下图栗子简述:已知前三天的天气,并且每个样本有3个特征(天数、 温度、气压),label是是否下雨。
2.1 RNN Cell
RNN Cell本质上为一个线性层(共享权重的线性层,如上图),在t时刻的N维向量,经过RNN Cell后变为一个M维的向量h t h_th
W i h \mathrm{W}_{\mathrm{ih}}W
:和输入向量x t x_tx
相乘的权重矩阵,维度大小为h i d d e n _ s i z e × i n p u t _ s i z e hidden\_size \times input\_sizehidden_size×input_size。
W h h \mathrm{W}_{\mathrm{hh}}W
:和隐层向量h t − 1 h_{t-1}h
相乘的权重矩阵,维度大小为h i d d e n _ s i z e × h i d d e n _ s i z e hidden\_size \times hidden\_sizehidden_size×hidden_size。
(1)通过RNN Cell的维度和上一个hidden_size的维度相同。
seqLen = 3指序列长度为3,每个样本里有x1,x2,x3。
2.2 文本转为向量
2.3 注意维度
# 训练模型 for epoch in range(15): loss = 0 optimizer.zero_grad() # 初始化h0 hidden = net.init_hidden() print('Predicted string:', end = '') # input是(seq × batch × inputsize) 依次拿x1,x2..x5 for input, label in zip(inputs, labels): # zip函数是沿着第一个维度拼接 hidden = net(input, hidden) # 没用item,因为整个序列的loss之和才是损失(要构建计算图) loss += criterion(input, hidden) _, idx = hidden.max(dim = 1) print(idx2char[idx.item()], end = '') loss.backward() optimizer.step() print(', Epoch [%d/15] loss = %.4f' % (epoch + 1, loss.item()))
2.4 输出是预测值
3.1 如何使用RNNCell
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Oct 23 09:07:58 2021 @author: 86493 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn batch_size = 1 # x1, x2, x3,即样本数为3 seq_len = 3 # 每个xi都是一个4维向量 input_size = 4 hidden_size = 2 cell = torch.nn.RNNCell(input_size = input_size, hidden_size = hidden_size) # (seq, batch, features) dataset = torch.randn(seq_len, batch_size, input_size) hidden = torch.zeros(batch_size, hidden_size) # 分别读x1, x2, x3 for idx, input in enumerate(dataset): print('=' * 20, idx, '=' * 20) # Input size: torch.Size([1, 4]) print('Input size:', input.shape) hidden = cell(input, hidden) # outputs size: torch.Size([1, 2]) print('outputs size:', hidden.shape) print(hidden)
==================== 0 ==================== Input size: torch.Size([1, 4]) outputs size: torch.Size([1, 2]) tensor([[ 0.1293, -0.9119]], grad_fn=<TanhBackward>) ==================== 1 ==================== Input size: torch.Size([1, 4]) outputs size: torch.Size([1, 2]) tensor([[ 0.1533, -0.7704]], grad_fn=<TanhBackward>) ==================== 2 ==================== Input size: torch.Size([1, 4]) outputs size: torch.Size([1, 2]) tensor([[ 0.3880, -0.4625]], grad_fn=<TanhBackward>)
3.2 如何使用RNN
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Oct 23 09:07:58 2021 @author: 86493 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn batch_size = 1 input_size = 4 hidden_size = 2 num_layers = 1 cell = torch.nn.RNN(input_size = input_size, hidden_size = hidden_size, num_layers = num_layers) # (seqLen, batchSize, inputSize) inputs = torch.randn(seq_len, batch_size, input_size) hidden = torch.zeros(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size) out, hidden = cell(inputs, hidden) print('Output size:', out.shape) print('Output:', out) print('Hidden size:', hidden.shape) print('Hidden:', hidden)
Output size: torch.Size([3, 1, 2]) Output: tensor([[[-0.2704, -0.7284]], [[-0.4312, 0.0836]], [[ 0.6894, -0.9946]]], grad_fn=<StackBackward>) Hidden size: torch.Size([1, 1, 2]) Hidden: tensor([[[ 0.6894, -0.9946]]], grad_fn=<StackBackward>)
在(四)中我们是先实现RNN Cell
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Oct 23 09:17:10 2021 @author: 86493 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt input_size = 4 hidden_size = 4 batch_size = 1 losslst = [] # 准备数据 idx2char = ['e', 'h', 'l', 'o'] # input数据是字符串hello x_data = [1, 0, 2, 2, 3] y_data = [3, 1, 2, 3, 2] one_hot_lookup = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] # 构造独热向量,其维度为(SeqLen * InputSize) x_one_hot = [one_hot_lookup[x] for x in x_data] # view(-1,..)保留原始SeqLen,并添加batch_size,input_size两个维度 inputs = torch.Tensor(x_one_hot).view(-1, batch_size, input_size) # 将labels转换为(SeqLen * 1)的维度,即矩阵形式 labels = torch.LongTensor(y_data).view(-1, 1) # 模型设计 class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, batch_size): super(Model, self).