Penman-Monteith-Leuning Evapotranspiration V2 (PML_V2) products include evapotranspiration (ET), its three components, and gross primary product (GPP) at 500m and 8-day resolution during 2002-2017 and with spatial range from -60°S to 90°N. The major advantages of the PML_V2 products are:
- coupled estimates of transpiration and GPP via canopy conductance (Gan et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019)
- partitioning ET into three components: transpiration from vegetation, direct evaporation from the soil and vaporization of intercepted rainfall from vegetation (Zhang et al., 2016).
The PML_V2 products perform well against observations at 95 flux sites across globe, and are similar to or noticeably better than major state-of-the-art ET and GPP products widely used by water and ecology science communities (Zhang et al., 2019).
Penman-Monteith-Leuning V2 (PML_V2) 产品包括 2002-2017 年期间 500m 和 8 天分
辨率的蒸散量 (ET)、其三个分量和初级产品总值 (GPP),空间范围从 -60°S 到 90 °N。 PML_V2 产品的主要优点是:
通过冠层电导对蒸腾作用和 GPP 的耦合估计(Gan 等人,2018 年;Zhang 等人,2019 年)
将 ET 分为三个部分:植被蒸腾作用、土壤直接蒸发和植被截留降雨的蒸发(Zhang et al., 2016)。
PML_V2 产品在全球 95 个通量站点的观测中表现良好,与水和生态科学界广泛使用的主要最先进的 ET 和 GPP 产品相似或明显更好(Zhang 等,2019) .
Dataset Availability
2002-07-04T00:00:00 - 2017-12-27T00:00:00
Dataset Provider
Collection Snippet
500 meters
Bands Table
Name | Description | Min* | Max* | Units |
GPP | Gross primary product | 0 | 39.01 | gC m-2 d-1 |
Ec | Vegetation transpiration | 0 | 15.33 | mm d-1 |
Es | Soil evaporation | 0 | 8.2 | mm d-1 |
Ei | Interception from vegetation canopy | 0 | 12.56 | mm d-1 |
ET_water | Water body, snow and ice evaporation. Penman evapotranspiration is regarded as actual evaporation for them. | 0 | 20.11 | mm d-1 |
Zhang, Y., Kong, D., Gan, R., Chiew, F.H.S., McVicar, T.R., Zhang, Q., and Yang, Y., 2019. Coupled estimation of 500m and 8-day resolution global evapotranspiration and gross primary production in 2002-2017. Remote Sens. Environ. 222, 165-182,
Gan, R., Zhang, Y.Q., Shi, H., Yang, Y.T., Eamus, D., Cheng, L., Chiew, F.H.S., Yu, Q., 2018. Use of satellite leaf area index estimating evapotranspiration and gross assimilation for Australian ecosystems. Ecohydrology,
Zhang, Y., Peña-Arancibia, J.L., McVicar, T.R., Chiew, F.H.S., Vaze, J., Liu, C., Lu, X., Zheng, H., Wang, Y., Liu, Y.Y., Miralles, D.G., Pan, M., 2016. Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components. Sci. Rep. 6, 19124.
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection("CAS/IGSNRR/PML/V2"); var visualization = { bands: ['GPP'], min: 0.0, max: 9.0, palette: [ "a50026","d73027","f46d43","fdae61","fee08b","ffffbf", "d9ef8b","a6d96a","66bd63","1a9850","006837", ] }; Map.setCenter(0.0, 15.0, 2); Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, "PML_V2 GPP");