- 学生信息录入、修改、删除、查询
- 宿舍管理评分
- 学生早起率、懒床率
- 学生宿舍打扫频率
- 学生晚归情况
- 楼层管理
- 创建账户
- 分配宿舍
- 填写个人信息
- 修改个人信息
- 起床打卡(用于统计懒床率)
- 归宿登记(用于统计晚归情况)
- 打扫记录(用于统计宿舍打扫频率)
- 查看宿日常数据
- 楼层管理
- 宿舍评价
- 宿舍信息管理
- 学生信息查看
- 保洁人员管理
- 统计学生早起率
- 统计学生宿舍打扫频率
- 统计学生晚归
- 创建管理员
- 创建宿舍楼
- 为宿舍楼分配管理员
- 为宿舍楼分配保洁人员
- Vue 作为基础框架
- vue-router 控制路由(hash 模式)
- vuex 状态管理
- axios 接入数据
- Vue-element-admin作为基础框架
- Koa 作为基础框架
- koa-router —— 服务端路由控制
- koa-static —— 读取静态文件
- koa-jwt —— JWT 登录校验
- koa-body —— http body 数据处理
- koa-compress —— Gzip 压缩
- koa-cors —— CORS 解决跨域问题
- sequelize —— ORM
const { Building } = require("../model") module.exports = { getStudents: async function(buildingId) { const FloorController = require("./floor_controller") let users = [] const building = await Building.findOne({ where: { id: buildingId } }) const floors = await building.getFloors() for (let floor of floors) { const floorId = floor.id users = [...users, ...(await FloorController.getStudents(floorId))] } return users }, delBuilding: async function(id) { const { setStudentRoomNull } = require("./user_controller") const students = await this.getStudents(id) students.forEach(student => { setStudentRoomNull(student.id) }) return await Building.destroy({ where: { id } }) } }
const _ = require("lodash") const { User } = require("../model") module.exports = { async getEvaluatesInfo(evaluates) { const cpEvaluates = _.cloneDeep(evaluates) for (let evaluate of cpEvaluates) { const creator = await evaluate.getUser() evaluate.dataValues.userName = creator.name } return cpEvaluates } }
const { Floor } = require("../model") module.exports = { getStudents: async function(floorId) { const { getStudentInfo } = require("./user_controller") let users = [] const floor = await Floor.findOne({ where: { id: floorId } }) const rooms = await floor.getRooms() for (let room of rooms) { const roomUsers = await room.getUsers() for (let user of roomUsers) { users.push(await getStudentInfo(user.id)) } } return users } }
module.exports = { UserController: require("./user_controller"), RoomController: require("./room_controller"), FloorController: require("./floor_controller"), BuildingController: require("./building_controller"), EvaluateController: require("./evaluate_controller"), RecordController: require("./record_controller") }
const { User, GetupRecord, CleanRecord, BackRecord, Room, Floor, Building } = require("../model") const { Op } = require("sequelize") const moment = require("moment") const _ = require("lodash") const getupEarlyPoint = 8 const backEarlyPoint = 22 module.exports = { // getup 相关 async addGetupRecord(userId) { const user = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const todyRecord = await GetupRecord.findOne({ where: { userId: user.id, roomId: user.roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: moment() .startOf("day") .toDate(), [Op.lt]: moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() } } }) if (todyRecord) { throw new Error("当天已经有记录,记录失败!") } return await GetupRecord.create({ userId: user.id, roomId: user.roomId }) }, async getUserGetupRecords(userId, days, pure = false) { days = parseInt(days) const user = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const roomId = user.roomId const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) // 获取最近 days 天的记录 const startTime = moment() .subtract(days - 1 /* -1 代表查询天数包括今天 */, "days") .startOf("day") .toDate() const allRecords = [] for (let i = 0; i < days; i++) { const todayStart = moment(startTime) .add(i, "days") .toDate() const todayEnd = moment(todayStart) .endOf("day") .toDate() let record = await GetupRecord.findOne({ where: { userId, roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: todayStart, [Op.lt]: todayEnd } }, attributes: { exclude: ["updatedAt", "deletedAt"] } }) if (record) { // 如果当天有记录就推入结果 record = record.toJSON() record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") } else if (!record && !pure) { // 如果获取的是全部数据且当前天无数据 // 就建立一条空记录 record = GetupRecord.build({ id: "fake" + i, roomId, userId, createdAt: todayStart }).toJSON() record.time = null } else { continue } record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") record.userName = user.name record.roomNumber = room.number allRecords.push(record) } return allRecords.reverse() }, async getRoomGetupRecords(roomId, days, pure = false) { days = parseInt(days) const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) const users = await room.getUsers() const records = {} for (let user of users) { records[user.name] = await this.getUserGetupRecords(user.id, days, pure) } return