其所有后代叶子节点的路径上均包含相同数目的黑色节点
  5. 每个叶子节点的左右空节点都是黑色

1.3 实例


1.4 分析

  1. 最短路径:路径上的节点全是黑色
  2. 最长路径:路径上的节点有黑色和红色




2. 节点定义

enum Color
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
struct red_blackTreeNode
  red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE>* _left; //左节点指向
  red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE>* _right; //右节点指向
  red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE>* _parent; //父节点指向
  pair<KEY, VALUE> _couple; //存储key/value
  Color _color; //颜色标签
  red_blackTreeNode(const pair<KEY, VALUE>& couple)
    ,_color(RED) //默认插入红色节点(插入红色节点才能保证对每个节点,从该节点到其所有后代叶子节点的路径上均包含相同数目的黑色节点)

3. 插入操作

  1. 1. 根节点为空
  1. 1. new节点,改变根指向,返回true
  1. 2. 根节点不为空
  2.       1. 找到插入位置
  1.     1.   右查找:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
  2.     2.   左查找:当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
  3.     3.   当前节点key值 = 插入节点key值 :直接返回false
  1. 2. 在对应待插入位置插入
  1. 1. new节点,当前插入位置指向该节点
  2. 2. 右插入:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
  3. 3. 左插入: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
  1. 3. 当前被插入节点父指针指向指向被连接节点
  2. 4. 调整(TODO)




      2. grandpa为黑变红,uncle为红变黑

      3.若grandpa_parent存在且为红,调整cur=grandpa,parent=grandpa_parent,               grandpa=grandpa_parent->_parent,uncle=grandpa_parent -> _parent-> _left,调   整后回到开始位置继续判断uncle是否存在且为红


