RH236客户端配置--通过glusterfs挂载(native client)

简介: RH236客户端配置--通过glusterfs挂载(native client)

RH236客户端配置–通过glusterfs挂载(native client)

进入到第五章的学习,关于如何使用客户端进行挂载使用。GlusterFS支持三种客户端类型:Gluster Native Client(本征挂载)、NFS和CIFS。


可以使用Gluster Native Client方法在GNU / Linux客户端中实现高并发性,性能和透明故障转移。可以使用NFS v3访问gluster卷。已经对GNU / Linux客户端和其他操作系统中的NFS实现进行了广泛的测试,例如FreeBSD,Mac OS X,以及Windows 7(Professional和Up)和Windows Server 2003.其他NFS客户端实现可以与gluster一起使用NFS服务器。使用Microsoft Windows以及SAMBA客户端时,可以使用CIFS访问卷。对于此访问方法,Samba包需要存在于客户端。

总结:GlusterFS支持三种客户端类型。Gluster Native Client、NFS和CIFS。Gluster Native Client是在用户空间中运行的基于FUSE的客户端,官方推荐使用Native Client,可以使用GlusterFS的全部功能。

通过glusterfs挂载(native client)

访问Red Hat Gluster存储卷的推荐方法是使用本征客户机。本征客户机是围绕FUSE(用户空间的文件系统)技术构建的。本征客户端支持POSIX ACL和自动故障转移。

与安装Red Hat Gluster存储卷的其他选项不同,本征客户机不依赖于任何可用的单个主机。在挂载过程中,将从指定的服务器或任何指定的备份服务器检索关于要挂载的卷的信息,然后本征客户机将直接与组成卷的单元通信。与挂载卷的其他选项相比,这允许更高的吞吐量和更好的可靠性。



# yum install -y glusterfs glusterfs-fuse

注意:如果是5.x的系统,需要加载一个内核模块:modprobe fuse

# mount -t glusterfs node1:/vol1 /mnt/gluster




mount -t glusterfs -obackup-volfile-servers=node2:node3:node4:node5 \ 
node1:/vol1 /mnt/gluster

注:挂载的时候,通过node1挂载,如果node1 down了,就从backup-volfile-servers后面指定的server中,选择一个切换挂载,如果集群只有2个节点,则使用-obackupvolfile-server=SERVER说明另外一个节点。具体挂载参数可参考 # man 8 mount.glusterfs


# echo "node1:/vol1 /mnt/vol1 glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab 
# mount -a
# 如果使用有备份的自动挂载,后面的参数是
glusterfs  _netdev,backup-volfile-servers=SERVER:SERVER  0 0



使用该mount -t glusterfs命令时,可以指定以下选项 。请注意,您需要用逗号分隔所有选项。

backupvolfile-server=server-name  # 在安装fuse客户端时添加了这个选择,则当第一个vofile服务器故障时,该选项执行的的服务器将用作volfile服务器来安装客户端
backup-volfile-servers=SERVERLIST   # 多服务器所用
volfile-max-fetch-attempts=number of attempts # 指定在装入卷时尝试获取卷文件的尝试次数。
log-level=loglevel  # 日志级别
log-file=logfile    # 日志文件
transport=transport-type  # 指定传输协议
use-readdirp=[yes|no]  # 设置为ON,则强制在fuse内核模块中使用readdirp模式


# mount -t glusterfs -obackupvolfile-server=volfile_server2,use-readdirp=no,volfile-max-fetch-attempts=2,log-level=WARNING,log-file=/var/log/gluster.log server1:/test-volume /mnt/glusterfs


[root@workstation ~]# lab native-client setup 

Setting up  for lab exercise work:

 • Testing if all hosts are reachable..........................  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to runtime firewall on servera.............  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to permanent firewall on servera...........  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to runtime firewall on serverb.............  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to permanent firewall on serverb...........  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to runtime firewall on serverc.............  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to permanent firewall on serverc...........  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to runtime firewall on serverd.............  SUCCESS
 • Adding glusterfs to permanent firewall on serverd...........  SUCCESS
 • Adding servera to trusted storage pool......................  SUCCESS
 • Adding serverb to trusted storage pool......................  SUCCESS
 • Adding serverc to trusted storage pool......................  SUCCESS
 • Adding serverd to trusted storage pool......................  SUCCESS
 • Ensuring thin LVM pool vg_bricks/thinpool exists on servera.  SUCCESS

1. 软件包安装

[root@workstation ~]# yum -y install glusterfs-fuse
Loaded plugins: langpacks, search-disabled-repos
Package glusterfs-fuse-3.7.1-16.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

[root@workstation ~]# rpm -ql glusterfs-fuse

2. 配置挂载

[root@workstation ~]# mkdir /mnt/custdata
[root@workstation ~]# echo "servera:/custdata /mnt/custdata glusterfs _netdev,backup-volfile-servers=serverb:serverc:serverd 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
[root@workstation ~]# mount -a
[root@workstation ~]# mount | grep custdata
servera:/custdata on /mnt/custdata type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)
[root@workstation ~]# df -Th
Filesystem        Type            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1         xfs              10G  3.0G  7.0G  31% /
devtmpfs          devtmpfs        902M     0  902M   0% /dev
tmpfs             tmpfs           920M   84K  920M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs             tmpfs           920M   17M  904M   2% /run
tmpfs             tmpfs           920M     0  920M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs             tmpfs           184M   16K  184M   1% /run/user/42
tmpfs             tmpfs           184M     0  184M   0% /run/user/0
servera:/custdata fuse.glusterfs  4.0G   66M  4.0G   2% /mnt/custdata

