Azure 流分析服务(Steam Analytics) 报出 OutputDataConversionError 错误引起延迟及超时。
在错误消息中,有非常明确的提示:Cannot write event(s) to SQL Database due to issues in the data.
Detailed Error:
- The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column. 数据源中 SqlDecimal 类型的给定值无法转换为指定目标列的十进制类型。
- By default, Azure Stream Analytics retries writing the event indefinitely until the write succeeds. 默认情况下,Azure 流分析会无限期地重试写入事件,直到写入成功。
- Consider choosing Drop Output Error Policy to skip such errors, so an error wouldn't block the job progress. 请考虑选择“数据错误处理策略”以跳过此类错误,使得错误不会阻止Azure流分析作业的进度。
根据错误提示,在Azure Stream Analystic中选择“Drop”作为Error Policy的Action。如下:
Azure 流分析的输出错误策略 : https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/stream-analytics/stream-analytics-output-error-policy