  1. uncle不存在时
  1. parent为红变黑
  2. 左低右高需旋转,grandpa为黑变红






  1. 情况二:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑


  1. 3. 情况三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑



bool insert(const pair<KEY, VALUE>& couple)
    if (_root == nullptr) //根为空:直接new并指向返回
        _root = new node(couple);
        return true;
    node* parent = nullptr; //起初根节点的父节点为nullptr
    node* cur = _root; //被插入节点指向
    while (cur)
        if (cur->_couple.first < couple.first) //右查找:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
            parent = cur;
            cur = cur->_right;
        else if (cur->_couple.first > couple.first) //左查找: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
            parent = cur;
            cur = cur->_left;
        else //当前节点key值 = 插入节点key值:直接退出
            return false;
    cur = new node(couple);
    if (parent->_couple.first > couple.first) //左插入: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
        parent->_left = cur;
    else //右插入:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
        parent->_right = cur;
    cur->_parent = parent; //反向链接
    while (parent && parent->_color == RED)
        node* grandpa = parent->_parent;
        if (grandpa == nullptr)
        if (grandpa->_left == parent)
            node* uncle = grandpa->_right;
            if (uncle && uncle->_color == RED) //情况一:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle存在且为红
                parent->_color = BLACK;
                uncle->_color = BLACK;
                grandpa->_color = RED;
                cur = grandpa;
                parent = cur->_parent;
            else //情况二+三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑
                if (cur == parent->_left) //左高右低(右旋)
                    //       grandpa
                    //       /     \ 
                    //   parent   uncle
                    //     /
                    //   cur
                    rightSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心右旋
                    parent->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
                else //
                    //       grandpa
                    //       /     \ 
                    //   parent   uncle
                    //       \
                        //       cur
                    leftSingleRotate(parent); //parent为轴心左旋
                    rightSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心右旋
                    cur->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
        else //grandpa->_left == parent
            node* uncle = grandpa->_left;
            if (uncle && uncle->_color == RED) //情况一:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle存在且为红
                parent->_color = BLACK;
                uncle->_color = BLACK;
                grandpa->_color = RED;
                cur = grandpa;
                parent = cur->_parent;
            else //情况二+三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑
                if (cur == parent->_right) //左高右低(左单旋)
                    //       grandpa
                    //       /     \ 
                    //   uncle   parent
                    //               \
                        //               cur
                    leftSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心左旋
                    parent->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
                else //cur == parent->_left
                    //       grandpa
                    //       /     \ 
                    //   uncle   parent
                    //            /
                    //           cur
                    rightSingleRotate(parent); //parent为轴心右旋
                    leftSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心左旋
                    cur->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
void leftSingleRotate(node* parent) //左单旋
    node* parent_RightChild = parent->_right; //parent_RightChild = cur
    node* parent_RightChild_LeftChild = parent_RightChild->_left; //parent_RightChild_LeftChild = curLeft
    node* parent_parent = parent->_parent; //局部根或整棵树根的父节点
    parent->_right = parent_RightChild_LeftChild; //让cur的左子树(curLeft)放在parent的右子树位置
    if (parent_RightChild_LeftChild != nullptr) //H为0时,parent_RightChild_LeftChild=nullptr
        parent_RightChild_LeftChild->_parent = parent; //curLeft的父节点指向指向parent
    parent_RightChild->_left = parent; //让parent放在cur的左子树位置
    parent->_parent = parent_RightChild; //parent的父节点指向指向cur
    if (parent_parent == nullptr) //parent是整颗树的根
        _root = parent_RightChild; //cur(parent_RightChild)就是根
        _root->_parent = nullptr;
    else //parent是局部子树的根
        if (parent_parent->_left == parent) //parent节点在父节点的左子树位置
            parent_parent->_left = parent_RightChild;
        else //parent节点在父节点的右子树位置
            parent_parent->_right = parent_RightChild;
        parent_RightChild->_parent = parent_parent; //cur(parent_RightChild)指向局部根的父节点
void rightSingleRotate(node* parent) //右单旋
    node* parent_LeftChild = parent->_left; //parent_LeftChild = cur
    node* parent_LeftChild_RightChild = parent_LeftChild->_right; //parent_LeftChild_RightChild = curRight
    node* parent_parent = parent->_parent; //局部根或整棵树根的父节点
    parent->_left = parent_LeftChild_RightChild; //让cur的右子树(curRight)放在parent的左子树位置
    if (parent_LeftChild_RightChild != nullptr)
        parent_LeftChild_RightChild->_parent = parent; //让curRight父节点的指向指向parent
    parent_LeftChild->_right = parent; //让parent放在cur的右子树位置
    parent->_parent = parent_LeftChild; //让parent的父节点指向指向cur
    if (parent_parent == nullptr) //parent是整颗树的根
        _root = parent_LeftChild; //cur(parent_LeftChild)就是根
        _root->_parent = nullptr;
    else //parent是局部子树的根
        if (parent_parent->_left == parent) //parent节点在父节点的左子树位置
            parent_parent->_left = parent_LeftChild;
        else //parent节点在父节点的右子树位置
            parent_parent->_right = parent_LeftChild;
        parent_LeftChild->_parent = parent_parent; //cur(parent_LeftChild)指向局部根的父节点

