Google Earth Engine——WWF/HydroSHEDS/15DIR该数据集的分辨率为15弧秒。15角秒的数据集是水文条件下的DEM、排水(流)方向和流量累积。

简介: Google Earth Engine——WWF/HydroSHEDS/15DIR该数据集的分辨率为15弧秒。15角秒的数据集是水文条件下的DEM、排水(流)方向和流量累积。

HydroSHEDS is a mapping product that provides hydrographic information for regional and global-scale applications in a consistent format. It offers a suite of geo-referenced datasets (vector and raster) at various scales, including river networks, watershed boundaries, drainage directions, and flow accumulations. HydroSHEDS is based on elevation data obtained in 2000 by NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM).

This drainage direction dataset defines the direction of flow from each cell in the conditioned DEM to its steepest down-slope neighbor. Values of drainage direction vary from 1 to 128. All final outlet cells to the ocean are flagged with a value of 0. All cells that mark the lowest point of an endorheic basin (inland sink) are flagged with a value of -1. The drainage direction values follow the convention adopted by ESRI's flow direction implementation: 1=E, 2=SE, 4=S, 8=SW, 16=W, 32=NW, 64=N, 128=NE.

This dataset is at 15 arc-second resolution. The datasets available at 15 arc-seconds are the Hydrologically Conditioned DEM, Drainage (Flow) Direction, and Flow Accumulation.

Note that the quality of the HydroSHEDS data is significantly lower for regions above 60 degrees northern latitude as there is no underlying SRTM elevation data available and thus a coarser-resolution DEM was (HYDRO1k provided by USGS).

HydroSHEDS was developed by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Conservation Science Program in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey, the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy, and the Center for Environmental Systems Research of the University of Kassel, Germany.


这个排水方向数据集定义了从条件DEM中的每个单元到其最陡峭的下坡邻居的流动方向。排水方向的值从1到128不等。所有通向海洋的最终出口单元都标记为0,所有标志着内流盆地(内陆水槽)最低点的单元都标记为-1。 排水方向值遵循ESRI的流向实施惯例。1=e, 2=se, 4=s, 8=sw, 16=w, 32=nw, 64=n, 128=ne.




Dataset Availability

2000-02-11T00:00:00 - 2000-02-22T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



463.83 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max*
b1 Drainage direction possible values: 1=E, 2=SE, 4=S, 8=SW, 16=W, 32=NW, 64=N, 128=NE; final outlet cells to the ocean are flagged with a value of 0 and cells that mark the lowest point of an endorheic basin (inland sink) are flagged with a value of 255 (original value of -1) 0 255

* = Values are estimated


Lehner, B., Verdin, K., Jarvis, A. (2008): New global hydrography derived from spaceborne elevation data. Eos, Transactions, AGU, 89(10): 93-94.


var dataset = ee.Image('WWF/HydroSHEDS/15DIR');
var drainageDirection ='b1');
var drainageDirectionVis = {
  min: 1.0,
  max: 128.0,
  palette: [
    '000000', '023858', '006837', '1a9850', '66bd63', 'a6d96a', 'd9ef8b',
    'ffffbf', 'fee08b', 'fdae61', 'f46d43', 'd73027'
Map.setCenter(-121.652, 38.022, 8);
Map.addLayer(drainageDirection, drainageDirectionVis, 'Drainage Direction');

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