GEE错误——超限问题解决Export too large: specified 375255165 pixels (max: 100000000)

简介: GEE错误——超限问题解决Export too large: specified 375255165 pixels (max: 100000000)




Phase: Failed

Runtime: 27s (started 2024-01-28 15:50:11 +0800)

Attempted 1 time

Error: Export too large: specified 375255165 pixels (max: 100000000). Specify higher maxPixels value if you intend to export a large area. (Error code: 3)



var scale = 300;
var dem = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003");
var terrainCorrection = function(collection) {
  collection =;
  collection =;
  // Function to calculate illumination condition (IC). Function by Patrick Burns and Matt Macander
  function illuminationCondition(img){
    // Extract image metadata about solar position
    var SZ_rad = ee.Image.constant(ee.Number(img.get('SUN_ELEVATION'))).multiply(-1).add(90).multiply(3.14159265359).divide(180).clip(img.geometry().buffer(10000));
    var SA_rad = ee.Image.constant(ee.Number(img.get('SUN_AZIMUTH')).multiply(3.14159265359).divide(180)).clip(img.geometry().buffer(10000));
    // Creat terrain layers
    var slp = ee.Terrain.slope(dem).clip(img.geometry().buffer(10000));
    var slp_rad = ee.Terrain.slope(dem).multiply(3.14159265359).divide(180).clip(img.geometry().buffer(10000));
    var asp_rad = ee.Terrain.aspect(dem).multiply(3.14159265359).divide(180).clip(img.geometry().buffer(10000));
    // Calculate the Illumination Condition (IC)
    // slope part of the illumination condition
    var cosZ = SZ_rad.cos();
    var cosS = slp_rad.cos();
    var slope_illumination = cosS.expression("cosZ * cosS", 
                                            {'cosZ': cosZ,
    // aspect part of the illumination condition
    var sinZ = SZ_rad.sin();
    var sinS = slp_rad.sin();
    var cosAziDiff = (SA_rad.subtract(asp_rad)).cos();
    var aspect_illumination = sinZ.expression("sinZ * sinS * cosAziDiff",
                                             {'sinZ': sinZ,
                                              'sinS': sinS,
                                              'cosAziDiff': cosAziDiff});
    // full illumination condition (IC)
    var ic = slope_illumination.add(aspect_illumination);
    // Add IC to original image
    var img_plus_ic = ee.Image(img.addBands(ic.rename('IC')).addBands(cosZ.rename('cosZ')).addBands(cosS.rename('cosS&
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