4. 检测

void _inOrder(node* root) //中序遍历
    if (root == nullptr)
    cout << root->_couple.first << " ";
int getreferenceValue(node* root)
    node* cur = root;
    int referenceValue = 0;
    while (cur)
        if (cur->_color == BLACK)
        cur = cur->_left;
    return referenceValue;
bool _checkoutRedRootParent(node* root) //检测红色节点的父节点是否为红
    if (root == nullptr)
        return true;
    if (root->_color == RED
        && root->_parent
        && root->_parent->_color == RED) //红色节点一定有父节点
        cout << "exist continuous RED root!" << endl;
        return false;
    return _checkoutRedRootParent(root->_left)
        && _checkoutRedRootParent(root->_right);
void _eachPathBlackRootNumber(node* root, int blackRootNumber, int& referenceValue)
    if (root == nullptr)
        if (blackRootNumber != referenceValue)
            cout << "this path black root number is not equal!" << endl;
    if (root->_color == BLACK)
    _eachPathBlackRootNumber(root->_left, blackRootNumber, referenceValue);
    _eachPathBlackRootNumber(root->_right, blackRootNumber, referenceValue);
int _heightDiffer(node* root)
    if (root == nullptr)
        return 0;
    int leftHeight = _heightDiffer(root->_left);
    int rightHeight = _heightDiffer(root->_right);
    return leftHeight > rightHeight ? leftHeight + 1 : rightHeight + 1;
void inOrder()
    cout << endl;
bool isBalance()
    if (_root && _root->_color == RED) //整颗的根必须为黑
        cout << "color of _root is RED!" << endl;
        return false;
    if (!_checkoutRedRootParent(_root)) //检测红色节点的父节点是否为红
        return false;
    int referenceValue = getreferenceValue(_root); //求最左边路径的黑色节点数量作为参考值
    _eachPathBlackRootNumber(_root, 0, referenceValue);
    return true;
int heightDiffer() //检测高度
    return _heightDiffer(_root);