records }, async getGetupRecordLineCharData(roomId) { const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) const users = await room.getUsers() const data = { columns: ["周期"], rows: [] } const dataCount = 5 // 获取的记录条数 const dataStep = 7 // 每条记录相隔的条数 // 初始化记录值 for (let i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { data.rows.push({ 周期: `最近${(i + 1) * dataStep}天` }) } // 遍历当前宿舍的用户 for (let user of users) { data.columns.push(user.name) for (let i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { const days = (i + 1) * dataStep // 获取某学生最近 days 天的早起记录 const records = await this.getUserGetupRecords(user.id, days, true) let earlyTimes = 0 records.forEach(record => { // 统计这些记录中有几天是早起的 const timeHour = parseInt(moment(record.createdAt).format("HH")) if (timeHour < getupEarlyPoint) { earlyTimes++ } }) // 计算早起率 const probability = (earlyTimes / days).toFixed(4) data.rows[i][user.name] = probability } } return data }, async getGetupTableData({ current, step, buildingId, floorId, roomId, userId, startTime, endTime }) { // 初始化时间 startTime = startTime ? moment(startTime) .startOf("day") .toDate() : moment(0).toDate() endTime = endTime ? moment(endTime) .endOf("day") .toDate() : moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() console.log("endTime: ", endTime) // 开始分情况获取数据 let result if (userId) { result = await GetupRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { userId: userId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (roomId) { result = await GetupRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { roomId: roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (floorId) { result = await GetupRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, include: [ { model: Room, where: { floorId } } ], limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (buildingId) { result = await GetupRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, include: [ { model: Room, where: { buildingId } } ], limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else { result = await GetupRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } const getStudentInfo = require("./user_controller").getStudentInfo let rows = [] for (let record of result.rows) { record = record.toJSON() delete record.room const userInfo = await getStudentInfo(record.userId) record = Object.assign(userInfo, record) record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") if (parseInt(moment(record.createdAt).format("HH")) < getupEarlyPoint) { record.early = true } else { record.early = false } rows.push(record) } result.rows = rows return result }, // back 相关 async addBackRecord(userId) { const user = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const todyRecord = await BackRecord.findOne({ where: { userId: user.id, roomId: user.roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: moment() .startOf("day") .toDate(), [Op.lt]: moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() } } }) if (todyRecord) { throw new Error("当天已经有记录,记录失败!") } return await BackRecord.create({ userId: user.id, roomId: user.roomId }) }, async getUserBackRecords(userId, days, pure = false) { days = parseInt(days) const user = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const roomId = user.roomId const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) // 获取最近 days 天的记录 const startTime = moment() .subtract(days - 1 /* -1 代表查询天数包括今天 */, "days") .startOf("day") .toDate() const allRecords = [] for (let i = 0; i < days; i++) { const todayStart = moment(startTime) .add(i, "days") .toDate() const todayEnd = moment(todayStart) .endOf("day") .toDate() let record = await BackRecord.findOne({ where: { userId, roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: todayStart, [Op.lt]: todayEnd } }, attributes: { exclude: ["updatedAt", "deletedAt"] } }) if (record) { // 如果当天有记录就推入结果 record = record.toJSON() record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") } else if (!record && !pure) { // 如果获取的是全部数据且当前天无数据 // 就建立一条空记录 record = BackRecord.build({ id: "fake" + i, roomId, userId, createdAt: todayStart }).toJSON() record.time = null } else { continue } record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") record.userName = user.name record.roomNumber = room.number allRecords.push(record) } return allRecords.reverse() }, async getRoomBackRecords(roomId, days, pure = false) { days = parseInt(days) const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) const users = await room.getUsers() const records = {} for (let user of users) { records[user.name] = await