__init__() self.batch_size = batch_size self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.rnncell = torch.nn.RNNCell(input_size = self.input_size, hidden_size = self.hidden_size) def forward(self, input, hidden): # RNNCell input = (batchsize * inputsize) # RNNCell hidden = (batchsize * hiddensize) hidden = self.rnncell(input, hidden) return hidden # 生成默认的初始隐层h0,batch_size也仅为了构造h0 def init_hidden(self): return torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.hidden_size) net = Model(input_size, hidden_size, batch_size) # loss函数和优化器 criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr = 0.1) # 训练模型 for epoch in range(15): loss = 0 optimizer.zero_grad() # 初始化h0 hidden = net.init_hidden() print('Predicted string:', end = '') # input是(seqLen × batchsize × inputsize) 依次拿x1,x2..x5 for input, label in zip(inputs, labels): # zip函数是沿着第一个维度拼接 hidden = net(input, hidden) # 序列的每一项损失都需要累加 # 没用item,因为整个序列的loss之和才是损失(要构建计算图) loss += criterion(hidden, label) # hidden是四维的(e h l o),找出概率值最大的数的下标 _, idx = hidden.max(dim = 1) # 每一轮训练能输出的预测字符串 print(idx2char[idx.item()], end = '') loss.backward() optimizer.step() losslst.append(loss.item()) print(', Epoch [%d/15] loss = %.4f' % (epoch + 1, loss.item())) plt.plot(range(15), losslst) plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.show()
Predicted string:hhhhh, Epoch [1/15] loss = 6.2508 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [2/15] loss = 4.9792 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [3/15] loss = 4.2028 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [4/15] loss = 3.7331 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [5/15] loss = 3.3555 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [6/15] loss = 3.0020 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [7/15] loss = 2.6944 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [8/15] loss = 2.4562 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [9/15] loss = 2.2846 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [10/15] loss = 2.1613 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [11/15] loss = 2.0679 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [12/15] loss = 1.9959 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [13/15] loss = 1.9450 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [14/15] loss = 1.9128 Predicted string:ohlol, Epoch [15/15] loss = 1.8900
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Oct 23 09:17:10 2021 @author: 86493 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt input_size = 4 hidden_size = 4 num_layers = 1 batch_size = 1 seq_len = 5 # 准备数据 idx2char = ['e', 'h', 'l', 'o'] x_data = [1, 0, 2, 2, 3] y_data = [3, 1, 2, 3, 2] one_hot_lookup = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] x_one_hot = [one_hot_lookup[x] for x in x_data] inputs = torch.Tensor(x_one_hot).view(seq_len, batch_size, input_size) # labels(seqLen * batchsize, 1),为了后面进行矩阵运算,计算交叉熵 labels = torch.LongTensor(y_data) losslst = [] # 模型设计 class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, batch_size): super(Model, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers self.batch_size = batch_size self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.rnn = torch.nn.RNN(input_size = self.input_size, hidden_size = self.hidden_size, num_layers = num_layers) def forward(self, input): hidden = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size) out, _ = self.rnn(input, hidden) # 输出要变成两维的,用交叉熵的时候变成一个矩阵 # 即维度为(SeqLen * batchsize, hiddensize) return out.view(-1, self.hidden_size) net = Model(input_size, hidden_size, batch_size) # loss函数和优化器 criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr = 0.05) # RNN中输入(SeqLen * batchsize * inputsize) # RNN中输出(SeqLen * batchsize * hiddensize) # labels的维度为 (hiddensize * 1) for epoch in range(15): optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = net(inputs) # labels的shape是seq × B × 1 # outputs的shape是seq × B × H loss = criterion(outputs, labels) losslst.append(loss.item()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() _, idx = outputs.max(dim = 1) idx = idx.data.numpy() print('Predicted:', ''.join([idx2char[x] for x in idx]), end = '') print(', Epoch [%d/15] loss = %.3f' % (epoch + 1, loss.item())) plt.plot(range(15), losslst) plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.show()
Predicted: lhhhh, Epoch [1/15] loss = 1.481 Predicted: lhlhh, Epoch [2/15] loss = 1.360 Predicted: lhlll, Epoch [3/15] loss = 1.244 Predicted: lhlll, Epoch [4/15] loss = 1.132 Predicted: lhlll, Epoch [5/15] loss = 1.026 Predicted: ohlll, Epoch [6/15] loss = 0.931 Predicted: ohlll, Epoch [7/15] loss = 0.852 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [8/15] loss = 0.791 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [9/15] loss = 0.744 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [10/15] loss = 0.706 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [11/15] loss = 0.675 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [12/15] loss = 0.649 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [13/15] loss = 0.626 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [14/15] loss = 0.605 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [15/15] loss = 0.588