5. 红黑树代码

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
enum Color
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
struct red_blackTreeNode
  red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE>* _left; //左节点指向
  red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE>* _right; //右节点指向
  red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE>* _parent; //父节点指向
  pair<KEY, VALUE> _couple; //存储key/value
  Color _color; //颜色标签
  red_blackTreeNode(const pair<KEY, VALUE>& couple)
    ,_color(RED) //默认插入红色节点(插入红色节点才能保证对每个节点,从该节点到其所有后代叶子节点的路径上均包含相同数目的黑色节点)
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
class red_blackTree
    typedef red_blackTreeNode<KEY, VALUE> node;
    node* find(const pair<KEY, VALUE>& key)
        node* cur = _root;
        while (cur)
            if (cur->_couple.first < key)
                cur = cur->_right;
            else if (cur->_couple.first > key)
                cur = cur->_left;
                return cur;
        return nullptr;
    red_blackTree(const red_blackTree<KEY, VALUE>& tree) //拷贝构造(递归复制)
        _root = _copy(tree._root);
    bool insert(const pair<KEY, VALUE>& couple)
        if (_root == nullptr) //根为空:直接new并指向返回
            _root = new node(couple);
            return true;
        node* parent = nullptr; //起初根节点的父节点为nullptr
        node* cur = _root; //被插入节点指向
        while (cur)
            if (cur->_couple.first < couple.first) //右查找:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
                parent = cur;
                cur = cur->_right;
            else if (cur->_couple.first > couple.first) //左查找: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
                parent = cur;
                cur = cur->_left;
            else //当前节点key值 = 插入节点key值:直接退出
                return false;
        cur = new node(couple);
        if (parent->_couple.first > couple.first) //左插入: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
            parent->_left = cur;
        else //右插入:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
            parent->_right = cur;
        cur->_parent = parent; //反向链接
        while (parent && parent->_color == RED)
            node* grandpa = parent->_parent;
            if (grandpa == nullptr)
            if (grandpa->_left == parent)
                node* uncle = grandpa->_right;
                if (uncle && uncle->_color == RED) //情况一:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle存在且为红
                    parent->_color = BLACK;
                    uncle->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
                    cur = grandpa;
                    parent = cur->_parent;
                else //情况二+三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑
                    if (cur == parent->_left) //左高右低(右旋)
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   parent   uncle
                        //     /
                        //   cur
                        rightSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心右旋
                        parent->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
                    else //
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   parent   uncle
                        //       \
                        //       cur
                        leftSingleRotate(parent); //parent为轴心左旋
                        rightSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心右旋
                        cur->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
            else //grandpa->_left == parent
                node* uncle = grandpa->_left;
                if (uncle && uncle->_color == RED) //情况一:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle存在且为红
                    parent->_color = BLACK;
                    uncle->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
                    cur = grandpa;
                    parent = cur->_parent;
                else //情况二+三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑
                    if (cur == parent->_right) //左高右低(左单旋)
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   uncle   parent
                        //               \
                        //               cur
                        leftSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心左旋
                        parent->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
                    else //cur == parent->_left
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   uncle   parent
                        //            /
                        //           cur
                        rightSingleRotate(parent); //parent为轴心右旋
                        leftSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心左旋
                        cur->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
        _root->_color = BLACK; //整颗树的根为黑
        return true; //插入成功
    void inOrder()
        cout << endl;
    bool isBalance()
        if (_root && _root->_color == RED) //整颗的根必须为黑
            cout << "color of _root is RED!" << endl;
            return false;
        if (!_checkoutRedRootParent(_root)) //检测红色节点的父节点是否为红
