[CareerCup] 6.1 Find Heavy Bottle 寻找重瓶子


6.1 You have 20 bottles of pills. 19 bottles have 1.0 gram pills, but one has pills of weight 1.1 grams. Given a scale that provides an exact measurement, how would you find the heavy bottle? You can only use the scale once.



同理对于20瓶也是一样的,我们从第一瓶取一粒,第二瓶取两粒,第三瓶取三粒,以此类推,第二十瓶取二十粒,如果每瓶都一样重,那称出来应该是210克,那有一瓶中的每粒药片是1.1克,我们根据个数差产生的重量差来确定是哪瓶,计算公式为:(weight - 210) / 0.1

本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:寻找重瓶子[CareerCup] 6.1 Find Heavy Bottle ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

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