【Default config not found for ApplicationConfig】的一种解决方案

简介: 【Default config not found for ApplicationConfig】的一种解决方案







在某龙芯平台上编译FFMPEG报错:ERROR: xxx not found using pkg-config
在某龙芯平台上编译FFMPEG报错:ERROR: xxx not found using pkg-config
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Java 开发工具 对象存储
简化配置管理:Spring Cloud Config与Netflix OSS中的动态配置解决方案
简化配置管理:Spring Cloud Config与Netflix OSS中的动态配置解决方案
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No application config found or it‘s not a valid config! Please add <dubbo:application name=“...“ />
No application config found or it‘s not a valid config! Please add <dubbo:application name=“...“ />
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Mysql-错误处理: Found option without preceding group in config file
Mysql-错误处理: Found option without preceding group in config file
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XML Java 数据库连接
使用Mybatis时mybatis-config.xml配置中报错“configuration“ 的内容必须匹配 (...)的解决方案
使用Mybatis时mybatis-config.xml配置中报错“configuration“ 的内容必须匹配 (...)的解决方案
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PyTorch 算法框架/工具
Bert模型之unable to parse config.json as a URL or as a local path错误解决方案
Bert模型之unable to parse config.json as a URL or as a local path错误解决方案
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Bert模型之unable to parse config.json as a URL or as a local path错误解决方案
SpringCloud项目启动失败 not found config file[log.properties]
SpringCloud项目启动失败 not found config file[log.properties]
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SpringCloud项目启动失败 not found config file[log.properties]
Java iOS开发
Mac编译OpenJDK8:configure: error: Xcode 4 is required to build JDK 8, the version found was 10.1config
Mac编译OpenJDK8:configure: error: Xcode 4 is required to build JDK 8, the version found was 10.1config
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