            return false;
        int referenceValue = getreferenceValue(_root); //求最左边路径的黑色节点数量作为参考值
        _eachPathBlackRootNumber(_root, 0, referenceValue);
        return true;
    int heightDiffer()
        return _heightDiffer(_root);
        _root = nullptr;
    void leftSingleRotate(node* parent) //左单旋
        node* parent_RightChild = parent->_right; //parent_RightChild = cur
        node* parent_RightChild_LeftChild = parent_RightChild->_left; //parent_RightChild_LeftChild = curLeft
        node* parent_parent = parent->_parent; //局部根或整棵树根的父节点
        parent->_right = parent_RightChild_LeftChild; //让cur的左子树(curLeft)放在parent的右子树位置
        if (parent_RightChild_LeftChild != nullptr) //H为0时,parent_RightChild_LeftChild=nullptr
            parent_RightChild_LeftChild->_parent = parent; //curLeft的父节点指向指向parent
        parent_RightChild->_left = parent; //让parent放在cur的左子树位置
        parent->_parent = parent_RightChild; //parent的父节点指向指向cur
        if (parent_parent == nullptr) //parent是整颗树的根
            _root = parent_RightChild; //cur(parent_RightChild)就是根
            _root->_parent = nullptr;
        else //parent是局部子树的根
            if (parent_parent->_left == parent) //parent节点在父节点的左子树位置
                parent_parent->_left = parent_RightChild;
            else //parent节点在父节点的右子树位置
                parent_parent->_right = parent_RightChild;
            parent_RightChild->_parent = parent_parent; //cur(parent_RightChild)指向局部根的父节点
    void rightSingleRotate(node* parent) //右单旋
        node* parent_LeftChild = parent->_left; //parent_LeftChild = cur
        node* parent_LeftChild_RightChild = parent_LeftChild->_right; //parent_LeftChild_RightChild = curRight
        node* parent_parent = parent->_parent; //局部根或整棵树根的父节点
        parent->_left = parent_LeftChild_RightChild; //让cur的右子树(curRight)放在parent的左子树位置
        if (parent_LeftChild_RightChild != nullptr)
            parent_LeftChild_RightChild->_parent = parent; //让curRight父节点的指向指向parent
        parent_LeftChild->_right = parent; //让parent放在cur的右子树位置
        parent->_parent = parent_LeftChild; //让parent的父节点指向指向cur
        if (parent_parent == nullptr) //parent是整颗树的根
            _root = parent_LeftChild; //cur(parent_LeftChild)就是根
            _root->_parent = nullptr;
        else //parent是局部子树的根
            if (parent_parent->_left == parent) //parent节点在父节点的左子树位置
                parent_parent->_left = parent_LeftChild;
            else //parent节点在父节点的右子树位置
                parent_parent->_right = parent_LeftChild;
            parent_LeftChild->_parent = parent_parent; //cur(parent_LeftChild)指向局部根的父节点
    node* _copy(node* root)
        if (root == nullptr)
            return nullptr;
        node* copyTreeRoot = new node(root->_couple);
        copyTreeRoot->_left = _copy(root->_left);
        copyTreeRoot->_right = _copy(root->_right);
        return copyTreeRoot;
    void _inOrder(node* root) //中序遍历
        if (root == nullptr)
        cout << root->_couple.first << " ";
    int getreferenceValue(node* root)
        node* cur = root;
        int referenceValue = 0;
        while (cur)
            if (cur->_color == BLACK)
            cur = cur->_left;
        return referenceValue;
    bool _checkoutRedRootParent(node* root) //检测红色节点的父节点是否为红
        if (root == nullptr)
            return true;
        if (root->_color == RED
            && root->_parent
            && root->_parent->_color == RED) //红色节点一定有父节点
            cout << "exist continuous RED root!" << endl;
            return false;
        return _checkoutRedRootParent(root->_left)
            && _checkoutRedRootParent(root->_right);
    void _eachPathBlackRootNumber(node* root, int blackRootNumber, int& referenceValue)
        if (root == nullptr)
            if (blackRootNumber != referenceValue)
                cout << "this path black root number is not equal!" << endl;
        if (root->_color == BLACK)
        _eachPathBlackRootNumber(root->_left, blackRootNumber, referenceValue);
        _eachPathBlackRootNumber(root->_right, blackRootNumber, referenceValue);
    int _heightDiffer(node* root)
        if (root == nullptr)
            return 0;
        int leftHeight = _heightDiffer(root->_left);
        int rightHeight = _heightDiffer(root->_right);
        return leftHeight > rightHeight ? leftHeight + 1 : rightHeight + 1;
    void _destory(node* root) //后序遍历销毁
        if (root == nullptr)
        delete root;
  node* _root;
void test_red_blackTree1()
    //int arr[] = { 16, 3, 7, 11, 9, 26, 18, 14, 15 };
    int arr[] = { 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 15, 7, 16, 14 };
    red_blackTree<int, int> tree;
    for (auto x : arr)
        tree.insert(make_pair(x, x));
    tree.inOrder(); //中序遍历(证明搜索二叉树)
    red_blackTree<int, int> copyTree(tree);
    cout << tree.isBalance() << endl; //判断是否为平衡树
void test_perfermance() //测试性能
    const size_t N = 1000000;
    red_blackTree<int, int> tree;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        size_t x = rand();
        tree.insert(make_pair(x, x));
    cout << tree.isBalance() << endl;
    cout << tree.heightDiffer() << endl;

