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1, server abstraction into a service, but brought the consumption of rpc, why give up embedded in the application? // 1、server抽象成服务,但是带来了rpc的消耗,为什么放弃 嵌入在应用呢? Can you tell the pros and cons of the selection? // 能否告知选型的利弊?

2, on the beforImage and afterImage, the framework in the implementation of the actual implementation of the update, select for update [previously according to the update conditions, the next time according to the primary key]. This should be strictly required in the sql generated for the business. Otherwise it is easy to bring the problem of deadlock. I hope that the later documents will be more abundant. // 2、关于beforImage和afterImage,框架 在执行真正执行update时,先后都 select for update【前一次根据更新条件,后一次根据主键】。 这样在对业务生成的sql上面应该是需要有严格的要求的吧。否则很容易带来死锁的问题吧。希望后期文档能更丰富一点

// 3, now open source is AT mode, MT mode is temporarily not supported, when will open source? // 3、现在开源的是AT模式,MT模式暂时不支持,啥时候会开源呀?



学习娃 2023-06-14 16:52:19 59 0
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  • 就我读源码来看: branch断电后,tc会把回滚的branch放到队列中,branch alive后就可以回滚到之前的数据快照了。且在这段时间内,如果有人想通过fescar修改这个branch涉及到的数据 是不被允许的(fescar有一个全局锁)。 关于锁和隔离性 这是一个很有趣的话题。


    2023-06-14 17:25:29
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