OAF 和 ADF 的区别

简介: Oracle  Application Framework (OAF)  and Application Development  Framework (ADF) As of R12, OAF can only be used for Oracle Applications development/extensions.

Oracle  Application Framework (OAF)  and Application Development  Framework (ADF)

As of R12, OAF can only be used for Oracle Applications development/extensions. 

Oracle ADF is an end-to-end J2EE framework. ADF is currently not used for Oracle Apps. Development / extensions. It is expected to be the case in Fusion and is a part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware。







  OAF provides you with automatic, seamless integration with the EBS applications in terms of EBS menus, security, look and feel, flexfields, personalization, attachments, and so on.  These integrated EBS features aren't part of ADF.

OAF Technology Stack for E-Business Suite R12:

OAF is a model-view-controller technology stack that is fully oriented towards EBusiness Suite application development. The OAF stack is comprised of underlying technologies like UIX and BC4J, that respectively form the core of the view and model layers(UIX是vier层的核心;BC4J是model层的核心).It includes Application Object Library (AOL) that provides common E-Business Suite artifacts such as menus, functions, messages, profiles, flexfields and attachments, and common services like function and data security.

MDS is used for metadata management. And finally, the OAF design time is integrated with Oracle JDeveloper 10g to provide a comprehensive integrated
development platform.

ADF 10g Technology Stack:

ADF is a comprehensive, model-view-controller technology stack that is oriented towards general-purpose application development. The ADF stack allows users to
select among several choices of UI and business services technologies. The ADF stack is primarily comprised of ADF Faces (which is based on industry standard
JSF technology), ADFm (m for model - the data control layer that implements JSR-227) and ADFbc (bc for business components – formerly BC4J). Early
releases of ADF contained UIX. Oracle then developed the ADF Faces set of components, based on UIX functionality, but conforming to the JSF standard. The
ADF Faces components now replace UIX as the preferred(优先选择的) view technology for ADF applications. ADF design time is also integrated with JDeveloper 10g.


关系型数据库 Oracle
ADF_ADF Framework常用函数汇总(概念)
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OAF_EO系列1 - Definition定义(概念)
2014-06-14 Created By BaoXinjian 一、摘要 何谓Entity Object User’s Guide中有比较形象的描述: 针对表、视图、快照封装商业规则、可用于多种客户端(不仅限于OA Framework),并包含所有的针对这些数据库对象的验证及行为。
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2013-05-01 Created By BaoXinjian 一、摘要 待整理 待整理 待整理 待整理 待整理 待整理 Thanks and Regards ERP技术讨论群: 288307890 技术交流,技术讨论,欢迎加入 Technology Blog Create...
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