6. 红黑树实现set和map

6.0 类设计图


6.1 红黑树包装复用

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
enum Color
/*采取复用:set --> T=KEY;map --> pair*/
template <class T>
struct red_blackTreeNode /*红黑树节点*/
  red_blackTreeNode<T>* _left; //左节点指向
  red_blackTreeNode<T>* _right; //右节点指向
  red_blackTreeNode<T>* _parent; //父节点指向
  T _field; //存储key/value或者只存储key(字段)
  Color _color; //颜色标签
  red_blackTreeNode(const T& field)
    , _field(field)
    ,_color(RED) //默认插入红色节点(插入红色节点才能保证对每个节点,从该节点到其所有后代叶子节点的路径上均包含相同数目的黑色节点)
template <class T, class Reference, class Pointer>
struct red_blackTreeIterator /*红黑树迭代器*/
    typedef red_blackTreeNode<T> node;
    typedef red_blackTreeIterator<T, Reference, Pointer> _self; //red_blackTreeIterator对象本身
    node* _node;
    red_blackTreeIterator(node* node)
    red_blackTreeIterator(const red_blackTreeIterator<T, T&, T*>& self) /*满足隐式转换:iterator --> const_iterator*/
    Reference operator*() //解引用获取key值
        return _node->_field;
    Pointer operator->() //取地址获取节点字段(field)地址
        return &_node->_field;
    bool operator!=(const _self& self) //节点不相等
        return _node != self._node;
    _self& operator++() //中序遍历(非递归)
        if (_node->_right) //该节点右子树不为空,下一个节点就是该节点右子树最左节点
            node* leftOfRightNode = _node->_right;
            while (leftOfRightNode->_left)
                leftOfRightNode = leftOfRightNode->_left;
            _node = leftOfRightNode; //当前访问指向调整
        else //右子树为空
            node* cur = _node;
            node* parent = cur->_parent;
            while (parent && cur == parent->_right)
                cur = parent;
                parent = parent->_parent;
            _node = parent; //当前访问指向调整
        return *this;
    _self& operator--() //反中序遍历(非递归)
        if (_node->_left) //该节点左子树不为空,下一个节点就是该节点左子树最右节点
            node* rightOfLeftNode = _node->_left;
            while (rightOfLeftNode->_right)
                rightOfLeftNode = rightOfLeftNode->_right;
            _node = rightOfLeftNode; //当前访问指向调整
        else //左子树为空
            node* cur = _node;
            node* parent = cur->_parent;
            while (parent && cur == parent->_left)
                cur = parent;
                parent = parent->_parent;
            _node = parent; //当前访问指向调整
        return *this;
template <class KEY, class T, class Compare> /*第二个模板参数T控制是KEY还是pair<const KEY, VALUE>*/
class red_blackTree /*红黑树*/
    typedef red_blackTreeNode<T> node;
    typedef red_blackTreeIterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;
    typedef red_blackTreeIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
    iterator begin()
        node* cur = _root;
        while (cur && cur->_left)
            cur = cur->_left;
        return iterator(cur);
    iterator end()
        return iterator(nullptr);
    const_iterator begin() const
        node* cur = _root;
        while (cur && cur->_left)
            cur = cur->_left;
        return const_iterator(cur);
    const_iterator end() const
        return const_iterator(nullptr);
    node* find(const T& key)
        Compare compare;
        node* cur = _root;
        while (cur)
            if (compare(cur->_field) < compare(key))
                cur = cur->_right;
            else if (compare(cur->_field) > compare(key))
                cur = cur->_left;
                return cur;
        return nullptr;
    red_blackTree(const red_blackTree<KEY, T, Compare>& tree) //拷贝构造(递归复制)
        _root = _copy(tree._root);
    pair<iterator, bool> Insert(const T& field)
        Compare compare;
        if (_root == nullptr) //根为空:直接new并指向返回
            _root = new node(field);
            return make_pair(iterator(_root), true);
        node* parent = nullptr; //起初根节点的父节点为nullptr
        node* cur = _root; //被插入节点指向
        while (cur)
            if (compare(cur->_field) < compare(field)) //右查找:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
                parent = cur;
                cur = cur->_right;
            else if (compare(cur->_field) > compare(field)) //左查找: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
                parent = cur;
                cur = cur->_left;
            else //当前节点key值 = 插入节点key值:直接退出
                return make_pair(iterator(cur), false);
        cur = new node(field);
        node* newnode = cur;
        if (compare(parent->_field) > compare(field)) //左插入: 当前节点key值 > 插入节点key值
            parent->_left = cur;
        else //右插入:当前节点key值 < 插入节点key值
            parent->_right = cur;
        cur->_parent = parent; //反向链接
        while (parent && parent->_color == RED)
            node* grandpa = parent->_parent;
            if (grandpa == nullptr)
            if (grandpa->_left == parent)
                node* uncle = grandpa->_right;
                if (uncle && uncle->_color == RED) //情况一:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle存在且为红
                    parent->_color = BLACK;
                    uncle->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
                    cur = grandpa;
                    parent = cur->_parent;
