
简介:  Digital collections are digital works,works of art and commodities that use blockchain technology to identify the ownership of rights and interests.Digital collections can mark their owners in the blockchain network and trace their subsequent circulation,including but not limited to digital picture

  Digital collections are digital works,works of art and commodities that use blockchain technology to identify the ownership of rights and interests.Digital collections can mark their owners in the blockchain network and trace their subsequent circulation,including but not limited to digital pictures,music,video,electronic tickets,digital souvenirs and other forms.In short,the development of digital collection APP system is the digital works or commodities that can be traced and circulated through the blockchain technology to confirm the rights.

  The digital collection platform can be divided into two types of development,one is based on the alliance chain,the other is based on the public chain;Among them,alliance chain is the underlying technology of blockchain launched by domestic Internet giants to ensure the authenticity,uniqueness and security of data.The public chain is decentralized and privacy protected,controlled by institutions,and the entire account book is open and transparent to all.Anyone can query transactions,send transactions,and participate in bookkeeping on the public chain;At present,the domestic chain is alliance chain,and the public chain cannot be operated in China for the time being;

  Digital development has always been at the height of China's strategic development.The outline of the"Fourteenth Five-Year Plan"clearly mentions that we should promote the deep integration of block L,the Internet,big data,artificial intelligence and the real economy.In this context,digital collections have shown a strong and powerful development trend,and are integrating into all walks of life with the momentum of"everything can be digitized",driving independent innovation of enterprises,and guiding enterprises to develop towards digital economy and digital ecology.

  The development of digital collection system is an emerging industry,which is currently developing to a mature stage.With the improvement of various systems and the intensification of market supervision,there will be more independent innovation and valuable IP in China's digital collection market in the future.

  The development of digital collection system can be divided into two types:one is based on alliance chain,the other is based on public chain;Among them,alliance chain is the underlying technology of blockchain launched by domestic Internet manufacturers to ensure the authenticity,uniqueness and integrity of data.Security,the number of nodes specified by third-party developers,suitable for domestic promotion;The public chain is decentralized and privacy protected,controlled by institutions,and the entire account book is open and transparent to all.Anyone can query transactions,send transactions and participate in bookkeeping on the public chain.
  The development of digital collection system provides proof of property rights for digital content,expanding the scope of digital assets from digital currency to non-homogeneous digital content such as images,audio and video,game props,etc.This also ensures the uniqueness,authenticity and permanence of digital assets,solves the ownership and storage problems of digital assets,improves the efficiency of digital asset transactions,reduces transaction costs,and enhances the liquidity of digital content assets.

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