3. 测试写入

[root@workstation ~]#  touch /mnt/custdata/file{00..39}

[root@workstation ~]#  ll /mnt/custdata/file* | tail -5
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 26 18:36 /mnt/custdata/file35
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 26 18:36 /mnt/custdata/file36
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 26 18:36 /mnt/custdata/file37
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 26 18:36 /mnt/custdata/file38
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 26 18:36 /mnt/custdata/file39

[root@workstation ~]#  tail /var/log/glusterfs/mnt-custdata.log
[2020-11-26 10:36:14.575965] W [fuse-bridge.c:1263:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 248: REMOVEXATTR() /file34 => -1 (No data available)
[2020-11-26 10:36:14.617213] W [fuse-bridge.c:1263:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 255: REMOVEXATTR() /file35 => -1 (No data available)
[2020-11-26 10:36:14.660573] W [fuse-bridge.c:1263:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 262: REMOVEXATTR() /file36 => -1 (No data available)
[2020-11-26 10:36:14.703933] W [fuse-bridge.c:1263:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 269: REMOVEXATTR() /file37 => -1 (No data available)
[2020-11-26 10:36:14.746414] W [fuse-bridge.c:1263:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 276: REMOVEXATTR() /file38 => -1 (No data available)
[2020-11-26 10:36:14.796054] W [fuse-bridge.c:1263:fuse_err_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 283: REMOVEXATTR() /file39 => -1 (No data available)
The message " [MSGID: 114031] [client-rpc-fops.c:1298:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-custdata-client-1: remote operation failed [No data available]" repeated 22 times between [2020-11-26 10:36:13.162522] and [2020-11-26 10:36:14.743807]
The message " [MSGID: 114031] [client-rpc-fops.c:1298:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-custdata-client-0: remote operation failed [No data available]" repeated 22 times between [2020-11-26 10:36:13.162603] and [2020-11-26 10:36:14.743835]
The message " [MSGID: 114031] [client-rpc-fops.c:1298:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-custdata-client-2: remote operation failed [No data available]" repeated 16 times between [2020-11-26 10:36:13.072544] and [2020-11-26 10:36:14.791993]
The message " [MSGID: 114031] [client-rpc-fops.c:1298:client3_3_removexattr_cbk] 0-custdata-client-3: remote operation failed [No data available]" repeated 16 times between [2020-11-26 10:36:13.073358] and [2020-11-26 10:36:14.793395]

4. 查看连接

[root@foundation0 ~]# rht-vmctl stop servera
Stopping servera..

[root@workstation ~]#  tail -f /var/log/glusterfs/mnt-custdata.log
[2020-11-26 10:41:13.702202] W [socket.c:642:__socket_rwv] 0-glusterfs: readv on failed (No data available)
[2020-11-26 10:41:38.059754] W [socket.c:642:__socket_rwv] 0-custdata-client-0: readv on failed (Connection timed out)
[2020-11-26 10:41:38.060146] I [MSGID: 114018] [client.c:2042:client_rpc_notify] 0-custdata-client-0: disconnected from custdata-client-0. Client process will keep trying to connect to glusterd until brick's port is available
[2020-11-26 10:42:06.885308] E [socket.c:2332:socket_connect_finish] 0-custdata-client-0: connection to failed (No route to host)
[2020-11-26 10:42:27.924908] E [socket.c:2332:socket_connect_finish] 0-glusterfs: connection to failed (No route to host)

[root@foundation0 ~]#  rht-vmctl start servera
Starting servera.

[root@workstation ~]#  tail -f /var/log/glusterfs/mnt-custdata.log
[2020-11-26 10:44:15.864677] I [glusterfsd-mgmt.c:1512:mgmt_getspec_cbk] 0-glusterfs: No change in volfile, continuing
[2020-11-26 10:44:15.901944] E [MSGID: 114058] [client-handshake.c:1524:client_query_portmap_cbk] 0-custdata-client-0: failed to get the port number for remote subvolume. Please run 'gluster volume status' on server to see if brick process is running.
[2020-11-26 10:44:15.902554] I [MSGID: 114018] [client.c:2042:client_rpc_notify] 0-custdata-client-0: disconnected from custdata-client-0. Client process will keep trying to connect to glusterd until brick's port is available
[2020-11-26 10:44:22.578448] I [rpc-clnt.c:1851:rpc_clnt_reconfig] 0-custdata-client-0: changing port to 49153 (from 0)
[2020-11-26 10:44:22.591481] I [MSGID: 114057] [client-handshake.c:1437:select_server_supported_programs] 0-custdata-client-0: Using Program GlusterFS 3.3, Num (1298437), Version (330)
[2020-11-26 10:44:22.593683] I [MSGID: 114046] [client-handshake.c:1213:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-custdata-client-0: Connected to custdata-client-0, attached to remote volume '/bricks/brick-a2/brick'.
[2020-11-26 10:44:22.593933] I [MSGID: 114047] [client-handshake.c:1224:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-custdata-client-0: Server and Client lk-version numbers are not same, reopening the fds
[2020-11-26 10:44:22.596271] I [MSGID: 114035] [client-handshake.c:193:client_set_lk_version_cbk] 0-custdata-client-0: Server lk version = 1

5. 评分脚本

[root@workstation ~]# lab native-client grade


  • 使用mount -t glusterfs直接挂载使用。

  • 需要了解常用挂载卷选项。


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