                else //情况二+三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑
                    if (cur == parent->_left) //左高右低(右旋)
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   parent   uncle
                        //     /
                        //   cur
                        rightSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心右旋
                        parent->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
                    else //
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   parent   uncle
                        //       \
                        //       cur
                        leftSingleRotate(parent); //parent为轴心左旋
                        rightSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心右旋
                        cur->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
            else //grandpa->_left == parent
                node* uncle = grandpa->_left;
                if (uncle && uncle->_color == RED) //情况一:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle存在且为红
                    parent->_color = BLACK;
                    uncle->_color = BLACK;
                    grandpa->_color = RED;
                    cur = grandpa;
                    parent = cur->_parent;
                else //情况二+三:cur为红,parent为红,grandpa为黑,uncle不存在/uncle存在且为黑
                    if (cur == parent->_right) //左高右低(左单旋)
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   uncle   parent
                        //               \
                        //               cur
                        leftSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心左旋
                        parent->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
                    else //cur == parent->_left
                        //       grandpa
                        //       /     \ 
                        //   uncle   parent
                        //            /
                        //           cur
                        rightSingleRotate(parent); //parent为轴心右旋
                        leftSingleRotate(grandpa); //grandpa为轴心左旋
                        cur->_color = BLACK;
                        grandpa->_color = RED;
        _root->_color = BLACK; //整颗树的根为黑
        return make_pair(iterator(newnode), true); //插入成功
        _root = nullptr;
    void leftSingleRotate(node* parent) //左单旋
        node* parent_RightChild = parent->_right; //parent_RightChild = cur
        node* parent_RightChild_LeftChild = parent_RightChild->_left; //parent_RightChild_LeftChild = curLeft
        node* parent_parent = parent->_parent; //局部根或整棵树根的父节点
        parent->_right = parent_RightChild_LeftChild; //让cur的左子树(curLeft)放在parent的右子树位置
        if (parent_RightChild_LeftChild != nullptr) //H为0时,parent_RightChild_LeftChild=nullptr
            parent_RightChild_LeftChild->_parent = parent; //curLeft的父节点指向指向parent
        parent_RightChild->_left = parent; //让parent放在cur的左子树位置
        parent->_parent = parent_RightChild; //parent的父节点指向指向cur
        if (parent_parent == nullptr) //parent是整颗树的根
            _root = parent_RightChild; //cur(parent_RightChild)就是根
            _root->_parent = nullptr;
        else //parent是局部子树的根
            if (parent_parent->_left == parent) //parent节点在父节点的左子树位置
                parent_parent->_left = parent_RightChild;
            else //parent节点在父节点的右子树位置
                parent_parent->_right = parent_RightChild;
            parent_RightChild->_parent = parent_parent; //cur(parent_RightChild)指向局部根的父节点
    void rightSingleRotate(node* parent) //右单旋
        node* parent_LeftChild = parent->_left; //parent_LeftChild = cur
        node* parent_LeftChild_RightChild = parent_LeftChild->_right; //parent_LeftChild_RightChild = curRight
        node* parent_parent = parent->_parent; //局部根或整棵树根的父节点
        parent->_left = parent_LeftChild_RightChild; //让cur的右子树(curRight)放在parent的左子树位置
        if (parent_LeftChild_RightChild != nullptr)
            parent_LeftChild_RightChild->_parent = parent; //让curRight父节点的指向指向parent
        parent_LeftChild->_right = parent; //让parent放在cur的右子树位置
        parent->_parent = parent_LeftChild; //让parent的父节点指向指向cur
        if (parent_parent == nullptr) //parent是整颗树的根
            _root = parent_LeftChild; //cur(parent_LeftChild)就是根
            _root->_parent = nullptr;
        else //parent是局部子树的根
            if (parent_parent->_left == parent) //parent节点在父节点的左子树位置
                parent_parent->_left = parent_LeftChild;
            else //parent节点在父节点的右子树位置
                parent_parent->_right = parent_LeftChild;
            parent_LeftChild->_parent = parent_parent; //cur(parent_LeftChild)指向局部根的父节点
    node* _copy(node* root)
        if (root == nullptr)
            return nullptr;
        node* copyTreeRoot = new node(root->_couple);
        copyTreeRoot->_left = _copy(root->_left);
        copyTreeRoot->_right = _copy(root->_right);
        return copyTreeRoot;
    void _destory(node* root) //后序遍历销毁
        if (root == nullptr)
        delete root;
  node* _root;

