The following example shows how you can add custom animation and effects when displaying a tool tip in Flex
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
<!-- -->
< mx:Application xmlns:mx =""
layout ="vertical"
verticalAlign ="middle"
backgroundColor ="white"
creationComplete ="init()" >
< mx:Script >
import mx.managers.ToolTipManager;
private function init():void {
ToolTipManager.hideDelay = 2000;
ToolTipManager.showEffect = rotate;
ToolTipManager.hideEffect = zoom;
</ mx:Script >
< mx:Style >
@font-face {
src: url("./fonts/arial.ttf");
fontFamily: "ArialEmbedded";
ToolTip {
fontFamily: ArialEmbedded;
</ mx:Style >
< mx:Rotate id ="rotate" />
< mx:Zoom id ="zoom" />
< mx:Button label ="Roll over me to see tool tip"
toolTip ="The quick brown fox
</ mx:Application >
<!-- -->
< mx:Application xmlns:mx =""
layout ="vertical"
verticalAlign ="middle"
backgroundColor ="white"
creationComplete ="init()" >
< mx:Script >
import mx.managers.ToolTipManager;
private function init():void {
ToolTipManager.hideDelay = 2000;
ToolTipManager.showEffect = rotate;
ToolTipManager.hideEffect = zoom;
</ mx:Script >
< mx:Style >
@font-face {
src: url("./fonts/arial.ttf");
fontFamily: "ArialEmbedded";
ToolTip {
fontFamily: ArialEmbedded;
</ mx:Style >
< mx:Rotate id ="rotate" />
< mx:Zoom id ="zoom" />
< mx:Button label ="Roll over me to see tool tip"
toolTip ="The quick brown fox

</ mx:Application >
本文转自 OldHawk 博客园博客,原文链接: