本来想要体验体验怎么通过Instrument中的Core Animation来看看FPS的,可是今天突然发现我的手机选择了但是那个启动按钮被置为不可点击的状态。
这是什么鬼?遇到这个问题,当然第一反映是点击Open Xcode了,点击了之后没有反映。起初还以为是要等待一会,结果等了好久还是没有反映。然后再试一次,结果还是一样。
于是,我尝试将连接拔掉,然后手机关机、重启,同时将Xcode关掉,然后重新打开Xcode,然后重新将手机与电脑连接,再打开Instrument,点击Core Animation,切换到当前的手机,发现可以正常点击了。
- Unplug the device from your Mac & power down the device completely (hold the power button for several seconds; slide to power off).
- Close Xcode and Instruments.
- Restart the device & once it has booted completely re-connect it to your Mac.
- Re-launch Xcode. Here, my device showed as disabled and Xcode indicated that the device was not available for use.
- Open your project; clean (Shift+Command+K), Build (Command+B), Profile (Command+I).
- After Instruments launched I noticed that the device was enabled. Upon selecting it, a message was displayed with the title
Enable this device for development?
and messageThis will open Xcode and enable this device for development.
(Note that this only happened to me the first time I went through this process even though I had already been using the device for development – whereas some users have also reported that they are not presented with this dialogue.) Enable this device for development? - Click
Open Xcode
. Here Xcode did not prompt me for anything nor was anything displayed – no additional messages indicating anything had been done or that the device was or was not available for development. Opening the Devices window, the device appeared to be available. (I have not been presented with this option for subsequent occurrences.) - Now I was able to select the device in Instruments and profile it.