6.2 红黑树实现set

#pragma once
#include "red_blackTree.h"
namespace my_set
  template<class KEY>
  class set
    struct CompareOfSet
      const KEY& operator()(const KEY& key) /*仿函数作用:取值做比较*/
        return key;
    //typedef typename red_blackTree<KEY, const KEY, CompareOfSet>::iterator iterator; /*NO*/
    typedef typename red_blackTree<KEY, KEY, CompareOfSet>::const_iterator iterator;
    typedef typename red_blackTree<KEY, KEY, CompareOfSet>::const_iterator const_iterator;
    iterator begin()
      return _tree.begin();
    iterator end()
      return _tree.end();
    pair<iterator, bool> insert(const KEY& field)
      return _tree.Insert(field);
    red_blackTree<KEY, KEY, CompareOfSet> _tree;
  void test_set()
    int arr[] = { 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 15, 7, 16, 14 };
    set<int> s;
    for (auto x : arr)
    set<int>::iterator it = s.begin();
    while (it != s.end())
      cout << *it << " ";
    cout << endl;

6.3 红黑树实现map

#pragma once
#include "red_blackTree.h"
namespace my_map
  template<class KEY, class VALUE>
  class map
    struct CompareOfMap
      const KEY& operator()(const pair<const KEY, VALUE>& couple) /*仿函数作用:取值做比较*/
        return couple.first;
    typedef typename red_blackTree<KEY, pair<const KEY, VALUE>, CompareOfMap>::iterator iterator;
    iterator begin()
      return _tree.begin();
    iterator end()
      return _tree.end();
    pair<iterator, bool> insert(const pair<const KEY, VALUE >& field)
      return _tree.Insert(field);
    VALUE& operator[](const KEY& key)
      pair<iterator, bool> ret = insert(make_pair(key, VALUE()));
      return ret.first->second;
    red_blackTree<KEY, pair<const KEY, VALUE>, CompareOfMap> _tree;
  void test_map1()
    map<std::string, std::string> dict;
    dict.insert(make_pair("melon", "西瓜"));
    dict.insert(make_pair("strawberry", "草莓"));
    dict.insert(make_pair("pineapple", "菠萝"));
    dict.insert(make_pair("lemon", "柠檬"));
    dict.insert(make_pair("orange", "橘子"));
    map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = dict.begin();
    while (it != dict.end())
      cout << it->first << ":" << it->second << endl;
    cout << endl;
    //for (auto& x : dict)
    //  cout << x.first << ":" << x.second << endl;
    //cout << endl;
  void test_map2()
    std::string arr[] = { "西瓜", "西瓜", "苹果", "西瓜", "苹果", "西瓜", "苹果", "苹果", "香蕉", "苹果", "香蕉", "梨子", "梨子"};
    map<std::string, int> countMap;
    for (auto& x : arr)
    for (auto& x : countMap)
      cout << x.first << ":" << x.second << endl;
    cout << endl;

6.4 剖析代码

编译器 容器
编译器 测试技术 计算机视觉
Java 开发者
55 6
数据安全/隐私保护 C语言 C++
存储 C++ 容器
78 0
存储 缓存 安全
81 20
88 18
存储 算法 C++
43 5
存储 C++ 容器
本文介绍了C++ STL中的`map`和`set`两种关联容器。`map`用于存储键值对,每个键唯一;而`set`存储唯一元素,不包含值。两者均基于红黑树实现,支持高效的查找、插入和删除操作。文中详细列举了它们的构造方法、迭代器、容量检查、元素修改等常用接口,并简要对比了`map`与`set`的主要差异。此外,还介绍了允许重复元素的`multiset`和`multimap`。
81 3
存储 JavaScript 前端开发
Set、Map、WeakSet 和 WeakMap 的区别
在 JavaScript 中,Set 和 Map 用于存储唯一值和键值对,支持多种操作方法,如添加、删除和检查元素。WeakSet 和 WeakMap 则存储弱引用的对象,有助于防止内存泄漏,适合特定场景使用。