this.getUserBackRecords(user.id, days, pure) } return records }, async getBackRecordLineCharData(roomId) { const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) const users = await room.getUsers() const data = { columns: ["周期"], rows: [] } const dataCount = 5 // 获取的记录条数 const dataStep = 7 // 每条记录相隔的条数 // 初始化记录值 for (let i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { data.rows.push({ 周期: `最近${(i + 1) * dataStep}天` }) } // 遍历当前宿舍的用户 for (let user of users) { data.columns.push(user.name) for (let i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { const days = (i + 1) * dataStep // 获取某学生最近 days 天的归宿记录 const records = await this.getUserBackRecords(user.id, days, true) let earlyTimes = 0 records.forEach(record => { // 统计这些记录中有几天是早归的 const timeHour = parseInt(moment(record.createdAt).format("HH")) if (timeHour < backEarlyPoint) { earlyTimes++ } }) // 计算早起率 const probability = (earlyTimes / days).toFixed(4) data.rows[i][user.name] = probability } } return data }, async getBackTableData({ current, step, buildingId, floorId, roomId, userId, startTime, endTime }) { // 初始化时间 startTime = startTime ? moment(startTime) .startOf("day") .toDate() : moment(0).toDate() endTime = endTime ? moment(endTime) .endOf("day") .toDate() : moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() // 开始分情况获取数据 let result if (userId) { result = await BackRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { userId: userId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (roomId) { result = await BackRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { roomId: roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (floorId) { result = await BackRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, include: [ { model: Room, where: { floorId } } ], limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (buildingId) { result = await BackRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, include: [ { model: Room, where: { buildingId } } ], limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else { result = await BackRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } const getStudentInfo = require("./user_controller").getStudentInfo let rows = [] for (let record of result.rows) { record = record.toJSON() delete record.room const userInfo = await getStudentInfo(record.userId) record = Object.assign(userInfo, record) record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") if (parseInt(moment(record.createdAt).format("HH")) < backEarlyPoint) { record.early = true } else { record.early = false } rows.push(record) } result.rows = rows return result }, // clean 相关 async addCleanRecord(userId) { const user = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const todyRecord = await CleanRecord.findOne({ where: { roomId: user.roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: moment() .startOf("day") .toDate(), [Op.lt]: moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() } } }) if (todyRecord) { throw new Error("当天已经有清扫记录,记录失败") } return await CleanRecord.create({ userId: user.id, roomId: user.roomId }) }, async getUserCleanRecords(userId, days) { // 获取打扫记录不会自动补全每一天的信息 days = parseInt(days) const user = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const roomId = user.roomId const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) // 获取最近 days 天的记录 const startTime = moment() .subtract(days - 1 /* -1 代表查询天数包括今天 */, "days") .startOf("day") .toDate() const todayEnd = moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() const records = await CleanRecord.findAll({ where: { userId, roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: todayEnd } }, attributes: { exclude: ["updatedAt", "deletedAt"] }, order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) const allRecords = [] records.forEach(record => { record = record.toJSON() record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") record.userName = user.name record.roomNumber = room.number allRecords.push(record) }) return allRecords }, async getRoomCleanRecords(roomId, days) { const room = await Room.findOne({ where: { id: roomId } }) const startTime = moment() .subtract(days - 1 /* -1 代表查询天数包括今天 */, "days") .startOf("day") .toDate() const todayEnd = moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() const records = await room.getCleanRecords({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: todayEnd } }, attributes: { exclude: ["updatedAt", "deletedAt"] }, order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) const allRecords = [] for (let record of records) { const user = await record.getUser() record = record.toJSON() record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") record.userName = user.name record.roomNumber = room.number allRecords.push(record) } return allRecords }, async getCleanTableData({ current, step, buildingId, floorId, roomId, userId, startTime, endTime }) { // 初始化时间 startTime = startTime ? moment(startTime) .startOf("day") .toDate() : moment(0).toDate() endTime = endTime ? moment(endTime) .endOf("day") .toDate() : moment() .endOf("day") .toDate() // 开始分情况获取数据 let result if (userId) { result = await CleanRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { userId: userId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (roomId) { result = await CleanRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { roomId: roomId, createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (floorId) { result = await CleanRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, include: [ { model: Room, where: { floorId } } ], limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else if (buildingId) { result = await CleanRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, include: [ { model: Room, where: { buildingId } } ], limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } else { result = await CleanRecord.findAndCountAll({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime, [Op.lt]: endTime } }, limit: step, offset: step * (current - 1), order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]] }) } const getStudentInfo = require("./user_controller").getStudentInfo let rows = [] for (let record of result.rows) { record = record.toJSON() delete record.room const userInfo = await getStudentInfo(record.userId) record = Object.assign(userInfo, record) record.time = moment(record.createdAt).format("HH:mm") record.date = moment(record.createdAt).format("YYYY-MM-DD") record.early = null rows.push(record) } result.rows = rows return result }, // 通用 async getUserProbability(type, userId) { const user = await User.findById(userId) const startTime = user.checkTime let records = [] let allRecords = [] switch (type) { case "getup": allRecords = await user.getGetupRecords({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime } } }) allRecords.forEach(record => { let hour = parseInt(moment(record.createdAt).format("HH")) if (hour < getupEarlyPoint) { records.push(record) } }) break case "back": allRecords = await user.getBackRecords({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime } } }) allRecords.forEach(record => { let hour = parseInt(moment(record.createdAt).format("HH")) if (hour < backEarlyPoint) { records.push(record) } }) break case "clean": records = await user.getCleanRecords({ where: { createdAt: { [Op.gt]: startTime } } }) break default: throw new Error("参数传入错误") } // 计算从入住到现在有几天了 const days = Math.abs(moment(startTime).diff(moment(), "days")) return (records.length / (days + 1)).toFixed(4) } }
const { User } = require("../model") const _ = require("lodash") const RecordController = require("./record_controller") module.exports = { /** * 获取学生用户的完整信息 * @param {Number} userId */ async getStudentInfo(userId) { const student = await User.findOne({ where: { id: userId }, attributes: { exclude: ["password", "deletedAt"] } }) const room = await student.getRoom() const floor = await room.getFloor() const building = await floor.getBuilding() const getupProb = await RecordController.getUserProbability("getup", userId) const backProb = await RecordController.getUserProbability("back", userId) const cleanProb = await RecordController.getUserProbability("clean", userId) const info = Object.assign(student.dataValues, { roomNumber: room.number, floorId: floor.id, floorLayer: floor.layer, buildingId: building.id, buildingName: building.name, getupProb, backProb, cleanProb }) return info }, /** * 获取学生用户们的完整信息 * @param {Array} users */ async getStudentsInfo(users) { const cloneUsers = _.cloneDeep(users) for (let user of cloneUsers) { delete user.dataValues.password delete user.dataValues.deletedAt const room = await user.getRoom() const floor = await room.getFloor() const building = await floor.getBuilding() Object.assign(user.dataValues, { roomNumber: room.number, floorId: floor.id, floorLayer: floor.layer, buildingId: building.id, buildingName: building.name }) } return cloneUsers }, async setStudentRoomNull(id) { const student = await User.findOne({ where: { id, role: "student" } }) const result = await student.update({ roomId: null }) return result } }