6.1 通过embedding降维
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Oct 24 08:51:55 2021 @author: 86493 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable # 10个size为3的tensor # 嵌入字典的大小为10(即有10个词),每个词向量的维度为3 embedding = nn.Embedding(10, 3) # a batch of 2 samples of 4 indices each # 该LongTensor的数字范围只能在0~9(因为设置了10) input1 = torch.LongTensor([[1, 2, 4, 5], [4, 3, 2, 9]]) emb1 = embedding(input1) # tensor([[1, 0, 2, 2, 3]]) print(emb1) print(emb1.shape) # torch.Size([2, 4, 3]) # 即每个词都被映射为一个3维向量 print('-' * 60) # 带有padding_idx的栗子 embedding = nn.Embedding(10, 3, padding_idx = 0) input2 = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[0, 2, 0, 5]])) emb2 = embedding(input2) print(emb2) print(emb2.shape) # torch.Size([1, 4, 3])
tensor([[[ 0.3004, -0.7126, 0.8605], [ 0.1484, -0.9476, 1.0352], [ 2.2382, -0.3619, -1.6866], [-0.2713, 0.3627, 0.4067]], [[ 2.2382, -0.3619, -1.6866], [ 1.2409, 0.6028, 0.0371], [ 0.1484, -0.9476, 1.0352], [-0.5018, 0.3566, -0.6405]]], grad_fn=<EmbeddingBackward>) torch.Size([2, 4, 3]) ------------------------------------------------------------ tensor([[[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 2.4998, 0.4584, 0.0595], [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 1.0930, -1.0224, 0.8367]]], grad_fn=<EmbeddingBackward>) torch.Size([1, 4, 3])
6.2 embedding改进的代码
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Oct 23 19:12:40 2021 @author: 86493 """ import torch import torch.nn as nn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt num_class = 4 input_size = 4 hidden_size = 8 embedding_size = 10 num_layers = 2 batch_size = 1 seq_len = 5 # 准备数据 idx2char = ['e', 'h', 'l', 'o'] # (batch, seq_len) x_data = [[1, 0, 2, 2, 3]] # (batch * seq_len) y_data = [3, 1, 2, 3, 2] one_hot_lookup = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] # inputs 作为交叉熵中的Inputs,维度为(batchsize, Seqlen) inputs = torch.LongTensor(x_data) # labels 作为交叉熵中的target,维度为(batchsize, Seqlen) labels = torch.LongTensor(y_data) losslst = [] # 模型设计 class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, batch_size): super(Model, self).__init__() # 字典大小为input_size,映射后的词向量大小为embedding_size self.emb = torch.nn.Embedding(input_size, embedding_size) self.rnn = torch.nn.RNN(input_size = embedding_size, hidden_size = hidden_size, num_layers = num_layers, batch_first = True) # 增加线性层使得在处理输入输出维度不同时更加稳定 self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_class) def forward(self, x): hidden = torch.zeros(num_layers, x.size(0), hidden_size) # (batch, seqLen, embeddingSize) x = self.emb(x) x, _ = self.rnn(x, hidden) x = self.fc(x) return x.view(-1, num_class) net = Model(input_size, hidden_size, batch_size) # loss函数和优化器 criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr = 0.05) for epoch in range(15): optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = net(inputs) # labels的shape是seq×B×1 # outputs的shape是seq×B×H loss = criterion(outputs, labels) losslst.append(loss.item()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() _, idx = outputs.max(dim = 1) idx = idx.data.numpy() print('Predicted:', ''.join([idx2char[x] for x in idx]), end = '') print(', Epoch [%d/15] loss = %.3f' % (epoch + 1, loss.item())) plt.plot(range(15), losslst) plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.show()
Predicted: oeeol, Epoch [1/15] loss = 1.371 Predicted: ollll, Epoch [2/15] loss = 1.122 Predicted: ollll, Epoch [3/15] loss = 0.980 Predicted: ollll, Epoch [4/15] loss = 0.849 Predicted: ohlll, Epoch [5/15] loss = 0.703 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [6/15] loss = 0.543 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [7/15] loss = 0.386 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [8/15] loss = 0.269 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [9/15] loss = 0.180 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [10/15] loss = 0.113 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [11/15] loss = 0.075 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [12/15] loss = 0.051 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [13/15] loss = 0.036 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [14/15] loss = 0.026 Predicted: ohlol, Epoch [15/15] loss = 0.019