42佳优秀的 Photoshop 按钮制作教程

简介:   想要一个好看点的按钮,可是在网上找来找去也没找到满意的。俗话说,自己动手,丰衣足食,想要满意的按钮,还是自己动手,想做成什么样就做成什么样。今天这篇文章就收集了42佳非常好的 Photoshop 按钮制作教程分享给大家,希望能帮到你。

  想要一个好看点的按钮,可是在网上找来找去也没找到满意的。俗话说,自己动手,丰衣足食,想要满意的按钮,还是自己动手,想做成什么样就做成什么样。今天这篇文章就收集了42佳非常好的 Photoshop 按钮制作教程分享给大家,希望能帮到你。

1. How to Create a Slick and Clean Button in Photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


2. Photoshop tutorial website pill button icon design in photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


3. Vista Styled Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial



4. Creating buttons in Photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


5. Clean and Shining Button for Your Website in Photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


6. Designing Glossy (Web 2.0) Badges


Buttons and Badges tutorial


7. Glossy Button Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


8. How to Make Glossy Buttons in Photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


9. Create Small Colorful Buttons in Photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


10. iPhone-like button in Photoshop Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


11. Create Glassy Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


12. Orb Button Effect


Buttons and Badges tutorial


13. How to make a cool button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


14. Design panic button logo icon in photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


15. Photoshop Button Maker


Buttons and Badges tutorial


16. Design a clean web button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


17. Cool Blue Buttons Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


18. Creating flexible buttons using Photoshop shapes and styles


Buttons and Badges tutorial


19. How to Create a Glassy Button or Enamel Badge Effect in Photoshop


Buttons and Badges tutorial


20. Perfect Shine Button or Icon


Buttons and Badges tutorial


21. Photoshop Calculater Button Logo Icon


Buttons and Badges tutorial


22. Nice ‘n’ Simple Subscribe Badges


Buttons and Badges tutorial


23. Glossy-Style Carbon Fibre Navigation Buttons


Buttons and Badges tutorial


24. Photoshop Business Print Button Logo Icon


Buttons and Badges tutorial


25. Gel Button Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


26. Button Icons Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


27. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Seal/Badge Photoshop Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


28. Web2.0 Badges


Buttons and Badges tutorial


29. Making A Modern Looking Navigation Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


30. Glossy web 2.0 badge with rounded corners


Buttons and Badges tutorial


31. Web 2.0 style buttons


Buttons and Badges tutorial


32. Industrial-Style Navigation Buttons


Buttons and Badges tutorial


33. Trendy Sticker Tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


34. Create Web 2.0 Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


35. RSS button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


36. Micro Bevel Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


37. Simple Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


38. Glowing Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


39. Create a Call To Action Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


40. Creating animated “click here” web button


Buttons and Badges tutorial


41. Glossy buttons tutorial


Buttons and Badges tutorial


42. Professional Glossy “Download” Button


Buttons and Badges tutorial




英文链接:40+ Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Buttons

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

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11 个非常棒的按钮制作工具
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设计宝库:22套精美的 PhotoShop 素材免费下载
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