今天我们就来学习下cypress的 钩子函数。
Cypress 和Mocha 一样提供四个钩子函数:
●before() ----当前测试套件,所有测试用例之前执行。
describe('1st Describe to show 1st suite ', () => { before(function(){ cy.log("Will run before all test scripts.") } ) beforeEach(function(){ cy.log("Will run before each testing scripts.") } ) afterEach(function(){ cy.log("Will run after each testing scripts.") } ) describe('Describe Inside Describe to show nested suite', () => { it('first test inside', () => { cy.log('first test inside') assert.equal(true, true) }) }) it('1st test', () => { cy.log('1st test') assert.equal(true, true) }) specify('2nd test', () => { cy.log('2nd test') assert.equal(true, true) }) after(function(){ cy.log("Will run after all test scripts.") }) }) context('2nd suite', () => { it('first test', () => { cy.log('first test') assert.equal(true, true) }) it('2nd test', () => { cy.log('2nd test') assert.equal(true, true) }) })